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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Ocean City Elected Officials Call Paramedics’ Petition Not “In The Best Interest Of Our Taxpayers’

OCEAN CITY — The Mayor and Council on Tuesday fired off a lengthy statement of opposition to the ongoing petition drive by the Ocean City’s firefighter/paramedics union seeking to put a referendum for binding interest arbitration before voters this fall.

In late February, the clock expired on negotiations between the town and the Career Firefighter Paramedics Association of Ocean City, or IAFF Local 4269, on a new three-year contract, resulting in the town’s “last, best and final” offer essentially becoming the new contract by default. The negotiations broke down in late February over the town’s unwavering position on eliminating the paramedics’ long-standing 24-hour shifts.

Currently, most paramedics work in 24-hour shifts, followed by 72 hours off. However, citing a variety of reasons, including potential missed calls or delayed responses, the town remains adamant about eliminating the 24-72 shift rotation in favor of an alternative 12-hour shift or some hybrid of the two. Eliminating the 24-hour shift became a point of contention in the negotiations for a new contract for the IAFF 4269, forcing the union to walk away from the bargaining table.



  1. key phrase of all of this to note: "potential missed calls or delayed responses.."...

    Stats don't lie, OC LEO's, first responders/medical personnel have superb reaction time to incidents. No one is ever 100% accurate, but the OC LEO's/medical folks get it almost 100%.

    Society has become such that if one thinks differently than the other 99, we must address that one's concern because of the "potential".

    Common Sense out the window!

  2. Only thing theyll do is find stupid ways to make money not spend it!

  3. This is because the Wannabe Chief doesn't like the paramedics and never has. He was a political hack that was given the job without a legal announcement for the position. He was and is still not qualified for this job.

  4. You can bet James L. Jester is in the mix stirring the pot somewhere. He is a volunteer in Ocean City and he hates the paid paramedics. Ironically he is a paid fireman in Salisbury and hates the volunteers in Salisbury.

    James L. Jester was a problem when they changed the form of leadership a couple of years ago. Mr. Jester is trying to build his resume to be the chief of the Ocean City Fire Department. He is trouble and not well liked. It's a fact Jack!

  5. In many of these 24 hour shift situations, people go find another job with their 5 days per week of off time. You could be getting the pay and benefits of two full time jobs and some overtime by working the same job/schedule somewhere else. While I applaud these people for learning valuable skills and working hard, how effective are you going to be in the long run if you work 4 or 5 24 hour shifts per week?

    1. BINGO, it's all about the greedy wanting that 2nd job, and still only working 2days a week. For once the Mayor and council are right. Rum these cry babies out of town!

  6. The union is just playing their card, to as always run the Department in THIER best interest. They make $100,000, and work 2 days a week, and it's never enough. Now they petition to take their future crying to a third party liberal that has no interest in Ocean City. Wake up folks, these guys are crooks wearing a hero badge.

  7. Let these spoiled, never happy children knock on my door, bet they won't do it twice. The union President, who is also a Fire Marshall better not even think about another inspection at my business either.

  8. Hey james lester your a DISGRACE.

    1. Why don't you Salisbury trolls stay the hell out of this.

  9. The facts were presented by the Mayor & Chief Barten. These complainers missed calls by being exhausted, aren't making National response standards etc. Then when the "President" tried to defend their actions, he LIED, including saying the Town walked away from the negotiations. Educate yourself, and then sign your taxes away.

  10. What does this have to do with Jay Jester? The M&CC have taken a firm position AGAIST the IAFF, and their platform full of lies. The Union leadership has become a disgrace, and is biting the hand that feeds them. Yesterday I personally heard Whittington state what a bunch of idiots the Mayor lead into this crusade. As a Town employee of over 30 years, I hope the Union gets crushed. Your a disgrace to those of us that actually get paid to work, not sleep. Oh, and yes, I know Jay Jester.

  11. The Fire Service used to be about those that were served. It has now become all about those who serve. Shame.

  12. The union president has decided to wage war, and credibility with the Mayor. Good luck Ryan, and to those that follow, lets see how it works for you. He states this is about an employee that lost time for sleeping through a call. Great try, you know the truth. You will screw up, just like the last president in his "pick up the girls escapade". You will become a crying, pleading, little girl (pardon the pun) when no-one is there for you. Rick is not one to screw over.

