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Monday, July 25, 2016

Sharpton, Holder, McKesson Served Race War Lawsuit

Black Lives Matter advocates have been served with a lawsuit accusing them of inciting a race war, but defendant Al Sharpton says he has tried to preach a message of peace between blacks, whites and police officers.

“There is substantial public record of me denouncing violence, a race war, and even supporting police,” Sharpton told the Daily Caller Wednesday. “I have even been giving money to police killed by violence.”

He was referring to the 2015 shooting death of Harlem police officer Rudolph Holder. A year earlier, two New York City officers were gunned down as they sat in their patrol car eating lunch by an assailant who said on Instagram he was seeking revenge for the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of police.


1 comment:

  1. Instead of this so called donations he claims to have paid the whole country would rather see him pay his taxes and keep his mouth shut, and stay out of every shooting where a black person has been killed. If he would just wait and see how the trials go and what all the findings that are reviewed by the jurors end with.


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