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Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Poor service on route 50 KFC/Taco Bell

Hello Joe, 

I am emailing you to let you and your followers know that of poor service at the KFC Taco Bell on Route 50 going east. I'm hoping that this reaches someone that might be able to do something about it. Not only was the food the wrong order, the meat was burnt and the staff rude. This has not been my first instance with this KFC Taco Bell but I thought since the staff had all changed out since the last time it would have been better. It doesn't seem that that is the case.

Not a happy Customer.


  1. that place has always had rude staff, poor service and poor waiting times, the one in Seaford is just as bad, if I want Taco Bell I go to the one on S Salisbury Blvd down by the college. As for KFC I just go without.

  2. Been like that for as long as I can remember.

  3. Just like the Taco Bell down by the college.

  4. What else is new? They all are rude here & they take forever. I get an hour lunch break. I am 5 minutes from them. The last time I used their drive through it took me 47 minutes. NEVER AGAIN.

  5. Did you try speaking with the manager or writing to KFC / Taco Bell?

  6. HA HA HA HA! You've got to be kidding. How about we have all of the people who've ever had a even slightly positive experience at KFC tell us about it? End of thread.

  7. good luck, these people don't care about customers...

  8. I can honestly say that way to many times my order is missing something. I have now gotten to the point that on the very few occasion I now visit that I check the contents before I walk away from the counter. I never bother to use the drive through for this very reason.

    Its been this way for years so there must be something wrong with their system because its clear that the employees have turned over many times since my first experience but the problem still exist.

  9. Along with those complaints, I've heard it takes 30+ minutes to get through the drive-thru.

  10. We have become a bunch of sissies who complain about everything. Go to your safe room and never come out.

  11. I love both Taco Bell and KFC.
    I had to give up on this restaurant as it is so poorly managed.
    Extremely poor service every single time I visited it.

  12. They are the slowest with cycling the line through also (even when it doesn't appear busy) and the food tasted horrible the few times I went there. So needless to say, I stopped going...

  13. not only poor service, but a very dirty store. YUCK

  14. I know! I have pulled into the drive thru multiple times where there is only 3 or 4 cars and it takes 20+ minutes. That is why i stopped going.

  15. If you are talking about the one near Kmart, I have this type of thing before. I don't go there so I don't have first hand experience.

  16. There are those who believe raising minimum wage to $15.00 is the answer.


  17. I'm never eating there again!!!!!!! Thanks!

  18. I meet in the Kmart parking lot three times a week to drop off and pick up kids and I sometimes get there early and watch the cars going through the drive thru and I am amazed how long that drive thru takes! I have seen countless cars give up and drive away. Usually this is the dinner rush - I would never wait in that line - the chicken is horrible - there are many other places around here to get better food!

  19. The counter service is much faster than the drive-through, but the service is no better.

  20. This is all about good management. And about hiring quality workers.

  21. Salisbury KFC has sucked since the Dempsey's sold them. The one on 50 is horrible. Have spoken to the manager. Nothing ever comes of it. Poorly managed.

  22. FYI, CHix-Fila seems to be doing fine with minimum wage employees.

  23. I stopped going there for the same reasons where the food was wrong multiple times and the Manager was as rude as their employees. I have not gone back in 2 years. I don't even suggest anyone to go there.

  24. they have NEVER gotten our order correct. And heaven forbid you ask about specials (the ones not advertised on the boards outside the drive-thru line). and they're the same dip$h!t$ that expect $15/hr!

  25. OH, THE HORROR!!! Law enforcement officers are being killed weekly, riots in our American streets, an upcoming presidential election with no viable candidates, ISIS set to strike again at any moment, our soldiers in harms way, race relations sent back an entire generation by a culture of race baiting, and on and on and on.... Sorry, not much sympathy for your wrong chicken order. Get a life America!

  26. ive never had a bad meal there, but i can say that usually they are VERY slow, and i have been there twice when they ran out of chicken (one time they had no original recipe at all, another time no grilled chicken), and they rarely have all the side dishes they actually offer. but the staff is usually polite though.

  27. Taco shells are almost empty when ordered through drive through. You are down the road when you discover it. I have found this to be true in all local Taco Bells. When I finally complained the employee told me he could not comment on it but advised me to come in and order from the counter and check my order before leaving. I don't want to complain but if I am seperated from my hard earned money I want to be satisfied. The fried chicken is always dried out and grease. I gave up on that a long time ago.

  28. It's KFC and Taco Bell. You get what you pay for.

  29. hey I have an idea- why don't you all pack a healthy lunch instead of eating greasy fried crap at a fast food dump. You will save money and eat healthier food,

  30. I took my grandkids there, ordered a kid's meal for one of them. When I got the order, I noticed the applesauce was missing. Went back to the counter and was ignored for about 5 minutes or so. Finally one of the people from the food prep area asked me if I needed something. I said yes, the applesauce. The older lady named Ella, who was taking orders loudly and rudely informed me that they don't have applesauce. Well excuse me, it is on the menu board and my receipt. They all walked away from me, so I just stood my ground. Finally one came back and said the applesauce was recalled, so did I want a cookie instead. Why not tell the customer when they order that the applesauce is not available and offer another side. After all, we were charged for it, even if we could not get it. Rude is not the word for their employees, plus the tables were all dirty, just not a nice place to eat any more.

