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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Trump: Charges of Anti-Semitism Over Tweet Are ‘Ridiculous’

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton’s campaign is “ridiculous” to portray an anti-Clinton tweet that appeared to depict the Star of David atop a pile of cash as anti-Semitic.

In a statement issued by his Republican presidential campaign Monday evening, Trump suggested Clinton and her allies were using the matter to distract from her own recent campaign troubles.

Trump said the tweet portrayed “a basic star, often used by sheriffs who deal with criminals and criminal behavior,” as part of an effort to convey that “Crooked Hillary is the most corrupt candidate ever.”

It was the presumptive GOP nominee’s most extensive comment since his official account tweeted– then deleted — the image Saturday, sparking uproar over its potentially anti-Semitic connotations. Trump’s account later posted a new version with a circle in place of the six-point star.

It remains unclear where the campaign found the image, but it previously appeared on a white supremacist message board filled with anti-Semitic messages as well as the Twitter feed of a self-identified comedian who tweeted provocative and offensive images.



  1. He is in no position to call attention to the crimes of Israel.
    He is a Yoo himself and his daughter married a Yoo as well.
    His grandchildren will be raised as Yoos.

    The fact that they own the big banks, fund the elections, and start all of the wars is not something he is in a position to call attention.

    Shame on Trump.

  2. The 6 pointed star (with 6 lines, and 6 triangles) is a geometric expression of 666. It is the mark of the beast.

    The New Testament teaches us everything we need to know about Judaism.

  3. 11:25 and 1:19 are the real anti-Semites, not Trump.


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