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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Gov. Larry Hogan among prominent Republicans skipping GOP convention

COLLEGE PARK – While some prominent Republicans will reach for pierogies or Polish Boys in Cleveland next week, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan will be reaching for Old Bay instead.

Instead of attending the Republican National Convention, Hogan, who has previously said he doesn’t plan to vote for presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, will attend the Tawes Crab Feast and Clam Bake with other Marylanders, Hogan spokeswoman Shareese Churchill wrote in an email.

“Governor Hogan has repeatedly said he is focused on Maryland,” Churchill wrote.

Not the only one

The moderate governor isn’t alone in skipping the convention. He joins other notable party figures, such as Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney and three members of the Bush family: former Presidents George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush, as well as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.



  1. I don't understand Gov. Hogan skipping the convention, he must be hanging round too many democrats, but I do understand why the rest of the sore losers are skipping.

  2. Lack of support for the nominee represents support for the opposition nominee!

  3. Who cares if he goes. Rhinos not welcome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Hogan "prominent?" Hardly. Try ordinary. Ordinary as in he's been reduced to nothing more then a typical politician. That's an elected official who has failed miserably and doesn't subscribe to the theory that it's not them but the will of the people.

  5. I guess he will be a one term governor! Shame because I really liked and believed in him when he was first elected as governor. I guess the establishment finally corrupted him!

  6. Hogan said this about his father in his inaugural speech----

    "He put aside party politics and his own personal considerations in order to do the right thing for the nation."

    Too bad Hogan isn't the man his father appears to be.

  7. I hope Trump wins the election and goes on to prove them wrong!

  8. "He put aside party politics and his own personal considerations in order to do the right thing for the nation."

    Actually he is living up to his father and not just following the crowd. Good for him.

  9. I (liked) Hogan, but to say he is focused on Maryland. Would he say that if it were Gov Christie? Same with the Bush family, "yuge" disappointment. Little Marco, can't fault him being Trump smacked him around. He signed the pledge though.

  10. him and culver and half the "republican" county council will dine together instead

  11. And I won't be going to the polls again to vote for that crybaby, thumb-in-his mouth, pathetic excuse for a Republican Governor.

    He will go down as the most disappointing Governor in this state's history.

    Nothing but a grown up, spoiled, petulant child who didn't get his way so he's just going to sit in the corner and whine.

  12. Here's the problem with you Republicans you all think that one is supposed to support the other. Maybe he doesn't like what Trump stands for, hell Maybe none of them do, but to just give your vote or support to someone because of the same party affiliation is stupid. And those of you who do that are nothing but followers. I mean I don't agree with hillary and her polices but I also don't agree with trump so I'm not voting. That's the right thing to do instead of being a follower. Sometimes people are to driven to prove something that they don't even think about making the best choice

  13. Ya'll know he can't miss the back slapping, hand shaking, beer drinking,crab eatin' political fest in Crisfield. He's going to be there with bells on because Mike&Mike is going to be there and they told him to be.
    He's a Demopubican and he's only worried about him getting re-elected.
    I'm Republican and I'll be damned if I'll ever vote for him OR Bob Culver again.

  14. Prominent? Really Rubio, Hogan, Romney ( loser ) Bushes just mad!!

  15. 12:34 you sure you'd be able to put that Busch lite down long enough to make it out to the polls?

  16. No worries. Let him do what he wants.
    We will do what we want.

  17. HUH 12:21! No he isn't! He's doing the opposite! Go back and reread SLOWLY this time!!!! He is putting his own personal considerations and the status quo into the mix instead of putting them aside like his father did! The establishment doesn't support Trump. You products of the US "education" system need to keep your traps shut. It's unbelievable how idiotic you are.

  18. Hogan you are such a disappointment!

    Mrs. Tom

  19. Your an outsider like Trump,what's up Larry?

  20. big mistake Hogan...

  21. So if he doesn't jump on the train and do what every other establishment politician does just like the Democrats, you all are disspointed in him? Just like the liberal left.

  22. Wrong 12:42! What we expect and what everyone should expect is that elected officials put aside their opinions and their personal feelings and act upon what the people say-the will of the people.
    The problem and the only problem are those like you who have forgotten that very basic principle this country was founded on. They aren't elected to do their will but our will. Donald Trump won in MD. Hogan should have kept his mouth shut other then to congratulate Donald Trump. Since Trump is now the nominee and more importantly he won in MD Hogan should have gone but no Hogan showed his true colors and that is it's all about him and not the voters of MD. I would understand if another candidate won MD's primary but they didn't.

  23. You are mixed up 2:04. It's the establishment politicians like Bush and Romney who are not going. Hogan's establishment and thinks it's his way or no way. He's a true politician. To hell with the will of the people-it's his way or no way. I'm sure he was all about representing the people pre being elected but just like all politicians and their supporters like you 2:04 a turd has more value then their word. It's not all about Trump either. Hogan should give the speakers Americans from all walks of life from all parts of the nation with all kinds of stories the respect of being there but of course being void of any class this never crossed his mind.

  24. Marco Rubio is there. He said he's speaking on Wednesday.

  25. Party politics is the establishment. The Bushes, Romney, etc.
    Trump is the outsider and Pence is one who went against the established Republicans while serving in Congress. This election is about no more business as usual. Not voting for Trump/Pence is a vote for business-as-usual-Hillary and a collapse of our free republic.

  26. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 18, 2016 at 6:16 PM

    Maybe Hogan doesnt want to uoset those Crooked Beltway Democ-Rats in Very Blue State of Maryland. God forbid if Elijah Cummins found out Hogan was hanging out at the Republican Convention. Is Larry bending over or is he just scared?

  27. Just another RINO. We need a REAL Republican in the Governor's House. Who can we get?

  28. Politicians lie. Hogan said he's not voting for Trump.

    Point made! He's voting Trump!

  29. Nobody ' s perfect.

  30. Hogan, I voted for you and am extremely disappointed that you are not supporting Trump. That's your party and so are we to assume you want HILLARY? and for those who say they don't like either just remember if you don't vote it will be a vote for Hillary and you better start thinking about where we will all be in 4 more years if she gets in there. Gov Hogan you need to step up and support your candidate because Md folks put you in that office and they can certainly vote you out as well!!!

  31. He's turned out to be a real POS, but I voted for him anyway. I voted for David Craig in the Primary though. I will never vote for another Democrat again so if he wants my vote he better win the next Primary.


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