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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ted Cruz joins Obama in flight to Dallas in show of unity

For the second time in less than a month, a former Republican presidential candidate joined President Obama on Air Force One to travel to his state to memorialize shooting victims.

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida joined Obama during a somber visit to Orlando on June 16. Tuesday, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas traveled on the presidential jet with Obama to Dallas.

Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the White House extended the invitation to Cruz, one of the administration's most ardent congressional foes.

"At a time when our country is so divided, I think it is important that the country's leaders are coming together across party lines despite significant political differences to emphasize a shared desire to unify the country," Earnest told reporters.



  1. What a turn coat, and a traitor!!!!
    The POS is showing his true colors!
    His future and career in politics are toast!!!!

  2. Is Ted going to speak at the DNC convention too?

  3. Surprised hogan did go with them!

  4. He never had a career in politics to begin with. The three make a good team. Cuff and stuff all three to the democrat candidate.

  5. As it turns out the name "lyin Ted" was accurate.

  6. Really disgusting for this post and this blog to politicize a tragedy.

  7. I was a Cruz supporter until recently. Very disappointed. Very disappointed!! I had decided to vote for Trump but now I am not sure I am voting for anyone. I am ready to just give up and let the politically corrupt have the country. Maybe I can move to an island somewhere.

  8. Teddy's political career is toast already...bye, bye Teddy.

  9. PEOPLE! trump said in a interview with Anderson Cooper in March that he didnt want Cruz to support him..


  10. C'mon people. Get a clue.

    The memorial is apparently being held in Dallas. Cruz is one of two Texas senators. Guessing he returned to DC after his speech in Cleveland (good speech but should have manned up to endorse).

    Flying to TX on Air Force One saves cost of personal airfare and streamlines logistics for the visiting dignitaries attending.

    That's all.

    1. If I was a family member I absolutely would NOT want Obama there with his false sympathy and political BS.

  11. Obama wanted to rub it in because it will never be Ted's plane.

  12. Dave T: Dear Ted Cruz, the more I hear about you lately, the less I'm willing to tolerate you.

  13. 12:06 This is the one election you must not neglect to take part in. It's all about real change in America or its downfall as we've known it. Please go to the polls and decide to vote. The best offered this time around is Trump/Pence.

  14. Love how Cruz supporters still try to justified this guy's insanity and pettiness. Wonder what 'deal' was struck on that 1-1/2 flight. That's a lot longer than the Lynch Clinton rendezvous. Discussing golf and grandbabies, too?

  15. He will be the next third party candidate,because the Republican and Democrats won't have his lying ass in 2020. POS.

  16. I wonder what Julie Brewington thinks of him now!!!


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