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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Baltimore Mayor Says Finding Black Person At RNC Like Playing 'Where's Waldo'

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake joined the C4 Show for her monthly interview with the WBAL NewsRadio 1090 talk host.

The interview began talking about Baltimore news and policing policies. C4 later asked the Mayor's thought's on the Republican National Convention happening in Cleveland, Ohio.

"As an American, it pains me to see what is going on because it is not about being great," she It is about hate speech and a lack of inclusion and diversity."

Rawlings-Blake tells the C4 Show that finding a black person in Republican National Convention crowd is like playing "Where's Waldo."



  1. Sorry girlfriend it's about non entitlement and actually putting in work to get something out of life not strong arming people to get what you need

  2. Who cares what she thinks .............???

  3. She must have been watching a different show - I saw all kinds as the camera panned.

    Aside from the fact that she's being racist by playing the race card! The delegates were elected at the state level - which includes all types....

  4. The Dems and their boot-licking media have done a great job of smearing the Republican Party within the black and Hispanic communities. For a minority to publicly pronounce their support for Trump is like lighting a fuse within their own communities. There's an 'underground' Republican sentiment and support. The polls aren't touching that.

  5. She is a waste. Just more divisiveness. If is wasn't for the Republican party this country would still be back in 1865.

  6. She sees her political career over the way she mishandled the Freddie Gray riots. She is afraid a Republican will replace her and expose her along with the DumbocRATS have run Baltimore in the ground costing tax payers Millions of dollars. She wants a higher political position.
    She wants to keep the racial divide. Rawlins-Blake along with Mosby has proven that political puppets / pawns are worthless and corrupt.

  7. Don't worry sweetheart you'll see plenty blacks in Philly.

  8. The left is completely OUT of valid points so they've taken to making things up.. ALL the time.
    Non-stop lies, misrepresentation and fraud.

  9. An unshakeable belief in entitlement, especially at the top layer, the part that takes away from all below it.

  10. And how can anyone trust her or her opinion?

  11. The black members of the RNC are enlightened.

  12. she's taking from the Clinton playbook. Lie, lie, lie til people start to believe it.

    in truth, there were many black people that not only spoke to the convention, but were in attendance.

  13. Talk about insane, have you seen the candidate on the democrat side for president of USA?

  14. Almost as hard as finding a competent politician in Baltimore.

  15. She's still relevant?
    WBAL 1090 is still relevant?
    Flithadelphia is relevant?


  16. She's correct. I noticed the same thing all week. And it worries me that without fairly sizeable minority support we have no chance of winning in November. It will be Romney all over again. This was the supposed big learning for the GOP after 2008 and really not much has changed.

  17. Ms. Rawlings-Blake is race baiting, people! There were lots of black people at the RNC Convention, in fact, there were people from ALL ethnic backgrounds. Watching it every night, I saw many black people there as well as black speakers. Does she really want to be included in the lawsuit against BLM, Sharpton, Obama and Holder? She might be wise to stop race baiting as now people are starting to sue on that premise. Her stupid remarks are well-document and would provide sufficient evidentiary support should someone decide to sue her! And she doesn't have $2B in her personal bank account to lose such a suit, does she?

  18. 1:22. You and I must not have been watching the same convention. Or we have different definitions of "lots".

  19. WTH does she care who was at the convention - it wasn't her kind of convention anyway. It was not a BLM convention Ms. Rawlings quit race baiting. Just do your job and do it right and don't worry about the rest of the world.

  20. She is only hedging her bets just in case Hil-Liary does win so she will get a JOB in her administration.

  21. Those at the convention obviously are hard working people who didn't drink the Kool-Aid served by the Clintons and Obamas.

  22. Finding a black city official in Baltimore with a brain is like Bruce Jenner getting pregnant.

  23. There were blacks attending and speaking at the RNC. So she's either lying or tuned into the wrong program.

  24. Just can't past watching MSNBC huh? We know where u r. Still in Balmer backing the wrong horse.

  25. Lack of color in the RNC and in Trumps campaign will kill his chances for the Presidency. This is not the 60's, for trump to win he has to receive a good portion of the minority vote, without he's done

  26. The truely comical part to this statement is that if you were playing where's waldo; waldo is difficult to find because he blends in with many other very simular characters. People of color would be rather easy to pick out of the mainly white gathering. Your statement is more of statement on your total lack of sense whatsoever. Finding a certain black person at UMES would be way more like playing "where's waldo" that is if you really want to play.

  27. In her mind, if any public gathering has fewer than 13% black people in it, it's a racist plot.

  28. Almost like finding someone in Baltimore that is not corrupt.

  29. I guess the few you see are the ones with jobs and making something of themselves. The others are democrats that are collecting checks, free section 8 rent, free telephones, free healthcare while the rest of us are working to stay afloat! I sure hope if Trump wins all that will stop and you can all go take a drug test like we have to do and get a job!


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