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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Is Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis In Contempt Of Court?

Federal Rule of Procedure 45, Subpoena.

(g) Contempt. The court for the district where compliance is required-and also, after a motion is transferred, the issuing court-may hold in contempt a person who, having been served, fails without adequate excuse to obey the subpoena or and order related to it.

Sheriff Lewis refused to show up today for his Court ordered deposition. Do you believe he is in contempt of court?


  1. He is probably out of town on "business"!

  2. I am not a lawyer, but it appears that he is. I could be very wrong though.

  3. yup ,if it was me or you ?
    obviously thinks he is above the LAW.

  4. did he not file a motion to quash subpoena?

  5. If they do anything he is going to whine that the government is coming after him as punishment.

  6. Kind'a reminds me of Hilary

  7. No, he is pulling a "Clinton". This is the new motto of elected officials, the law don't apply to them. Laws are just for the common folks.

  8. He has to go buy more tanks to compensate

  9. Personally I would like to see him on Fox Networks Hannity related to all the Police Officer Killings, I support him and would like to hear his views and what steps he thinks we should be doing by way of support and protection to the men in blue.

  10. Was he duly served with that subpoena?

  11. "...fails without adequate excuse to obey the subpoena or and order related to it."

    So, maybe he had an adequate excuse? The judge will decide, not us.

  12. If a motion was filed to squash it, he is good. If not, he could be a crooked neck.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    yup ,if it was me or you ?
    obviously thinks he is above the LAW.

    July 19, 2016 at 3:21 PM

    You must be a Democrat. I didn't hear you bitching about Hillary being above the law!!

    1. I am a Republican.

    2. 4:43 he or she is annonymous, so how do you know if they were bitching or not? Your not too bright are you?

  14. I cannot make a judgement call for contempt without knowing both sides - same goes for others who commented. At present the yea/nay comments are based totally on like/dislike of Lewis. It will be a Court/Judge decision and I guarantee you some folks will say "good decision" and some will say "that Judge is nuts" and some will say "it's not what you know but who you know"

  15. It says he can send one of his flunkies on his behalf. My question is why not go? He goes to everything else! How is it said best on this site????? If you got nothing to hide then you'll be fine! Right? He can run his chops all he wants to people that can't hold him accountable. But his true colors show when it's time to pony up. This is also more than contempt of court. If he didn't show or send a representative then it's failure to appear! Oh the hypocrisy! We really won't see him now he will be hiding like the criminal he really is!

  16. He is hardly ABOVE anything other than a coffee table!

  17. Get a grip people. I'm sure we don't know the whole story. And I am very sure he doesn't think he is above the law.

  18. Democrat, Republican or Independent, political affiliation shouldn't matter...no one is above the law.

  19. Good. He isn't above the law, this should knock him down a few pegs

  20. I seriously dought they'd find him in contempt even if he really is. He's likely got an excuse like it interferes with his 2nd job or something. Sad thing he didnt go, makes ya wonder if he feels others of what ever class dont deserve fair justice system, or heck...maybe he didnt want to face facts that differ from his officer. Maybe he no longer backs up his own words....just dosent look good at all.

  21. 3:18, He was not out of town on business.

    3:24, Do you see the court order, or do you need glasses. Clearly he had to be there and flat out REFUSED to appear. Lewis was very vocal in stating he would not show up but because Mike Lewis is NOT above the law, he had to show up.

    4:14, He was served. They, (he and his attorney) were very well aware of the court order.

    4:22, Yes, he is extremely arrogant and believes he is above the law.

    If it were Joe Public we'd have a warrant out for our arrest. While Mike Lewis may not LIKE being deposed, he cannot expect others to follow these orders and just like Hillary Clinton, others will now say, well, if the Sheriff doesn't have to follow the letter of the law, neither do I.

    1. We are lucky to have this Sheriff, you guys are cry babies, lol

  22. The Sheriff stood behind his man when other local law enforcement leaders might not have

    1. ML does NOT stand by his men on the street TRUST ME.

  23. Maygan kelly now accusing Rodger Ailes of sexual harrasment x 10 yrs ago NOW jumping on the $$$$$$$$$$@@ Wagon.

  24. Joe, hey, mon! Two sets of laws! REMEMBER, MCFLY???? Cheese! We all know our laws don't apply but to the Commoners. Who have all the guns. And are willing to use them for defensive purposes. Or hunting...

  25. I have two brothers who are in law enforcement in Baltimore. One with BCPD the other MSP. Their opinion of this small little pimple of a man is just that. He's an arrogant trouble maker who has no business in law enforcement. The only people who respect him are goobers like him and he himself. He's definitely a huge embarrassment to this area. But this area is an embarrassment to the state of md anyway so... Par for the course.

  26. Regardless of what WE think, it's up to the judge to decide.

  27. 748 sounds like the response I got from the MSP when I had a legit complaint. A_holes all in my book. Not that I support Sheriff here, either, because I don't. He needs to abide by the law and so do the MSP members, but,

    Two sets of laws exceeds all.