  31. Went there today. That has got to be one of the dirtiest KFC/Taco Bell stores in the region. The floors are sticky and there are "cup rings" on every horizontal surface.

    The drive through was stacked deep, so I went to the counter. I was third in line, and there were up to 5 behind me. Two people gave up and walked out. They really should have brought another cashier to help out, since the ordering process was always taking so long.

    Next time I'm starving in that area, I think I'll go to Wendy's.

  32. . Sorry, not much sympathy for your wrong chicken order. Get a life America!

    July 18, 2016 at 2:09 PM

    it's all related. True, it sounds like a small matter but if American workers and businesses cannot get the simple things done correctly, how can they be expected to get bigger things accomplished in a correct and timely fashion?

  33. by far the worst in town. I have actually seen people eating on the line and sliding trays of chicken out from oven right at nose/mouth level and breathing all over the food. I heard the young manager in there telling them to stop eating on the line. Nasty place! Slow as heck!

  34. Tried complaining to corporate about this location, all they did was send a $5 coupon and said they would "fix" it. Yea right.

    I miss Roy Rogers at this location, yea that is going back a bit.

    1. 3:59 Me too....and Gulliver's Fish 'n Chips! Wish they'd put an Arby's on the east side. We are getting a RoFo so there's hope!

  35. it IS amazing what people write in to complain about!!! Sounds like some of you need to get a life!!! Like it's been posted KFC/TACO BELL you get what you pay for fast food greasy food and the ELEGANT service that goes along

  36. 4:11 pm
    If that is true,then why is it that the KFC/Taco Bell at White Marlin on 50 in West OC always has hot fresh food and friendly staff?Same franchise,but worlds apart.Chalk it up to poor management.
    BTW this location DOES suck! We avoid it now.

  37. Stop going there is the quickest way to fix it. Everyone notices the drop in sales.

  38. I went in there the beginning of June. It was just after 5pm. When I was going in someone said I hope you have an hour to wait. I thought they were joking. The drive thru was backed up and so was the inside. Very disorganized in there. No one seems to really know what is going on. Yes the employees were rude and the customers were getting mad as well for having to wait so long. As I got onto Route 50 to go home it was almost 6:15pm.

  39. Management and quality of the help!! Have you ever tried Hardees and McDonalds in Princess Anne. Ebonics spoke there and service be terrible!

  40. No need for fast food this time of the year on the shore .Plenty of economical produce stands you can stop at and for what you are spending at kfc you can have a homegrown supper that is healthy and probably enough for another meal or two .just wash, slice, add you favorite condiments and its ready to enjoy.

  41. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    it IS amazing what people write in to complain about!!! Sounds like some of you need to get a life!!! Like it's been posted KFC/TACO BELL you get what you pay for fast food greasy food and the ELEGANT service that goes along

    July 18, 2016 at 4:11 PM

    Yeah, like you writing in to complain about people writing in to complain. And just like your advice for people to get a life, don't go there, etc., you can do the same. Don't come here, get a life, etc.

    See how that works?

  42. I will never go in there again lazy and rude period. I will never spend my hard earned money in that place again.

  43. Made the mistake of going there last night. Never again. I don't know who the owner is but he needs to spend some time in this horrible place

  44. I love the Subway near there, and the Wendy's is never busy so it is a good place to go as well.

  45. that piece of paper they give you when you pay has all the information necessary to contact the manager/owner or corporate office to complain. I just don't eat that crap from any fast food places and never have to worry about a wrong order or rude treatment.

  46. @4:11 by no means am I complaining. Please continue your juvenile rants I find it amusing and entertaining. Anyone that is too lazy and willing to pay 20-30 dollars for 8-10 pieces of chicken and two side orders must be a sucker

  47. this kfc has always treated me well... i have never had a bad experience there....

  48. I know there are a lot of issues in this country far worse but it is good to get a read on this place. I was there not too long ago and the staff at the drive thru was rude and could care less about getting he correct order. I thought that maybe I had just gotten the on an off day....apparently not. Wont be going back. The one by the college is out of the way but I will make the trip.

  49. The workers are being mental abused and bully by management(STORE MANAGER TO BE EXACT) what type of service do u think they are are going to deliver. MANAGEMENT PLAYS A BIG PART OF THIS..

  50. And who will Col Sanders be this week?

  51. STOP GOING THERE. People are not willing to do what it takes to change. Wrould you cancel you cable and go to air tv because of the cost no. Would you stop buying a hundred dollar foo ball Jersey because of the cost no.

  52. @11:03, we cancelled cable because of the cost. We get 9 over the air channels. Don't even miss cable. And oh yeah, we stopped going to that KFC after sitting in line for 30 minutes. If we could have, we would have backed out and left. Too many cars behind us.

  53. lmao, you want a $2 lunch and complain when it sucks! what a fool! you get what you pay for maybe! lol

  54. There is a answer to this kind of problem, everyone stop going there ,they will close down.

  55. Hit Emings on 113 at the Del line. Real chix, ribs, bbq and most of all homemade desserts = oh so good! REAL apple pie - my oh my indeed!

  56. STOP GOING THERE. It's that simple. It's your money. Stop payin gtheir wages.


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