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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Question Of The Day 7-23-16

Here's a social experiment for you, for those of you on Facebook go to the Donald J. Trump Facebook page and see how many of your friends have "liked" his page. Then go to Hillary Clinton's Facebook page and see how many of your friends have liked her page and post the results in comments. Chances are if she wins it'll be because of voter fraud. 


  1. 18 Trump
    6 Hillary

  2. 25 Trump
    8 Hilliary

  3. 12 Trump
    0 Hillary

  4. Trump - 27

    Hillary - 3

  5. 48 Donald,7 Hillary

  6. If any of your "friends" like Hillary, you should get some new "friends".

  7. 19 Trump
    2 Hillary

  8. 13 Hillary
    10 Trump

  9. Page like counts:

    Trump -
    9,734,543 Total Page Likes
    up 6.4% from last week

    Clinton -
    4,626,144 Total Page Likes
    up 4.8% from last week

    Interesting comparison.

  10. 9 million Trump
    6 million Hillary
    that, my friends, tells the whole story

  11. Pre-positioning yourselves for the biggest loss in political history. Ha Ha

  12. Trump - 290
    Hillary - 24 and one of them is Jackie Welfonder.

    Speaks volumes about her character.

  13. It is starting to look like we will get Trump Facism instead of Clinton Communism.

    1. Trump wants to keep illegals out. Trump wants to keep factory's here. Trump wants cut taxes. Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant who now is a US citizen. Trump employes thousands of Mexicans, Asians Africans Americans native Americans Caucasian etc. he als provides health care and pensions. He simply doesn't want radicals killing us and you call him a facist?

  14. Voter fraud allowed by gov brown of california and he knows about it how corrupt!

  15. Just for the record, we have had a fascist government for 20 yrs...

    1. Fascism
    a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

  16. 12:57, Hillary has 4.5 million likes. Your number is a little high, thankfully. :-)

  17. Trump: 34
    Hillary: 0
    Looks like my friends have common sense!! LOL

  18. I have read that some people "like" her page just to see what she's squawking about. Look at the comments on her posts, it's mostly people bashing her.

  19. I just lost 9 "FB Friends"! Oh well weed out the commies!

  20. Trump 156
    Hitlery A LOSER

  21. @4:07, when she posts something negative about Trump, a lot of the commenters clearly defend him. Love it!!

  22. The fact is most of her followers on Twitter and Facebook are bots. Meaning she paid a company to generate an appearance of massive followers when in fact she doesn't have many. Trump's 10M followers on Twitter are pretty solid. Same with Facebook. He is wooing more and more people. Of course, Hillary Clinton isn't helping her cause colluding with DNC and press while cheating Bernie out of his votes (and his voters' voice) but that's a song for another day.

  23. People who name-call him are just morons listening to the media that's been exposed as being in cahoots with Clinton's campaign and the DNC. Nothing more. They ginned up stories and even had some CUT by getting people like Chuck Todd and Jake Tapper along with Politico altering or completely removing stories. It's a rigged system. Thank God for Wikileaks or we would never have found out.

  24. 49 Trump
    3 Hillary

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Pre-positioning yourselves for the biggest loss in political history. Ha Ha

    July 23, 2016 at 1:46 PM

    This democrat loser^^^ knows that they cheat.


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