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Sunday, July 10, 2016


By Thornton Crowe

On Independence Day weekend, I thought about what this holiday's remembrance is really all about and why it's meaning now is more pertinent than ever before in most our lives. For those who embrace this election's importance, this is a somber holiday - not just an excuse for a three-day weekend.

Washington, Jefferson, Adams & Franklin
Our founding fathers had great ideas. They were educated men consisting of landowners, lawyers, inventors, philosophers and business owners, who carefully thought out the way to govern the new nation. They had a combined focus and goal to eradicated themselves from the Crown and launch a most extraordinary experiment. The United States of America.

The two main ideas became apparent in their planning. A) To guarantee inalienable rights which are prescribed by God, which protect our Right to pursue personal happiness in a free land. And B) to preserve our country's sovereignty. The Constitution provided a framework, giving directives to three branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. These branches of government were placed specifically to keep power from becoming a centralized power base - leaving the power to the individual states' citizenry to self-govern.

Their quotes about freedom, liberty, pursuit of happiness and self governance have survived the 240 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 2 and its adoption by the united group of the original thirteen states on July 4, 1776. Yes, it's been 40 years since we celebrated the 200 year anniversary; yet, America is a radically difference country today than it was even 20 years ago.

Was this radical turn what Thomas Jefferson envisioned when he penned the Declaration of Independence that birthed our Nation?

After much study of Jefferson's writings and scholarship, I seriously doubt it...

Today, we're happy to let the federal government dictate every facet of our lives - right down to personal habits and vices. Under the guise of  common good, we have handed over our rights and freedoms one by one to people who know no better than any of us what is in our best interest and well-being. In return, they've taken no time at all to strip our rights to minutia while grossly overstepping their constitutional boundaries.

Now look at where we are...

United Nations
We are a country that folds to its minority because they throw elaborate temper tantrums. The Minority dictates our behaviors and 'free' speech because of the laziness and apathy of the Majority. We now have a presidential candidate that is the focus of an FBI criminal investigation and yet, many don't appear to care she's untrustworthy, dishonest and corrupt. Our lawmakers are promoting globalism which strips away everything the Founding Fathers fought for and were against (the reason they revolted against King George) -- including our right to self-governance. Now these supposed elected by the people representatives are moving us towards being under the United Nations - a global conglomerate that even FDR detested and had no desire for the US to join.

What have we become? Is it time for America to reinvent itself or is it time to go back to what made this nation the super power it once was. Many will nay-say and think, "But, Mr. Crowe, we're still great..." But are we?

We defer our rights so massive invasions of illegals and refugees to come here to take our jobs, rape our women and children as well as threaten the very existence of our community  enclaves like the LGBT community! Is this really greatness? 40 years ago, we hadn't experienced a terrorist attack on our soil with the exception of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Yet 15 years later, we are cowering not standing up to the very ideology that portrayed one of the most violent events in our country's history - 9/11.

Paid agitators burning our flag
Why are we at this juncture when the very basis of our country was founded on solid principles and for 200+ years, served its citizens and our industry well? How did we get here and why is one party so hell-bent on taking away the greatness of our nation? Why do we condone people burning our flag?

Why have we been so quick to give up our freedom for the acceptance of the failed Welfare State of Socialism?

Therefore, on this weekend designed to remember our Declaration as a Sovereign Nation, perhaps it is now more than picnics and beach days - but also with this year, a time to reflect and think carefully, where you as a citizen want this country to go from here.

This election boils down to two conflicting idioms: Nationalism verses Globalism. Nationalism being remain a free sovereign nation or Globalism meaning we completely wipe out what this nation has founded on 240 years ago.

Donald Trump (R) & Hillary Clinton (D)
 If ever there was a time, it's now a time for choosing...

On that note, I leave you with this parting video from Ronald Reagan, whose words are as true now as they were in 1964 - we can clearly see his prophecy in our reality today. It's worth the thirty minutes out of your long weekend merriment to check out.
This is perhaps the last election to correct our course and destiny! I have faith there's hope for us yet.

How say you?


  1. Absolutely incredible. This article shows just how important BLOGS are to our country. You won't read such information in the Daily Times because it doesn't sell papers. You won't view such a thing on our local television news because it goes against the grain of their protocol in journalism and use the excuse they can't share their "opinions" or even show "emotion".

    We are the United States of America and we truly need to STOP falling victim of professional career politicians. We need to get back to basics and rebuild. I agree with the author here, this is our last chance.

