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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Once again: There is no ‘war on cops.’ And those who claim otherwise are playing a dangerous game.

Here’s Fox News earlier this week, shamelessly exploiting a tragedy to gin up outrage.

They certainly aren’t the only ones. Here are some more examples of media outlets and politicians spreading the hysteria:
As I’ve noted here before, we’re seeing similar rhetoric from politicians, particularly from GOP presidential hopefuls, including Donald TrumpTed Cruz, and Scott Walker.


  1. There is a war on LEO and anyone who doesn't see this is just plain blind or stupid !

  2. I do believe that the black leaders such as obama , sharpton , jackson , naacp
    blm are creating and promoting racist activity . I also believe that our lack of religion in the home and lack of home supervision is the primary cause of this problem . It starts at the top and the top in the home . Most of these people don't even know who their father or mother is. Having said that , they don't recognize ant law and hate any attempt to enforce rules or law. It's unfortunate that the liberals and democrats feel the same.

  3. There is a war on cops, and a president who wants a race war. YOU blind eyed media covering it twists it the way YOU want to see it, and have gone far beyond reporting the truth...

    Wow - some of the same old same old. Just because you cant stand Lewis, you want to twist news to your side - Hey ride with the cops a few months, see how safe you feel with a badge idiot

  4. I'm sure our tax dollars paid for Mike to drive/fly to New York to be on TV to extend his 15 minutes of fame

  5. All of you all on her supporting the law please explain to me why Charles Kinsey was shot? Unarmed Therapist helping an autistic child. Go ahead I'll wait

    1. He was wrong to be shot. And the "Hispanic" officer should pay the consequences. And the media saying he is a "white" Hispanic does a disservice by implying it is a white on black crime. There is a war on police due to the political BS that radical groups and politicians have incited.

  6. 10:42 Couldn't have said it better myself

  7. This story is from 2015 when officers had to worry about being demonized in the media and targeted with half-assed lawsuits and charges despite evidence of no wrongdoing. Now they are being ambushed and killed by cowards laying in wait. Sounds like what our soldiers endure in Afghanistan.

  8. If "war on cops" means the people want the police to weed out the over zealous bad apples who take advantage of their position to bully those who can't fight back then yeah, there's a war on.
    If "war on cops" means the people thinks it's just fine and dandy to shoot the police just for wearing a badge then no, that's not the case.

  9. 10:56 the (cops) did not shoot the Therapist a single cop shot the Therapist. There is much more to this story trust me. You lumping all police into one basket is like me saying the Blacks robbed a bank lol. You Liberals really are just that stupid. Ironic I lump all Liberals in one basket. I think they are the only group you can actually do that with.

    I will say this if you kill a police officer I know and you live to tell about. I will hunt your entire family down and systematically kill them all. So you can feel pain. I would not kill the shooter just everyone he holds close. That includes his dog. Pretty extreme don't you think. Well that is the equivalent of killing an innocent police officer. That officer has a family and people that love him. By the way as I seek your loved ones to eliminate you blood line how many cops do you think would actually look for me.

    I support Lewis and Clark in 2020 for President.

    Black Lies Matter

  10. Interesting, I'm reading a book for review called the War on Cops. It's been widely publicized by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and other trades/newspapers throughout the country... Just saying.

  11. Holding cops accountable for their actions isn't waging war! It's demanding justice! Demanding equality! As soon as cops have to walk the streets as an equal man and held accountable for his actions with the same repercussions as any ordinary man then I guarantee the crap will simmer down! It's not cops are the law any more. It's they are above the law! When law is tweaked to accommodate an injustice perpetrated by police that's wrong! When a law is made that makes a cops job easier will violating rights! This is wrong! And when cops receive better treatment due to his profession I.e. lower or no bonds for serious crimes, is extremely wrong! Especially when it comes to sentencing!

  12. Mike Lewis never met a camera he didn't like!

  13. 1:38 So justice is served by killing cops? Is that your rationale? You and your ilk are the reason our country is going to hell.

  14. No @1:38 the problem isn't the cops...its the criminals. Novel idea, I know but the truth just the same. The only people I see getting shot by the police are people who are committing crimes. I have been stopped plenty of times by the police. NEVER once had a problem. Because I complied with what the officer asked. I find it funny that people are so willing to jump on the bandwagon to defend a thug with a rap sheet a mile long but they wont bother to protest all the innocent people (especially children) that are murdered by their own kind every single day! Innocent children. But no you would rather rattle on about all the "thugs" that have been shot by police. Do you see the irony??

  15. Libtards make me sick !!! Move to France or something just get out of America.

  16. I will say this if you kill a police officer I know and you live to tell about. I will hunt your entire family down and systematically kill them all. So you can feel pain. I would not kill the shooter just everyone he holds close. That includes his dog. Pretty extreme don't you think. Well that is the equivalent of killing an innocent police officer. That officer has a family and people that love him. By the way as I seek your loved ones to eliminate you blood line how many cops do you think would actually look for me.

    I support Lewis and Clark in 2020 for President.

    Black Lies Matter

    July 21, 2016 at 12:47 PM

    YOU are rabid and need to be put down. Meanwhile, stop watching so much tv. Your brain has melted.

  17. @1:38 Mary Ashanti that sounds like you!!


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