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Sunday, July 24, 2016

BREAKING: Sanctions Petition to Hold Sheriff Michael A. Lewis in Contempt of Court


Plaintiff, Miguel Santos, through undersigned legal counsel, Luke A, Rommel, and Rommel and Associates, LLC, and pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure Rule 45(g), files this Petition for Contempt of Court, and as grounds states as follows; 

1,. On June 14, 2016, Plaintiff filed a Notice of Deposition for Wicomico County Sheriff Mike A. Lewis. The deposition was scheduled for 10:00 a,m., on July 19, 2016. A copy of the Notice and the Subpoena are attached hereto collectively as Exhibit 1. 

2. On June 20,201.6, Lewis filed a Motion to Quash Subpoena and for Protective Order. Upon the date of this filing, there has been no Protective Order issued by the Court, nor has the Court granted, or ruled upon, the Motion to Quash Subpoena. 

3. On June 21,20L6, Plaintiff served the subpoena, by private service, by delivering a copy to Mike A. Lewis. A copy of the Proof of Service is attached hereto. A copy of the Certificate of Service is attached hereto as Exhibit 2.



  1. "MORE" is a restrictive Website,us common folks can't enter. Guess I'll have to take your word all those Proofs are attached.

    When I saw the posting the other day about the subpoena, I said to myself. "Self, what you wanna bet Rommel is Santos' lawyer.

  2. 7:09. When I clicked on the link this morning it opened up the entire document and I was able to put up the first page. At the time it opened. Funny, all of a sudden I can't even open it any more. Very interesting!

  3. I tried "More" also, nope, doesn't work, can't enter, restricted. Oh well, Mr. Above the Law, isn't so far above it, is he?

  4. Rommel is pissing into the wind.

  5. Who Cares, I fully support Sheriff Lewis

    1. Who cares? You believe in this arrogant bastard more than the importance of standard laws.
      Your mentality is the problem with our country. Lemming, follow your hero over the cliff!

  6. The law is the law and it's a disgrace for the sheriff to Mach to his own drum while holding all others to the law he enforces

  7. This is a partition , not a petition . As it should be.

  8. I fully support Mike Lewis, he has done so much for the county. Wish there were more people like him.


  9. Not a lawyer:

    But if Mr. Lewis timely filed to quash the deposition, and the court has yet to rule for or against his motion the deposition can't go forward. If Lewis's motion is granted he's off the hook to be deposed. If Lewis' motion fails they set another deposition date or jockey on other points.

    Don't have an interest in this matter or know the players.

  10. Isn't it strange when some folks think it is OK for some people to ignore the law but want others put behind bars for life? Some must think it is OK for Lewis like the Clintons to do whatever they want and the laws don't apply to them. They are wrong but that must be what they think.

  11. 11:49 AM - That's my read, too. No judgement for relief has been passed down by the court while there is an active request outstanding, so the order is in limbo.

  12. 12:12
    apples and oranges my friend
    Go Mike We support you
    With out him there would be no law at all in this county
    SPD sure can't provide any.

  13. This should be forwarded to some of Mike's buddys in the MSM. Show them who he really is.

  14. This is sickening for the ppl that support this filth bag. Somebody needs to knock him down a couple of pegs!

  15. Awe! Big bad Mike Lewis files for an order of protection! What's wrong old man? If you or your men have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to fear! It's all poops and giggles till you let a wet one go! Or one who is alive to tell the truth!
    Mike anbhis men are guilty of everything from taking sexual bribes to murder and it's cover up! Time they all fry!

  16. Good go and get this POS!!

  17. He does as he pleases always has and always will and nothing will be done about it

  18. I stand behind Mike Lewis 100% he has to much power in this county people

  19. 11:49 - correct.


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