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Sunday, July 24, 2016


Convention Will Showcase A Diverse, United, Energized Democratic Party Rallying Around Hillary Clinton in the Fight for an America That Is “Stronger Together”
PHILADELPHIA – The Democratic National Convention Committee announced a list of elected officials who will address the Democratic National Convention being held in Philadelphia from July 25 to July 28. Leaders from across the country will speak about their support for Clinton’s vision of an America that is stronger together and where the economy works for everyone, not just those at the top. Additional speakers will continue to be announced throughout the week.
As Donald Trump continues his divisive convention in Cleveland with dangerous ideas that would pose a threat to our economy and national security, Democrats are preparing to lay out the clear stakes in this election in Philadelphia – a choice between building walls and tearing people down or an optimistic unifying vision where everyone has a role to play in building our future.
Additional speakers at the Democratic National Convention Committee in alphabetical order, include:

  • State Representative Raumesh Akbari (Tennessee)
  • Congresswoman Joyce Beatty (Ohio)
  • Congressman Xavier Becerra (California)
  • Columbia, SC Mayor Steve Benjamin
  • Senator Cory Booker (New Jersey)
  • Senator Barbara Boxer (California)
  • Congressman Brendan Boyle (Pennsylvania)
  • Congressman Bob Brady (Pennsylvania)
  • Governor Jerry Brown (California)
  • Senator Sherrod Brown (Ohio)
  • Senator Bob Casey (Pennsylvania)
  • Congressman Joaquin Castro (Texas)
  • Congressman James Clyburn (South Carolina)
  • Congressman Joseph Crowley (New York)
  • Governor Andrew Cuomo (New York)
  • Governor Mark Dayton (Minnesota)
  • Former Governor Howard Dean (Vermont)
  • New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
  • Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan
  • Majority Leader State Representative Crisanta Duran (Colorado)
  • Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham (New Mexico)
  • Chillicothe, OH Mayor Luke Feeney
  • State Representative Peggy Flanagan (Minnesota)
  • Senator Al Franken (Minnesota)
  • Congressman Ruben Gallego (Arizona)
  • Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti
  • Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords & Captain Mark Kelly (Arizona)
  • Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (New York)
  • Tallahassee, FL Mayor Andrew Gillum
  • Former Governor Jennifer Granholm (Michigan)
  • Congressman Luis Gutierrez (Illinois)
  • Former Senator Tom Harkin (Iowa)
  • Democratic State Party Chair Jaime Harrison (South Carolina)
  • Governor John Hickenlooper (Colorado)
  • Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas)
  • Senator Tim Kaine (Virginia)
  • Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney
  • State Senator Ruben Kihuen (Nevada)
  • Senator Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota)
  • Congressman Ted Lieu (California)
  • Congresswoman Nita Lowey (New York)
  • Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes (Kentucky)
  • Governor Terry McAuliffe (Virginia)
  • Congresswoman Gwen Moore (Wisconsin)
  • Senator Chris Murphy (Connecticut)
  • Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom (California)
  • Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (Washington, DC)
  • Former Governor Martin O’Malley (Maryland)
  • House Minority Leader Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
  • Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed
  • Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (Nevada)
  • Congressman Adam Schiff (California)
  • Senator Chuck Schumer (New York)
  • Former State Representative Bakari Sellers (South Carolina)
  • Senator Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire)
  • State Senator Pat Spearman (Nevada)
  • Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
  • Boston Mayor Marty Walsh
  • Senator Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts)
  • Congresswoman Maxine Waters (California)
  • Flint, MI Mayor Karen Weaver
  • Governor Tom Wolf (Pennsylvania)
The DNCC will announce additional speakers in the coming days.


  1. I yawned twice and dozed off once reading the names of these career crooks I never heard of. I'd rather get a root canal and a prostrate exam all on the same day.

  2. The dems have threatened and ruined our economy. American voters are sick of the business as usual politicians and the majority of us will vote for Trump come November.

  3. Keep drinking the kool aid y'all.

  4. Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves.Can't imagine how large a pile of BS that will be laying around when all those a-holes get done.

  5. I wonder why they didn't mention Michael Browns mom. You know the one that incited riots in Missouri. She also assaulted her mother in law while stealing $1,500. I also heard Trayvon Martin's mother and Eric Garner's mother are also speaking. This isn't a joke or sarcasm. This is what I have been reading from a few sources.

  6. And I'll be unplugging the tv next week.

  7. If you want to watch corruption at it's best, just tune in next week.

  8. What I can't understand why wboc is covering the Democratic convention, but I had to tune into PBS to watch the republican convention because I dont' have cable tv!!!

  9. I won't watch 10 seconds of that garbage...

  10. hope the police dont show up for this. No protection or anything

  11. Lots of trash in that list. All political elites who are probably in killarys back pocket. I just dont understand how people, who are faced with the facts about her, can still say she is honest and trustworthy. I just do not understand it. Trump is far from perfect, but Killary is nothing but a felon.

  12. It's turning into a kind of race war. They already commented that if you are non white or an immigrant you are not included in the Republican party. This could not be further from the truth! What I am afraid of is that the ignorant out there will believe it. I don't want another continuation of the Obama years!
    The Media already called Blacks supporting Trump, uncle Toms, and Hispanics traitors!!!


  13. Will Rawlings-Blake and Mosby be there to talk about Law N Order?

    Or Rahmbo about Chicago's sterling results as a gun free zone?

  14. Got some real nut cases on that list !!


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