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Monday, July 25, 2016

JUST IN: Baltimore Mayor to Gavel DNC Convention Amid Party Chair’s Resignation

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Outgoing Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman says she won’t gavel her party’s national convention to order on Monday afternoon.

She abruptly cancelled that plan just a few hours before she was to gavel open the nominating convention. In a brief phone conversation with the Sun Sentinel newspaper of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., Wasserman Schultz said:

“I have decided that in the interest of making sure that we can start the Democratic convention on a high note that I am not going to gavel in the convention.”

The Florida congresswoman had announced she would resign her post at the helm of the DNC in the wake of an email scandal involving her aides — but still gavel open and closed the Democrats’ nominating convention this week. That was before she was booed and heckled as she spoke to her home state delegation from people angry that the hacked emails apparently showed some aides favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the party’s presidential primary.



  1. The crowd will cheer.

  2. another crooked politician for the DNC, wonderful....glad I'm not watching that crap!

  3. As a Dem, I am both ashamed of the party and delighted their hypocrisy has been exposed. Not that Republicans are any better.

  4. 251 you don't get off that easily. The RNC Convention is a lot better than this hot mess coming. I dread having to watch this train wreck. That's why I'm watching on Fox and not CSPAN. I'll be praying for talking heads on this one.

  5. Hillary promised her billions of dollars to rebuild Riot torn Baltimore if she backed her.

  6. She could not manage a riot that is for sure. Governor Hogan saved her town...

  7. Homosexual attraction has its origins in predisposed characteristics, unmet childhood needs, and in the environment. It is a developmental disorder that leads to negative behaviors with negative consequences -- adversely impacting individuals and society at large. The choice to act on same-sex attraction or to seek help to overcome these tendencies can be freely made by the individual. Homosexual behaviors can accurately be described as risky and should not be mainstreamed into society or equated with civil rights. Compassion for homosexuals should not include drastic social and legal measures to accommodate the demands of this small, but powerful minority. Bodies of government, courts of law, schools, and other organizations under pressure to accept the homosexual agenda will do well to remember that the demands and claims of homosexual activists are self-serving and result in no societal good. Social science research clearly demonstrates that the homosexual agenda does not promote the best interests of families or individuals!!

  8. LGBTXYZ could be put down quite plausibly as the most detestable group ever heard of. They cry out for privacy in the bedroom and then publicly announce their sexuality, demand tolerance but deny others the very same virtue, they claim to be nothing more than innocent victims but victimize anyone with a dissenting opinion, claim that they only want equal treatment, but in reality they constantly crave negative attention and demand a celebration of their lifestyle, they wallow in vanity and pride, insist that "tolerance" and "acceptance" are synonymous words, and their claims that the "homosexual" family is on par with the "heterosexual" family is mainly a form of display. I find them petulant, compulsive, militant, and obsessed with their own sexuality; they make their sexuality their personality!!!!

  9. they can't find ANYBODY in their party with integrity!

  10. At a glance, I thought it would be the mayor resigning. What a piece of work that thing is. Dems sure draw some trash.

  11. what could possible go wrong? lol


  12. I kind of thought they'd turn to Rahmbo since he's the Dem mayor of the city with the most homicides, but in order to push Hillary they turned to Dem mayor of close runner-up in homicide.


  13. Yes, she can tell them how well she has run Baltimore as Mayor. NOT!!!!!

  14. Being of the affirmative action type that SRB is, she forget to gavel in the conventions her main duty and had to come back and do it. She reminds me of Michelle O and Marilyn Mosby. Angry black woman with white woman envy. They do everything in their power to look white including trying to make their hair look white. Such bad role models. Besides trying to be something they aren't they get to that lying and can't stop. This is why the black race is such a mess. No role models whatsoever. Just liars and all around dishonesty.

  15. Let me grasp this: The DNC, in an effort to put their best foot forward on the opening of the convention, could not find anyone other than the failed, ineffectual mayor of the most decimated city in the country.
    For the life of me, I just can't fathom anyone siding with the Democrat Party.

  16. Dems are scraping the bottom to choose that loser. Must be down to seeds and stems.

  17. The race baiter herself.

  18. It was hysterical. She forgot to "gavel in".


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