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Sunday, July 10, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: A Viewer Writes, Delmar/Laurel Situation

Someone is caught in a hail bailer in a field off Rt 13 near Whitesville Rd. Crews on site including Technical Extraction Team.


  1. That's not good.

  2. Unfortunately, he didn't make it...

    1. Please give family time to be notified before asking this. I would hate for a family member to find out via the internet. I know the family and I know they would appreciate it

    2. Why is it people seem to always want names and or pictures when something tragic happens? Don't you have any compassion for others at all???!!!

  3. Just indescribably horrible. My deepest condolences to the family.

  4. This is sad. Praying for him and his family.

  5. is it really "hail bailer"? what is that? i googled it, nothing came up. is it "hay baler"? whatever it is, im sorry for the family

  6. Hail bailer??? Do you mean HAY BALER?

    1. Yes. Spelling is the most important issue at hand here..Are you serious?

    2. Some people are idiots.

    3. I no right obviously the spelling was wrong that's besides the damn point idiots. Prayers for the lost and there family. I grew up in laurel and have alot friends who are farmers praying it wasn't one of them.

  7. Prayers for the family and him

  8. Sounds like a great idea to feed Hillary into one!

  9. Farm equipment is dangerous! Tommy Banks lost most of his right hand in a manure spreader. Garley Outten lost a forearm and hand in a corn picker. Johnny Payne was crushed by a grain auger falling on him...and the list is endless.

  10. Thanks Joe for not broadcasting his name yet. We just found out about a half hour ago.

  11. 7:26, When the police release the information we will provide it then, assuring the Family has in fact been contacted/confirmed. For what it's worth, I have rejected several comments with the persons name on it.

    1. Thank you for your compassion for the family at this time. My prayers go out to them all.

  12. Prayers for the family...

  13. The family knows, it spread fairly quickly once word got out who it was. It's so sad he was such a good man and a terrible accident. We are all still in shock

  14. 7:42, As I stated earlier, until we receive a press release or as some would call it, confirmation, we're not putting the name up.

  15. That's so sad..... Prayers for the famil!!

  16. 8:39, you mean you KNOW the spelling was wrong? And BESIDE the damn point? And THEIR family? And A LOT OF friends?

  17. He was a dear friend. Prayers to the family

  18. Prayers for the family and friends. He was a well respected member of the Walston Switch community and will be greatly missed.

  19. He was my boyfriends uncle and yes he didn't make it, but I will be sure to let the rest of the family know everyone is praying.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I do not need to know his name to offer my condolences to the friends and family of whoever it was. It is tragic and they must be in shock and devastated. I am truly sorry it happened. Proving once again farming can be dangerous work. Without farmers, it would be very difficult to eat.

    May you rest in peace and your family be comforted.

  22. So sad Prayers & blessings for his family & friends

  23. i made the first comment asking what a hail bailer was, i don't care about spelling, i didn't know what is was so i was asking if that was what they meant because when i looked it up, the closest thing to hail bailer i could find was hay baler, i really wasn't trying to be disrespectful, i just wanted to know what it was. sorry if that got everyone all upset , i wasn't trying to be a jerk, just asking a question.

  24. Prayers and condolences to the family and friends....my heart breaks for you all. May God wrap his arms tight around the family and friends and I pray he will bring you some peace during this incredible time of sorrow.

  25. Why did the Peninsula internal medicine story disappear from this site ?


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