    I wish all LEO would abide by our laws.

  28. This deals with an ad on SBYNEWS... I just saw an Andy Harris For Congress Ad. How can I contact him for a small donation and I want a yard sign? I know comments is not the section for this. My apologies to other commentors on this article.


  30. 9:42
    Click the ad and it will take you to the information you need.

  31. Why was he issued a subpoena ?

  32. Yes that works. Very embarrased but thank you. And sorry again to you and the commentators.

  33. He is not in contempt , there is always 2 sides to a story , the real truth and the media , I'm surprised with this post.

  34. 7:25, I'm a bit surprised at your comment, (at the end). The title simply asks, do you believe he is in contempt. I believe it opens the dialog of, if it was you or me we would have been served a warrant for our arrest if WE had chosen to blatantly not attend.

  35. Yes, he is in contempt of Court and I do not like that he gets away with it, if in fact he does.

  36. Same thing if you are on a jury and don't show up. I was on jury duty in Snow Hill and a warrant was issued for the arrest of one who failed to show up. The Judge later advised he had to serve two days in jail. It is the judges discretion and yes it is a serious offense.

  37. Yes, he is in contempt of court

  38. No he is not in contempt until a judge rules him in contempt idiots. As for the guy boasting of his brothers being MSP and BCPD get a life. I am sure Lewis cares what your brothers or you think. I know I could care less what they think.

  39. All those comments who justify his behavior, don't set standards for others he does not have to follow. I work and pay taxes as does he. If he does not have equal consequences for his behavior and is allowed to be above the law, this will prove that there are cops who behave in a unlawful manner, who does break the law. Who s to say he does not and/or will not do worse. & if I am strong and confident in my feelings about a subpoena then should I not choose to appear, I should be excused also.

  40. Trump is giving us all incentive to stand our ground.Regardless of how many little girlie men criticize Mike he won't back down when he know's he's right.

  41. Two Sets of Laws.
    In your face. By the very people who DEMAND that "we, the people" obey the law.
    The people WILL get their fill of the standards that put them in prison while their "masters" get a pass and a wink.
    It never ends well for the masters, but IN EVERY CASE IN HISTORY, it will take the rope (or the sword, or the knife, or the gun, etc.) to convince them of their errors.
    Justice is on the run and hotly pursued by the latest generation of Nazi's, politically correct socialists, and the wealthy elite.
    And it's not happening in the dark or in a vacuum.
    Thumb your nose at the law? Good example to set.
    Wear a badge while doing it?
    Not surprising at all.
    Keep cheering.

  42. If so the courts will deal with him.

  43. Is this a trick question?

    If he was subpoenaed and failed to show then he's subject to contempt. That's the law. As a LEO, knowing the law, he should have been there. The only way around it is if he had made prior arrangements through the court.

  44. A lot of you seem to think 'the court' is going to use the same criteria to judge this guy, a cop, as it would to weigh a decision for you. It'll be fair across the board, right?
    BS., you got that folks., huh? BS is what it is!
    Some serpentine black robe will curve and 'interpret' an otherwise plainly written law to find him not guilty.
    Our justice system is out of control just like the rest of our gov't.

  45. I'll Bring The Common SenseJuly 24, 2016 at 1:37 PM

    128 "Black serpentine black robe..." Could you be more dramatic? I bet you're a hoot to be married to. 😂​😂​😂​😲​

  46. Do you honestly think a Judge is going to hold a Sheriff in Contempt. Lewis and his Deputy Tim Robinson were in charge of Macirello's campaign and got him the judgeship with the Governor. Based on Matt's alliances with wiciomcio county law enforcement he should be recused from all criminal cases for at least a year or more. Hell he has a shadow box from all of the law enforcement agencies in Wicomico county in his judges chambers already. Knowing that he technically is in contempt. The county attorney filed a motion to quash a day after he was subpoenaed to appear. That motion was filed to late.

  47. 4:23PM What makes you think Macirello won't recuse himself? You're jumping the gun here. Judges often come from State Attorney offices. You're being nonsensical. Believe it or not, judges do have lives outside their chambers and benches. You really have to think your hysteria over. As for Sheriff Lewis, the law is the law. Whatever happens is up to the judge. I believe if memory serves me correctly the deciding judge is on another level than where Macirello was appointed.

  48. Matt took his time with charges or lack of charges long enough for Mike Lewis to help hide the fact his deputy murdered someone. Used a hot piece they confiscated and used to arrest someone with then planted it on a boy who was shot running away! We all know damn well what happened! We all know Matt drug his feet long enough for Mike to tidy up! This whole damn county smells of corruption ! And Culver has done nothing more than add more rotten ingredients! My house is up for sale and I'm gone! I give up after 35+ yrs here. My daddy told me to run before he passed. I should've listened then.


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