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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Look Who Was In Cleveland At RNC And Not In Crisfield

Former Governor Bob Ehrlich 
Congressman Andy Harris. 

R-N-C does not stand for Rino's-N-Crisfield.


  1. Sure do miss Governor Bob.

  2. Ease up on Gov. Hogan, maybe he doesn't want to be part of the dog & pony show.

  3. 10:07, The "dog and pony show" was in Crisfield and Governor Hogan bailed on his own party.

  4. We should remember this next election. We can pull in another conservative candidate, and elect him/her.

  5. Hogan only proved to show his ignorance as to his role. He wasn't elected to do his will. He was elected to do the will OF THE PEOPLE. It's not about him. He needs to put his big boy pants on and start acting like an adult instead of a crybaby. The people overwhelmingly in record numbers made Donald Trump their nominee and that should be respected by local elected officials. To not only shows a major character flaw and that is they are not people of their word. They are all about "I'm going to represent you" BS but never walk the walk. Their word means nothing and when you don't have your word you are a nothing.

  6. For one of the few time, I have to agree with Joe on this one!


  7. Hogan has done well out of the gate. Recall, because it's ever present, the voting pattern here.

    Gov. Ehrlich wasn't able to get re-elected despite his accomplishments and being a great guy. Hogan has the opportunity to be re-elected and you can be sure he's looked at what Ehrlich did or didn't do that he can do to succeed next time out.

    By Hogan sitting on his hands he's removed the Democrat's opportunity to tar him with the Trump brush. His decision probably didn't cost Trump a single primary vote. It probably won't cost Trump a single vote in the general election. And the governor has kept his powder dry so that if a more active stance between now and November will be beneficial he'll be free to pursue it.

    Maryland will not improve if we have a pattern of 4 responsible Republican years followed by 8 of Glendening, O'Malley, Frosh-Brown-Rawlings-etc.

    Hogan will get enough opposition and hard words from the Socialist Democrats; let's have his back rather than peppering it. Take the long view.

  8. Good grief people, you should be more upset that he isnt in Annapolis doing his job and not going around for a photo op.

  9. Hogan is HISTORY
    Rino does fit him well
    Showing his true colors
    He will likely attend the DNC

  10. Hogan's comments made me sick when they interviewed him while he was in Crisfield. He said, I've seen all the ballons falling before - does he think that's what this is all about, balloons falling? What an idiot. And yes, he should have been in Annapolis doing his job if he can't go support the Republican's at the convention.

  11. You people just don't get it do you? Joe included. 11:38 is the only voice of reason on here. Go ahead and stop supporting the best/closest thing to a GOP governor that you got elected and see where it gets you. It will put democrats back in the office and then you will really have made your point and shown Hogan!

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 21, 2016 at 2:55 PM

    Well, Hogan doesn't want to upset his Liberal "Friends" around D.C. & Baltimore. RINO!

  13. The Republican Party has completely divided and handed the election to the Democrats. Thanks! Time for four, but probably eight years of Clinton!

  14. Hogan was in Crisfield hobnobbing with all the other Maryland democrat politicians because he doesn't want to end up like Ehrlich, a one term Governor. He really likes the housing and benefits.

  15. I have a question. Why would the Crisfield political bump and rub be scheduled for the middle of the week on the RNC Convention, forcing politicians to either support their party here or there? Whatever choice they make, it will be viewed as wrong!

    Opinions on this?

  16. Voters are sick of the empty talking heads in DC. And many from both major parties and independents will vote for Trump/Pence in the General Election. Real change is on the horizon.


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