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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Political Banner Ads Grounded In Ocean City; Owner Says, “It’s Just Not Worth The Aggravation’

OCEAN CITY — Against the backdrop of the Republican National Convention and its presumptive presidential nominee, the typically innocent skies over the resort this week briefly became the subject of controversy with politically-charged banner plane messages that were quickly pulled.

On Monday afternoon, the Mayor and Council and other city officials were blitzed with hundreds of emails from visitors and residences complaining of strong political messages gracing the banner plane advertisements traditionally reserved for all-you-can-eat buffets, what band is playing where, the best happy hour specials, iced coffee specials and even iconic Coppertone suntan lotion.

Mayor Rick Meehan said during Monday’s council meeting resort officials had received hundreds of emails about the somewhat controversial ads, which included messages such as “Stop Mad Cow Disease-Defeat Hillary,” and “America First-Build The Wall Now,”

Meehan said he reached out to Ocean Aerial Ads and owner-operator Bob Bunting about the controversial ads and the company, which has been flying over the resort skies, for decades, made the decision to pull them.



  1. Hope he doesn't end up getting sued. I know radio stations have to accept all political ads whether they agree with them or not.

  2. So much for free speech. Hundreds of emails, how many were for the banners and how many were against I'd like to see that list. Typical Democrats let's not offend any small percentage of those people laying on the beach.

  3. Ocean City should not have the authority to impinge on 1st amandment rights

  4. So much for freedom of speech! There again, a few makes the rules for all!

  5. That's the problem with this country. Nobody has ba!!s anymore.

  6. Awful that Clinton supporters would harass this small local business that contributes to the local economy and gives people jobs. You can't say you blame him though as Clinton supporters and democrats as a whole are a very violent people who have no control over their impulses.

  7. Ocean city. Nothing but a hyped up 3rd world country! Ran from Castro's play book!

  8. OC Mayor must be a Liberal

  9. this is crazy. Bob should have stood his ground. I have lost respect for him and letting the OC council tell him what to do. I would have told rick to piss off.

  10. Let's see if the Hillary banners fly after her money is flashed.

  11. Fear not, 9:51. At this point, the guy who paid for the ad is interviewing lawyers, specifically looking for the qualities you mentioned. Meehan the liberal puppet is grandstanding, using the far-left policy of suppressing opposing viewpoints. You can bet your last dollar if it was an anti-Trump ad, he would have done nothing.

  12. sad day for 'free speech'... if someone wants to pay for these ads, so be it. there is no 'foul' language, just thoughts many of us have already. shame on Ocean City...

  13. Who in their right mind can blame him for pulling them. You can not trust a democrat to not get violent on you. They can not help themselves. Just look at all the democrat strongholds in the nation for proof of their inherently violent natures. All crime ridden and extremely high murder and other violent crime rates.

  14. If I were the one who purchased these ads I would not fight the owners decision. I would not put him in danger. As I said you can not trust a democrat. They are inherently violent people. They are not good people. You can not trust them. They are capable of anything.

  15. But it is not ok for a baker to refuse to make a cake. Tell me what the difference is?

  16. It is a sad reality that the Mayor and the Board are uneducated about the rights conferred by the US Constitution.

    Their ignorance of the 1st amendment has now led to a violation of it.
    What a shame.

    Maybe once a poorly educated person wins an election, he/she should make some attempt to educate one's self?

  17. Conservative stance, no need to bring on unwanted media attention. Bunting fam has been around way longer than most here on the shore - they are good people and did the right thing on this issue. Bottom line, money is still be made over the next 2 1/2 months!!!

    AND only 2 days until another TGIF!!!!!!!!

  18. I can guarantee that if this enters the legal arena, OC will say that the business owner CHOSE to deny service. "I discussed it with him, but the decision was his own."

    And said business owner will be paying the price in court.

    If you don't like what you're reading....QUIT reading! No one is forcing you to look!


  19. A lowering tide lowering all boats. Foul mouthed and hate rhetoric does neither Ocean City ( tourist industry) or our Country any good. I think the banner plane operator recognized how that negatively impacts his business and the people. Congratulations, maybe the rest of the Country will see that as well.

  20. Bob, Im dissapointed in you

  21. Ridiculus. So the owner sacrifices revenue... grow up. I go to the beach and dont want to see the ads or all those crappy boardwalk performers but I dont have a choice.

  22. Attention 11:06 and 11:09: Because of my strong belief in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America I will fight to the death for your right to express your opinion. However to write anything without attaching your name (oh I forgot it could be dangerous) to it is cowardly and most of all I believe your "tin foil hat" is a little too tight IMHO.
    Linda Wainer

  23. Again Mr Bunting did the right thing. He has to protect himself and his family and his employees. Democrats are not good people. They can not ever be trusted. They can't control themselves and are inherently violent. They have no control over their angry emotions. Then you add to the mix anyone who would complain about something so trivial is certainly mentally unstable anyway so is capable of anything. Mayor Meehan should release the emails or someone should request them so we can see who these very dangerous people are.

  24. Guess we are back to the jock itch ads
    that should please the libtards

  25. Linda Wainer you are dangerous. You just don't know it. You are confrontational which means you have violence lurking in you that can manifest itself at any time.

  26. Whad'ya expect. Rick Meehan is a loyal follower of the 'Great Needle Nose' Jim Mathias. Like mentality here. Dumbocrat logic.

  27. How is this any different from a billboard on a highway?

  28. Good point, 2:38. It's no different than a highway billboard, except that it reaches 100,000 people and more in ten minutes. The OC council and mayor overstep their bounds.

  29. There was one flying over today with Loretta Lynch testimony. It didn't say anything.


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