  13. The career guys used to hold the bar for everyone, including the volunteers, to meet. They have now become just like the rest of government entitlement employees, "what's in it for me ?" Lead by a Parsonsburg loser that has a little man, errrr girl syndrome. WAKE UP FOLKS, just work with the Town, and not be an adversary, and things could actually work out.

    1. Unions, the fall of the country. Guess their democratics.

  14. The Mayor and Council are 100% right , the union needs to simply understand there are employer rights to. You don't say ........

  15. Isn't Jester now an Assistant Volunteer Chief and also the President of the Volunteer's Association? How is the same person allowed to do both? How come Bo Dukes isn't a Volunteer Chief anymore? He was Chief 50 last year and now he isn't a Chief anymore. What happened?

    1. Bo Duke is an honorable and fair volunteer chef who was run out by the Fire Chief who has no business being there, along with David Cropper and his spoiled son who just hangs on for the ride. Jay Jester helped orchestrate this for his own Benefit to get an assistant chief spot as David Croppers puppet.
      Bryant Bunting and Will Savage all refused to run this year. All good
      Competent Chiefs because they were better off not having to deal with the fire chief and David cropper

  16. Anonymous said...
    In many of these 24 hour shift situations, people go find another job with their 5 days per week of off time. You could be getting the pay and benefits of two full time jobs and some overtime by working the same job/schedule somewhere else. While I applaud these people for learning valuable skills and working hard, how effective are you going to be in the long run if you work 4 or 5 24 hour shifts per week?

    July 7, 2016 at 3:30 PM

    Nobody works 4 or 5 twenty four hour shift a week you stupid moron!!

  17. Anonymous said...
    The union is just playing their card, to as always run the Department in THIER best interest. They make $100,000, and work 2 days a week, and it's never enough. Now they petition to take their future crying to a third party liberal that has no interest in Ocean City. Wake up folks, these guys are crooks wearing a hero badge.

    July 7, 2016 at 3:50 PM

    AWWW I bet I can guess who this piss ant is!

  18. Anonymous said...
    BINGO, it's all about the greedy wanting that 2nd job, and still only working 2days a week. For once the Mayor and council are right. Rum these cry babies out of town!

    July 7, 2016 at 3:56 PM

    They are not just working 2 days a week you ignorant Goon! Two 24 hour shifts is 48 hours and I bet that is more than you work a week.

    Rum? Sounds like Jay Jester should have stayed in school longer. Yes we know you like Rum, we remember your DUI Arrest when you were drunk on your arse.

  19. Anonymous said...
    what idiot hates medics ?

    July 7, 2016 at 4:30 PM

    James L. Jester, self proclaimed Republican who uses Democrat Jim Mathias as a reference for job applications. He hopes to be the paid fire chief in Ocean City or Salisbury.

  20. I have a question. Why is an uneducated Farmin supervising highly educated, hard working paramedics anyway? What idiots came up with this stupid idea.

  21. The former town manager turned council member hates the paramedics because he caught one of them shagging his spouse.

  22. Anonymous said...
    The facts were presented by the Mayor & Chief Barten. These complainers missed calls by being exhausted, aren't making National response standards etc. Then when the "President" tried to defend their actions, he LIED, including saying the Town walked away from the negotiations. Educate yourself, and then sign your taxes away.

    July 7, 2016 at 5:04 PM

    Hey why don't you educate yourself. It is Chuck Barton not Barten. Second the lies that were created by certain people so that they could screw the paramedics were proven wrong. We have educated yourself. Oh the irony.

    Sounds like the paid far cheef rote dis post wif his far 1 certifeekayshun.

  23. Only in a Podunk Town like Ocean City would the elected scum give the volunteer fire chief with no training and education a $159,000 a year job supervising a highly skilled profession he knows absolutely nothing about.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Bo Duke is an honorable and fair volunteer chef who was run out by the Fire Chief who has no business being there, along with David Cropper and his spoiled son who just hangs on for the ride. Jay Jester helped orchestrate this for his own Benefit to get an assistant chief spot as David Croppers puppet.
    Bryant Bunting and Will Savage all refused to run this year. All good
    Competent Chiefs because they were better off not having to deal with the fire chief and David cropper

    July 7, 2016 at 9:58 PM

    That is correct. Jay Jester started this crap several years ago so that he could feather his bed because he thought maybe he would get the fire chiefs job. That lazy fat idiot in Salisbury had the nerve to promote that scumbag to Lieutenant, Captain and now Acting Assistant Chief. This is a joke in both departments.

