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Sunday, July 24, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Wicomico County Council President Makes HUGE Announcement

Council President John Cannon just pulled the resolution for the FREE COLLEGE funding at WorWic off the agenda at the last minute. WOW! 

More to come...

UPDATE: I'm told the ONLY reason Cannon tables it is because Matt Holloway was not present to vote. Without Matt's vote in favor of it, the resolution would NOT have passed. There are THREE Council Members who do NOT support this resolution. Funny how they do these things when it is or isn't positive for their agenda. 


  1. This is fraud, political BS.

  2. Then maybe it shouldn't be.

  3. And it's not the first time Cannon has done this.

  4. He is sure this promise will be fulfilled by President Hitler-y.

  5. And I a sure Dodd will be MIA for this vote too.

  6. Just signed his ensured exit from local politics
    Pure excrement

  7. they should not be able to pull stuff when the vote is not stacked. The tax payers are not 100% with this. This is a bone headed idea designed to help ray hoy get his enrollment numbers up and its all fell good stuff. This will not benefit Wicomico in the end. Think of it this way. The best and brightest are what we want all this gives us is the people at the end of the rope and willing to settle for worwic.

  8. He cannot pull it for that reason. He can only postpone votes if there is not a quorum according to Roberts Rule of Order. All meetings should be governed by these standards. He should be removed ASAP. Bob Culver should be position to over rule this decision and force a vote. I don't care if it goes against Culvers desires and wishes. Culver is beginning to show me a side I would never believe was a trait of his. Possibly be voting against him in his bid for reelection.

  9. GOOD for once to save the Tax Payers $$.

  10. Get Idiot 4:24 PM this story is not about Mr. Dodd because he was there to vote. Obviously by your grammar you failed Comprehension. The only reason it was pulled was Mr. Matt Holloway was not there to vote to spend nearly $1 Million dollars in tax money. A 3 to 3 vote would have resulted in a tie and the motion would have failed. You poor little miserable turd. You must live a sad life having to ride the short bus most of your life. HaHaHa.

  11. Um... 7:18 what part of the story don't you understand?

  12. Matt Holloway is just a straw man on the council. I've been to several meetings where he has not even opened his mouth. He got what he wanted & now he wants to just sit there and screw us with his yes votes.
    Today, Dodd didn't even open his mouth. We have been fooled with this bunch on the council. God Bless Us Real Good.

  13. Hey 8:28pm I'm thinking you are lying about seeing these meetings because Counciman Dodd "opened his mouth" numerous times as he does every meeting. Does it make you feel good that you can sneak a couple of attacks in under anonymous. Does that make you feel good being a coward! I bet you have never said anything at a meeting or to Coucilman Dodd's face. You are a whiney little coward.

  14. Recall John Now...we shouldn't be paying for free college. John has No common sense. John is bad for our county.

    1. John Cannon is a RINO. If you think back to some pictures of 3 RINO's who attended Ruck Polllits fundraiser. John Cannon, Matt Holloway and John Hall. The same 3 that want to give your money away for free scholarships.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Matt Holloway is just a straw man on the council. I've been to several meetings where he has not even opened his mouth. He got what he wanted & now he wants to just sit there and screw us with his yes votes.
    Today, Dodd didn't even open his mouth. We have been fooled with this bunch on the council. God Bless Us Real Good.

    July 19, 2016 at 8:28 PM

    Well guess what, I know for a fact you weren't at today's meeting because I was. I knew the few people that were there. If you would have been there you would have known for a fact that Mr. Dodd did speak and he does at every meeting. The next meetings minutes will prove you are a liar. If you are jealous of him that is one thing, now get over it or reach down to see if you have some real nads. I can assure you my family voted for him because he is a true representative for the citizens of this county and we will vote for him again. If you are in his district then don't vote for him if you are jealous of him. Obviously your vote didn't matter. You should man up or keep your personal feelings to yourself.

  16. Good to hear from you, Mr. Dodd, 12:11!


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