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Sunday, July 24, 2016

This Just In From Donald Trump

JUST IN: Donald J. Trump staffer takes responsibility for Melania Trump's speech and offers to resign, but Trump camp rejects her resignation.


  1. Trump should have told her to SHUT UP by resigning you are stating your Guilty.

  2. At least they have the balls and guts to address it and apologize for it. Another reason to support the Trump/Pence ticket.

  3. Well she is guilty. Oh just another republican. Sweep it under the rug.

  4. So now we can't say any thing that someone else as said. BS.(map)

  5. 4:02, they didn't sweep anything under the rug, they addressed it. If it had been Hillary it would have been way under the rug.

  6. 3:55 wow it took a day and a half, a flood from social media and MSM to admit the truth and that shows his true character. Hillary made a mistake and on CNN she admitted to that. You'll need to stop worrying about us Democrats and Hillary and worry about full support from your own party. Please don't think you can win the white house without full Republican support. To make things more funny she stole Michell's speech not Laura Bush or another Nancy Regan but good Ole democratic Michelle.

  7. Top Shelf folks doing the topshelf thing! Hats Off to'um, wish there were still more decent folks out there...

  8. 4:02 - Get back under your rock!!

  9. I am glad that she confessed to her wrong doing.
    Since she went public like this letter, it is not necessary to fire her.

  10. What a breath of fresh air! A politician's staffer admits an error and offers to step down from her position and Trump doesn't fire her, probably for admitting her mistake.

  11. It wouldn't have mattered what she said, "they" would have found a problem with "something"...Michelle Obama does not "own" those phrases..like Scot Baio said last night, "It's all a big yawn"....so move on .

  12. Not a deal breaker for me, but am disappointed that Mrs.T had even read or heard the speech of the out going subject.

  13. Just shows what a good man Donald Trump is. If it were the Obamas she would have been fired in a heartbeat. But Trump looks deeper like it is a persons livelihood, its how they support their families. She admitted her mistake and everyone makes mistakes so let's just move on. Don't worry you still have a job. That says a lot for the kind of person Trump is.

  14. Ethics and morals. I can't even imagine a Jackass doing such a thing as owning or 'womaning up' for a mistake.
    As some have said, were this shoe on the other foot, it would never have happened. Someone would have lied and someone would have hushed it by force.


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