  25. Anonymous said...
    The Fire Service used to be about those that were served. It has now become all about those who serve. Shame.

    July 7, 2016 at 5:34 PM

    First of all it's not the fire service, it's the EMS service. Rarely do you have a fire call.

    It used to be a fire department that ran a few EMS calls. Now it is an EMS Department that runs a few fire calls.

  26. Anonymous said...
    What does this have to do with Jay Jester? The M&CC have taken a firm position AGAIST the IAFF, and their platform full of lies. The Union leadership has become a disgrace, and is biting the hand that feeds them. Yesterday I personally heard Whittington state what a bunch of idiots the Mayor lead into this crusade. As a Town employee of over 30 years, I hope the Union gets crushed. Your a disgrace to those of us that actually get paid to work, not sleep. Oh, and yes, I know Jay Jester.

    July 7, 2016 at 5:19 PM

    Of course you know Jay Jester, you are Jay Jester. Duh!

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The career guys used to hold the bar for everyone, including the volunteers, to meet. They have now become just like the rest of government entitlement employees, "what's in it for me ?" Lead by a Parsonsburg loser that has a little man, errrr girl syndrome. WAKE UP FOLKS, just work with the Town, and not be an adversary, and things could actually work out.

    July 7, 2016 at 7:19 PM

    What are you trying to say?? I know what you are saying. You are saying that Ryan Whittington is a F#g.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Why don't you Salisbury trolls stay the hell out of this.

    July 7, 2016 at 5:23 PM

    Who are the Salisbury trolls? Name names? Why do you think someone is from Salisbury Jay?

  29. Anonymous said...
    The Mayor and Council are 100% right , the union needs to simply understand there are employer rights to. You don't say ........

    July 7, 2016 at 7:31 PM

    Nope, they are wrong this time.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Isn't Jester now an Assistant Volunteer Chief and also the President of the Volunteer's Association? How is the same person allowed to do both? How come Bo Dukes isn't a Volunteer Chief anymore? He was Chief 50 last year and now he isn't a Chief anymore. What happened?

    July 7, 2016 at 8:48 PM

    Jay Jester has been the president of the OCVFC for many years because no one else wants it plus he gets paid at least $7,500 to do that job. Wink, Wink. He conned people into letting him have the Assistant Chiefs job to pad his resume when he applies for the fire chiefs job. Did I mention he gets paid to be the assistant chief and drives a take home 4x4 truck as well? I've heard that Ocean City chiefs truck has been seen in a certain city of Salisbury parking area many times as well. Wink, Wink. Jay Jester also takes that OCVFC chiefs buggy to MFRI classes when he is teaching as well. Wink, Wink.

    Jay Jester no one likes you so go away you drunk bum.

  31. It's a shame that Bo Duke, Will Savage, and Bryant Bunting all decided not to run. It's the residents of OC and West OC that suffer along with the hardworking volunteers that give their time to serve the community. Any chance Bo, Bryant, and Will Savage will run next year? They are all highly trained fireman too. Also why does David Cropper seem to become Chief 50 one year and then is out of the ranks the next? It seems to happen every other year?

  32. This started as a newsworthy post about the OC Mayor clarifying their position with the IAFF, and as always the case gets highjacked into personal attacks. The "brotherhood" in the Fire Service is long gone. The union wants complete control, and will create any turmoil to get it.

    1. That's the union mentality, they hate volunteers, takes money from their entitlement pockets. Keep going Ryan, you to shall fall.

  33. The IAFF may get the signatures, because most people can't say no face to face with them, but hold on tight little girls when they (the voters) go behind the curtain to vote. You will see just how much the voters believe your BS. Ryan and his buddy Naykrantz couldn't tell the truth if their life depended on it.

  34. Ryan is a little girl trapped in a males body, and he will tell you that. So, he can fight this losing battle with the typical "little mans" syndrome. Every member of the union has by association, and lack of intervention supported these lies and lack of honor. Now, lets see if the Council stands united.

  35. I found it very interesting in March that the union president insisted the city ended talks, which was a bold face lie! Now he claims binding arbitration will help talks. Fact is, when the crybabies don't like what they hear, they leave. Did the little girl publish the 10%-15% raise they were receiving, on top of the average 100,000 salary most of them make? All for less than 100 days of work. All OC government employees should be fired, and replaced. Every dam one of them.


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