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Monday, July 25, 2016

'Angel Moms' Who Lost Children to Illegal Alien Crimes to Hold Event at Wall Surrounding Paul Ryan’s Home

JANESVILLE, WI – On Saturday, American mothers who have buried their children as a result of illegal alien crime will be holding a press conference in front of Paul Ryan’s personal border wall that protects his family and his estate.

These “angel moms” say that Ryan has ignored the American families that have been torn apart by open borders for too long.

The press event is being organized by both the Remembrance Project—a non-profit that represents the victims of illegal alien crime and advocates for border security— and Wisconsin businessman, Paul Nehlen, who is running to unseat Ryan in Wisconsin’s August 9th primary.



  1. You should do a follow-up to this article. Ryan abruptly left his home without talking to the dozen (or so) women and was surrounded by security agents and police officers, who showed up. Shame on him!

  2. Surrounded by killers with guns, protected by a wall from having any strangers (even a U.S. citizen) from entering his "estate".
    But the the REGULAR American must be at the mercy of whomever wishes to come to OUR "estate", hoping they are robbed or killed by these visitors and are not allowed to have a wall to protect them.
    Your "leaders". Tell YOU how to live while they live with a totally different set of standards....the Two Sets of Laws.
    They will follow the historical example of ALL tyrants, dictators, elitist politicains and the wealthy, and today's two-faced, lying, double standard, wanna-be Nazi's.
    I can hardly wait.
    You go ahead, while you still can.
    Keep cheering.


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