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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Federal lawsuit filed on behalf of transgender Maryland boy

A federal lawsuit was filed Tuesday against an Eastern Shore school system on behalf of a 14-year-old transgender boy who wants to use the locker rooms consistent with his gender identity.

FreeState Justice has filed a federal lawsuit against Talbot County, saying that it is violating Title lX, the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.

The boy, who was not identified in the lawsuit, will be a ninth grader at St. Michaels Middle-High School, and wants to try out for soccer in August, according to Jer Welter, FreeState Justice's deputy director and managing attorney.



  1. Well I guess HER parents aren't worried about the emotional well being of the boys she will be showering with. Selfish.

  2. Suck it up cupcake and use the looker room you biologically should. Not what your screwed up parents think you should. Or - don't play soccer. Sorry I am so hateful, but enough is enough! The other 20 players on the team have rights also!!

  3. If Hillary had a son...

  4. Holy Cow! I read the 18 page complaint. I have too much time on my hands.

    Okay, so the fact are, we've got a 14 year old girl with female private parts, entering the 9th grade this fall, who wants to be treated as a 14 year old boy, and use the boys locker room, even though she doesn't have boy parts.

    The complaint acknowledges that the school has already bent over backwards accommodating the girl the previous 2 or 3 years, providing her three different gender neutral bathrooms in the school.

    Solution: as the parent of a high boy, I say let the girl use the boys locker room. If I know teenage boys, they will be walking around the locker room with the "dilly's" hanging out, and her wanting to use the boy's locker room will probably be short-lived.

    She'll soon be requesting to go back to using the private gender neutral bathroom. Problem solved.

  5. Next it will be filing a sexual harassment law suit because some boy touched her.
    Tell her libtard parents she needs to be with the girls.

  6. Hey girlie, remember, boys are going to be boys and you're just asking for them to spout off - so don't have hurt feelings when they do.

  7. 12:54
    Boys aren't boys any more.
    No, I'm being serious.
    They are now referred to as "metro sexuals".
    Little sissy girls who have male body parts.

    Crazy times we live in.

  8. So will she be offended by the homosexual boys in the bathroom?
    Or will she like it?

    I am confused.

    It is like the guy who says he is a lesbian trapped in a man's body.

  9. This person was born female. That means she is female. If she wants to shower with the actual biological males then I say good luck to you sir. I mean madame.

  10. 12:01, I'm afraid the term "bent over backwards" is so fitting. Thanks for pointing this out.

  11. So what does an OB-GYN say now when they deliver a baby? Congratulations, you are the brand new parent of a ....baby. We'll let you know if it a girl, or a boy, when it grows up and decides what it wants to be. Pay no attention to it's genitalia. It doesn't mean anything. I guess the birth certificates are now going to have to leave "sex" unanswered. No one will be able to tell what the baby will grow up and "want" to be.

    But if it is okay to identify a new human being's gender based on its genitalia it is born with, then that should be the gender that human being is until the genitalia is changed. There is no "gender identity" other than the one someone is born with. Anything else is just a mental illness, or a fantasy.

    The same ones that want us to believe the "science" of global warming, deny the science of biology. AMAZING!

  12. 3:39, you are on it. Transgender is a mental illness and needs treatment not surgery.

  13. Can the technicians performing ultrasounds to determine sex be sued for stating the sex falsely. The fetus may not identify with the techs opinion of sex.

  14. Amen!!! The poor child will be subjected to who knows what the entire rest of HER educational years. This is so wrong and should be considered child abuse until age 18. There are obviously emotional problems influencing this young person and that should be addressed as soon as possible. No way is this right. Just a concerned person who has been left out. My prayers go out to any young person that is this troubled.

  15. I went to school a long time ago. I don't recall anything like this years back. What or why has things changed. I do realize some things were in "the closet", as it was referred to.


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