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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Today's Poll Question 7-6-16

Do you believe the FBI should be playing Judge and Jury over the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal?


  1. They aren't you dolt. The FBI doesn't prosecute or judge and they haven't done either in this case. As usual you are showing how dumb as a bag of hammers you are by asking stupid question.

  2. No
    The evidence is clearly there and the response is only Political
    Time to throw them all out

  3. No, that is for a jury to determine, or a judge is she chooses that route.

  4. The evidence to prosecute is there, but the DOJ would not bring charges even if the FBI recommended them.

    Comey chose to totally discredit her instead to prevent a third Obama term in the person of Biden. Biden would be a stronger candidate, but just as bad a President as Hillary.

  5. 10:56 They ARE playing judge and jury. Since their recommendation to not prosecute the issue will be laid to rest and that means "you dolt" that they most certainly did play judge and jury.
    And another thing "you dolt" 10:56-in cases like this a special prosecutor is ALWAYS appointed to do the investigation and it wasn't so AGAIN "you dolt" the FBI MOST certainly did play judge and jury.
    The absolute worst is that uneducated low information clueless wonders like 10:56 vote. 10:56 Ignoramuses like yourself are ALL that is wrong with this country. If you had a working brain you would be ashamed of yourself for making such a foolish foolish comment. You are so low information is nauseating.

  6. A special prosecutor should have been appointed to review the evidence and decide whether to bring charges. A political appointee cannot be unbiased in their decision. The Attorney General and FBI director are obviously going to do what their political boss(es) tell them to do. The outcome was a foregone conclusion. Democrats don't indict Democrats, regardless of the laws broken.

  7. 10:56 Back under your rock, right now!

  8. He might have figured a recommendation for indictment would go nowhere in the Obama administration, so he decided to lay out the case to indict her to prepare for the Trump DOJ to do it. Why else would he enumerate so much damning evidence against her and then let it go? Did he fall on his sword to help convict her in the future administration? Trump has indicated he’d be going after her if he’s elected. I heard there’s no statute of limitations on this.

  9. No, all information should be turned over to the Attorney General and she must make the decision to file charges or not. If she won't file charges though, because she wants to keep her job!

  10. NO!! Our entire government is rotten o the core and must be elimated in its entirety

  11. The FBI is not playing judge and jury. There is nothing there that requires a judge and jury. For years Republicans have tried to get Bill and Hillery Clinton charged with some crime including murder. It is absolutely crazy. I won't say a huge waste of time and money for them because some people believe the craziness.

    There has never been a public office holder who has not come under attack. When they have actually done something they are often disgraced and even go jail. But to go to jail they actually have to have committed a crime. People just don't like Hillery that's all and Republicans want the power of the White House back which is understandable.

  12. 1143 Read much? Perhaps you should pick up a copy of Clinton Cash. It might be very enlightening to you.

    Furthermore, it's not some Right Wing conspirator that Hillary Clinton has yammered on about for years. That's a red herring if ever there was one. The reason why people - Republicans AND Democrats alike - want the Clintons to be held accountable is due to their own negligence and wanton rule over people. They are notorious for their unethical actions and they've come to the point they're downright flagrant about their criminality, waving it in our faces while giving us the bird.

    Please quit sniffing glue or drinking laced Kool-Aid as it makes you look foolish. The only enemy Hillary Clinton has is herself -- arrogant and unabashed.

  13. 1143 I love the way you point your fingers to Republicans when it's been Democrats who have done the most damage to our country throughout its history. Good God man, go get an education for a change.

  14. If any case has EVER called for a special prosecutor to be appointed to investigate it was this one. I can't believe the complete ignorance of those like 10:56. It's astounding how dumbed down people have become. The amusing thing is that these fools think they are actually intelligent.
    Now listen up MORON 10:56 and others-for the FBI to have investigated is a clear conflict of interest. If you don't think so then stop reading NOW because I have no tolerance for those of the imbecile IQ range. Another thing 10:56 the FBI did play judge and jury because it's not their job to recommend anything. They investigate and turn their finding over to prosecutors. So they did play judge and jury. What a fool you are calling others dolts when you have just won yourself the most ignorant uninformed comment of the day award. Instead of spending time commenting on things you know nothing about your time would be better spent educating yourself. And whatever you do-keep your mouth shut in public as it's better to be though a fool then to open that mouth and prove it! LOL-I bet you are a product of the US public "education" system.

  15. No people do not just not like Hilary 11:43. Don't be so foolish. First off she's a liar and if you like her it goes to show you are a piss poor example of a human being-a dreg of society. No decent person likes or even tolerates a liar and again if you do-shame on you. You are a dishonest immoral dreg of society. I just hope you don't have children because those like yourself who excuse dishonesty are the worst kind of parent a child could ever have. The worst kind of parent. Shame on you. And what kind of low life raised you! Your parents failed you big time. Shame on them. And don't you dare claim to be a Christian because you aren't. A real Christian doesn't make excuses for liars.

  16. He actually did say she committed a crime but the proof wasn't there to say it was intentional, 11:43. She's guilty as hell and he would have looked like the fool if he didn't admit what she did was illegal so they blamed lack of prosecution on intent.

  17. 12:12 proving yourself wrong with every word. I'm sure it's difficult waking up everyday thinking you are a bright bulb only to discover the light isn't working. Time to explode your ignorant head with anger.

