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Monday, July 25, 2016

The crowd reacts to Bernie Sanders saying: "We have got to elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine."


  1. I think if he ran on his own, he would have a pretty good chance to take the office, since so many Reps and Dems are pissed off at the nominees from their parties.

    1. 259 quit spreading misinformation. It's ridiculous. You sound like a talking head from MSNBC. The fact is the RNC is more onboard with Trump than Sanders' people are with Snaders right now. This is proof and point of why people need to educate themselves.

  2. Since he endorsed the HildaBeast after rigging the primaries, even the voter are feeling the beastie bern!

  3. Bernie must have been threatened by Hillary to endorse her or he would "accidentally disappear"

  4. Speaks volumes to the polls and the media dosent it, proof! Even the heart of the dnc machine has had enough of the lies, corruption and destruction.


  5. Bernie reminds me of the guy who woke up with a horse's head in bed in 'The Godfather.' After that, willing and obedient.

  6. even your own party is against you now stupid dems.

  7. People are tired of corrupt government, period! That's why someone like Trump ran and was elected as the GOP pick. Pray that voters wake up and vote for Trump. And then demand election law changes. Limits to campaign time and giving. Big corporations and special interest groups are buying the elections.

  8. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 25, 2016 at 5:41 PM

    System was rigged for Hillary from the Get Go. Bernie was "suppose to fall off" but somehow kept getting stronger and stronger until he was pulling even with Clinton. That's when the Crooked Democ-rat "Leadership" decided to Screw Bernie right before California Primary Vote. After Disgruntled Bernie refused to throw support for Hildabeast, he got called to the White House for little Pep Talk by King Barrack himself. And I bet there was A Lot Of Money in the deal. Few days go by and Bernie is on the stage endorsing and hugging Hildabeast, Wow! It's a wonder what Dirty Money can do! Bernie is a Sellout! So, for those Bernie's supporters, Do You Feel the Bern now?!
    Hey Bernie's College Squad, it's time to give those Democ-Rats a Payback - Join the Trump Movement. No free college here, but we will give you job instead, so you can put money in your pocket.
    TRUMP TRAIN 2016

  9. I had no intention of watching any of this circus but I have to say it has really been entertaining. Debbie Wasserman Schultz gets booed at breakfast and trying to open the convention. Nancy Pelosi also got booed. Bernie Sanders got booed when he told the crowd to vote for Hillary. You couldn't hear most of Elijah Cummings speech because of people shouting No TPP. The person that said to let the people riot in Baltimore gaveled in this entire mess. You can't make this type of stuff up. I guess these people really aren't tolerant.

  10. 6:06 Great comment. You're right! You can't make this stuff up. Hope they continue to boo and disrupt. The establishment Dems need to be taught a lesson - they just don't get it. Trump isn't ideal, but we need to shake things up.


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