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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ocean City To Ban Blue Crabs For Being Too Offensive


  1. Those are some smart crustations

  2. Figures... both are bottom feeders.

  3. What's offensive is reading words like that on a news blog.

  4. I saw a guy holding up a bumper sticker at the RNC last night that said "HILLIARY" on it. It took me a second but then I found it to be extremely funny. Now I want one for my car!

  5. Through him back so he can spread the word!

  6. 10:25, What cracks me up is your statement. It was OK for the world wide media to publish the actual banners that were flying over Ocean City but you find this offensive. Liberals need to make up their minds. Oh, that's right, it's whatever is CONVENIENT for them to remark on.

  7. Joe, I am not a liberal. I'm totally conservative and I never stated I agreed with the banners. I just wish I could click on a website for news and not read words like this. I love this blog and read it several times a day. I know it's just my opinion, I was just venting that's all. Have a great day Joe, and thanks for always keeping us informed. :-)

  8. Seems as though you need a safe space.


  9. Well, both the crab and Hillary are gonna be kinda steamed soon!

    But crab legs are much tastier than hairy cankles! Just ask Slick Willie.

  10. Dave T: Ah, she's even managed to offend our sea life ! LOL.

  11. See?! Even the crabs know!!

  12. I'm completely offended. How dare Hillary ruin a perfectly good crab? We should call her and discuss this with her, banning it from happening again!

  13. 1025 if you don't like the words here, why are you here? 😚​😚​😚​😱​😱​😱​​😗​😗​😗​

  14. Any one notice THAT'S A FEMALE CRAB.LMAO.

  15. wow did that come out of were bill does not want to go


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