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Sunday, July 24, 2016


U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, who failed to win the Republican nomination to Donald Trump, shocked the GOP convention Wednesday night by conspicuously refusing to endorse him in his bid against Hillary Clinton for the presidency in November.

The speech was vintage Cruz in many ways – hearkening America back to freedom and the rule of law.

But as the speech came to crescendo, the crowd in Cleveland began to realize he would not be endorsing Trump.

Instead of saying “vote for Trump,” Cruz called on Republicans to “vote your conscience.”


  1. The sore looser should not have even shown up at the convention!

  2. Hope Grandpa Munster enjoyed his last glimmer in prime time, cuz its OVER!


  3. What a complete a$$. He has lost my vote..forever. a complete betrayal.

  4. According to primary voters he is a loser. To me his actions and tactics spelled loser. Thought maybe by asking to speak at the convention he was going to try to redeem himself. Instead he proved to the world he is a big time loser. Adios Teddy Loser.

  5. They claim this idiot is all brains, must be brain dead. Go home and stay there. Never could stand you from the very beginning. Now you're exhibiting why you are a looser. Get out of politics and go home. Sick of hearing about the father with a hundred bucks tucked in his drawers. I bet the time period he had the money, a lot of Americans would like to have had that much.

  6. So you only care about yourself? Weren't you elected to serve the people? It's over sore loser!

  7. he's a spineless mole, his political career is over.

  8. Even more disgraceful is Cruz without hesitation signed the pledge to support the nominee. He is not a man of his word. If he were so smart he should have used his forward thinking skills to foresee that it could possibly get nasty and not signed.
    With all that in mind I actually thought it was a great moment. When the audience started booing him Donald Trump came to the rescue and the focus changed from Cruz's asinine sermon and zeroed in on Trump.

  9. Go be a minister Ted. We're not buying what your selling.

  10. Cruz dug his political grave. He and Kasich signed the pledge to support the nominee, whoever it was. He attacked Trump and his family, and got mad when Trump came right back at him. The only person that will follow Trump as the Republican nominee will be Mike Pnce, who solidified himself in the eyes of ,out conservatives last night. Cruz will be lucky to get reelected in Texas after that speech. He has lost all credibility.

  11. This man is nuts glad he lost in his run, he is a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And a whiner has nothing to do with remarks made about his wife he can't get over, It has to do with only his EGO!!! Hope he never holds any public office again. He should have stayed home and cried with his milk and cookies.


  12. Senator Cruz has many fine qualities and accomplishments but this was a strategic error that will dog him regardless of the election results. It was a good speech except for his failure to 'man up' and endorse.

    Trump wins w/o his support; he'll have no reason to advance Cruz in any fashion.

    Trump loses w/o Cruz crew support (if it happens) the stain of him not rallying around will dog him in TX and the national stage.

    Newt partially covered for him with the interpretation that only one candidate will support the Constitution.

    The media will slobber over this, as well as the two sentences in Mrs. Trump's speech. Let's move on to substance - there is real work ahead!

  13. Cruz will never be President and I plan on switching to Independent .

  14. Trump said he knew he Cruz wouldnt endorse. This is the MSM ways of distracting us with nonsense just like they did with Malania's speech

  15. Same thing Hogan said.

  16. Trump was right again telling the American voters Cruz was "Lying Ted". That is why voters like Trump you hear Truth.

  17. Cruz is a slimy weasel. And I happened to miss Malaria's speech, so...

    BTW, why did BO name his daughter after a mosquito borne disease?

  18. True American voters will not vote for Cruz in 2020 or ever again. After signing the pledge and now not getting behind the nominee, he is showing his true colors. Looks like Trump was correct again. Lying Ted Cruz. And I was looking forward to voting for Cruz in 8 years.


  19. He was setting himself up to run for president in 2020 after what he thinks will be a miserable Trump failure.
    But he ruined his chances of ever becoming president because the voters will remember his breaking the pledge of support. He will never be trusted again.

  20. Well you just shot yourself in the foot for your political career! What a sore loser and that's why you lost ...cause we could see you were an a**!!


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