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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Eric Trump: WaPo's Story Claiming My Father Donated Only $10K to Charities a 'Disgusting Article'

In a Sunday interview with New York AM 970’s “The Cats Roundtable,” Eric Trump slammed the Washington Post for the article that said the presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, his father, had only donated $10,000 to charities in the last seven years despite claiming he had donated millions.

Eric Trump said that media outlets like the Washington Post are the “worst part of society,” calling the article a “hack job.”

“It was such a disgusting article, and that’s The Washington Post, and that’s their M.O., unfortunately. Every article is just a pure kill job, and you know why,” Trump told host John Catsimatidis.



  1. Trump can release his tax returns to show this story false.

  2. The New York Times and Washington Post are two of the papers in Hillary's pocket. They are going to print all kinds of trash to make Trump look bad but his supporters are smart enough to see through that. The Dem's say we are uneducated, seems to me they are the ones that are uneducated.


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