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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

BOMBSHELL… Legendary Columbia University Professor Claims That None of His Colleagues Remember Obama

It’s been a rough week for Barack Obama, with The New York Times saying his administration has lost all credibility, the new EPA scandal, the new NSA scandal, etc. It seems to be all in a week’s work for the President. Things are certainly unraveling quickly. In fact top Democrats are turning on the administration. Today Joe Manchin called for Eric Holder to resign.

Anyway I read a very interesting story in The Blaze tonight and I want to share a short excerpt. This piece was written by Wayne Allyn Root who is technically a former classmate of Obama’s at Columbia, yet he and none of the professors seem to remember him. The Blaze reports:

I was put on Professor Graff’s trail by another Columbia classmate, skeptical about Obama’s story. He told me that Professor Graff had been the speaker for the Class of ’53 last weekend at Columbia. My friend was watching Graff answer questions from the crowd when he was asked about Obama at Columbia. Graff said, “I have my doubts he ever went here.”

I did some digging and located Graff’s home phone number. I called him yesterday. Now retired, he was delighted to hear from me. He agreed to go on the record about Obama. Unlike Obama, Professor Graff clearly remembered me. He was thrilled to hear from his former student. I was in several of Graff’s classes and he remembered me like it was yesterday. He sounded great- like he hasn’t lost any of his trademark sharpness in 30 years since we last met.

I was honored to learn that this legendary historian has been following my political career for many years. But he had no such cheery things to say about the President. Graff said, “I taught at Columbia for 46 years. I taught every significant American politician that ever studied at Columbia. I know them all. I’m proud of them all. Between American History and DiplomaticHistory, one way or another, they all had to come through my classes. Not Obama. I never had a student with that name in any of my classes. I never met him, never saw him, never heard of him.”



  1. This was reported when Obama ran for POTUS the first time, yet the main stream media did not report it. After all, it's just another of what the Dems call a "right-wing conspiracy." Isn't it strange there's so much evidence out there to the contrary of what liberals say, yet people still vote for them and keep them in office?

  2. This is not a bombshell, people have known this for years. We have a liar in charge at the whitehouse and it is pathetic that you people voted for him twice.

  3. This has been "out" for quite some time. Frankly, I wish there would be an update.

  4. Of course not. Only a complete idiot would ever believe anything that comes out of obama's mouth. He's a ghetto hustling pathological liar. What's most unfortunate is that the US populace is now mostly made up of those in the idiot/moron/imbecile range due to the dumbing down of the US public "education" system.

  5. What's remarkable is that after almost eight years of his presidency, they still don't remember him. And the rest of us just want to forget him.

  6. This professor apparently did not receive his hush money!

    The CIA created Barry's biography form whole cloth. They paid off people to support the fake story and they created files to support it.

    This guy did not get paid. Now he will get paid.
    Probably should have tried to collect his money quietly before blowing the lid off of the story like this?

  7. One of the points that was not investigated fully was his applying and receiving foreign student status and aid. When I filled out these federal forms for my son it was made clear that any willful misrepresentation was a felony. Why has this not been explored by the justice department or the media. This whole administration, the media and the democratic party itself is a disgrace to our country.


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