  18. And 1221 intent is not a part of the actual law she violated. Not required to prove intent, only draw conclusions based on evidence. Evidence itself, demonstrates her intent.

    Clinton's Intent: To avoid oversight of her email communications by the House and under FOIA. She didn't want people to see the classified info she was sharing with friends not cleared to see it!

    Any questions?

  19. 11:47 "Please quit sniffing glue or drinking laced Kool-Aid as it makes you look foolish."

    Making insults, especially over used ones, does not make you look more intelligent. Please stay on topic.

    You have your opinion. I have mine.

  20. Hillary's emails and Bill's females.....my oh my!

    Next question!

  21. Two Things Could Be TrueJuly 6, 2016 at 12:35 PM

    Anonymous said...

    11:47 "Please quit sniffing glue or drinking laced Kool-Aid as it makes you look foolish."

    Making insults, especially over used ones, does not make you look more intelligent. Please stay on topic.

    You have your opinion. I have mine.

    July 6, 2016 at 12:32 PM

    Whenever people use the Clintons' shammy excuse about some great right wing conspiracy as their downfall, they open themselves up to ridicule. Clearly in this situation, Mrs. Clinton is her own undoing and you stating this conspiracy makes you look a bit out of touch and certainly uninformed. Please try to get up to speed.

  22. 11:43 is right. And to all of you who want to quote the Clinton Cash book, you are the ones drinking the kool-aid. A poorly sourced work of fiction at best. The outrage everyone is expressing over the FBI decision really has nothing to do with any potential harm done to this country. It is pure hatred of Hillary driving all this hysteria. If you don't like her, don't vote for her. Simple as that.

  23. Two Things Could Be TrueJuly 6, 2016 at 12:44 PM

    11:43 is right. And to all of you who want to quote the Clinton Cash book, you are the ones drinking the kool-aid.

    Really? Peter Schweizer's next book is on Jeb Bush. Plus there's a plethora of other source materials that demonstrate Hillary Clinton's treasonous criminality.

    Crisis of Character
    Hillary's America
    13 Hours - book and movie

    The fact is, she's corrupt! End file!

    Kool-Aid anyone?

  24. I'll take some if it has some good old fashion vodka in it. 'course I'd need to be drop dead drunk to pull the lever for Hillary.

  25. 10:56am, 11:43am, 12:12pm, 12:32pm, 1235pm - My opinion is you are the simple reason the country is going down the toilet. Please step back from the lever in November.

  26. Was just thinking the same thing, 107. People are so uninformed and they cling to their lollipop dreams and unicorns. Clinton is unfit. If that's what yesterday's takeaway, then it shouldn't have been hard to miss.

  27. Seriously I still am astonished that anyone actually believed there was a possibility she would be charged with anything. That's not how it works for politicians people.

  28. There are a few things we were sure of before this press release. We were sure that there would be no recommendations for prosecution. We were sure that the attorney general would not prosecute. I was sure that Mr. Cooney didn't want a barbell to fall on his neck.

  29. Anyone who likes and excuses Clinton is the worst kind of person society has to offer. There are no if's and's or but's about it. She is a liar. Benghazi was because of a video for one. Anyone who excuses a government official of lying to them the public is not only the worst kind of person there is but a follower. A weakling. Someone who is like a beaten down dog too meek to stand up to what is right. What are you teaching your children and the next generation? I agree any supporter of Clinton and Obama the Liar are the worst kind of parents a child could ever have. They would have been better off having an abortion then to bring a child into their home because no child deserves to live with a mother and father in name only who doesn't value honesty.

  30. " Anonymous said...

    12:12 proving yourself wrong with every word. I'm sure it's difficult waking up everyday thinking you are a bright bulb only to discover the light isn't working. Time to explode your ignorant head with anger.

    July 6, 2016 at 12:24 PM"
    Not wrong AT ALL. Show me where I'm wrong. You are such a liar. You can't because I am right and just like you idol Clinton are nothing but a pathological liar yourself. I'm not one bit angry either. Just telling you like IT IS and not what you want to hear. Ignoramuses like you aren't worth my anger. The truth sucks doesn't it! It absolutely sucks when someone points out to you your sheer ignorance. Your mother should have kept her nasty legs closed because she failed miserably as a parent. Animals raise their young to have more morals.

  31. NO! It is NOT normal for the FBI to fail to recommend charges based solely on what some theoretical prosecutor would or wouldn’t do; so yes the FBI is most certainly playing judge and jury. One could see them taking case law into account, but prosecutorial decisions are always left up to prosecutors-or at least they should be if proper procedure is followed and the rule of law. The investigator arm proactively does not ever make the decision for the prosecutoral arm. Even without the context, this is without any doubts highly irregular and should be cause for concern to any reasonable person who values the justice system.

  32. According to Alan Dershowitz-

    The FBI is an investigative agency; it does not make prosecutorial decisions like Comey outlined Tuesday.

    It's rare and highly unusual for an FBI director to articulate opinions — Comey called Clinton "extremely careless" — about the behavior of a subject.

    Comey was obtuse in his "verbal formulation" of whether emails where classified or not.

    Comey implied that some Clinton aides might lose their security clearance over this; again, out of the FBI's purview.

    The first point is important to this post. So to those who said the FBI didn't act as judge and jury, you are wrong. Even liberal law professor Alan Dershowitz is saying as much.

  33. The political class is above the law.

  34. If they cant do anything then they should stay out of it. Ask the people. (map)


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