    1. Joe..I could not agree more. Unfortunately, I feel that the system is beyond repair without some form of radical constituent movement. Washington is fundamentally corrupt. Nothing will change until we the people are willing to make the personal sacrifices necessary to take back our republic.

  2. Clearly this coming election will determine the direction of this country and the world, God Bless America.

  3. We need term limits at every level of government. Career politicians have run us down this road. #1, They should have to live by the same laws as "We the people" Think about it, is your health care and retirement as good as theirs?

  4. This is the time for action, not inaction. That action can be as simple as getting out to vote. Let's not make the same mistake that we did twice in the last eight years.

  5. President Reagan's video is 52 years old but it's still applicable today. I watched it and was blown away by the accuracy with even our recent events. While the Iron Curtain is no longer, the fight against terrorism is easily a replacement for the threat he talks about in his speech. Can't help but wonder what the country would be like had Barry Goldwater won that year. It could be a whole new conversation right now. Or maybe we're at a point in destiny where we are called to make a choice again. Glad you added it.

  6. Some great thoughts!

  7. Might want to read James Perlogg's version of events.

    Thomas Paine and Ben Franklin were high level Freemasons and worked for the Rothschild Banking Family.
    History is always written by the winners of contrived wars.

  8. We have yet to find the cure for cancer. It is so sad that the cancer obama has caused has infected our young and ignorant. We need to vote this disease out of our country forever . I'm am worried about voter fraud and the way obama and his crew will manipulate the results of our election. Trump will win this election , however , will he win our country back without the predicted civil up-rising and violence ? We must be prepared for the inevitable , we all know that the minorities will respond in the only way they know. This prediction must be publicized over the medias so the liberals can't blame it on Trump. It's going to happen , believe me , the conservative people will not bow to the demands of a few anymore. If this worries you , just prepare yourself and your family. I will be part of the conservatives and God loving people who care.
    Mr. Trump will choose a running mate , I hope it is Ben Carson who can fill the needed gap in professional and knowledgeable speaking. This could also curb some rioting and predictions of unlawful dealings as in the past.
    We will soon see , God Bless and help us I pray.

  9. 1223 It's looking like it may be Newt Gingrich or possibly Mike Pence. He met with Pence yesterday and it seems to have gone well. The only one on his short list that has a serious issues is Christie. Think optics from the last election will hinder his ability to help bring people over to Trump.

  10. Get rid of those career politicians who have used our money to line their pockets and those of their friends. Even has happened in Wicomico County.

  11. Meaningful changes will not occur until the citizens of the U.S. take on the establishment directly.

  12. Dear 5:11 I totally agree with your comment. Believe me , if Trump is elected there will be changes and sacrifices . I'm willing and able to help make this needed event or events. Having said that , I also believe that a large resistance is on the horizon. There will be major suffering , so be it.

    1. 7:29..Glad to see like minded, patriotic Americans on this site. Enjoy your Independence celebration tomorrow.

  13. We are a country that from the beginning has had trouble responding responsibility to our minorities. Continuing to try to silence them is not the way to solve the problem of “elaborate temper tantrums,” by minorities.

    Folding to their behavior is not the answer either but understanding the problems, being welcoming, and integrating them into mainstream American society is an answer. I hate using that word mainstream because so many have made it a dirty word but that is where most Americans who are not on one of our country’s fringes work, play, and live their lives.

    There is globalism but we continue to self-govern ourselves in our own country and it always will be that way.

    Yes, we continue to be a great country. Russia’s Putin said in June 2016 the US is “probably the world’s only Superpower.” He likely had to swallow hard and choke a little to get that out.

    We stopped immigration before, back in 1924 and 1930. It is no cure for what ills us. Very few of the come heres are taking jobs we want to do and fewer are committing crimes. We need more young talented people in our country.

    It is an insult to ourselves to say we are not standing up to those who are causing terror throughout the world. We have had hundreds of thousands of our youth killed and injured defending our country and helping other countries in large and small ways since 9/11.

    We did act foolishly by invading Iraq. This helped lead to Isis who are basically Sunni. They want their country back. They want their power back. They have expanded to other places. They don’t mind killing both Christians and Moslems to get it. They don’t understand or care that the truth is they will never be able to defeat us or other Moslems here or there.

    I believe the lone wolf killings here are as much or more personal disturbed anger than religious fervor. Many of the mass killings in recent years have had nothing to do with middle eastern immigrants or refugees.

    As bad as it might be today in the way we as Americans disagree it is nothing like it was in the 1860’s when 600,000 of us died fighting each other in our own bloody civil war.

    We DO have a great country and it is our job, to make sure we do not stand in the way of every American having the opportunity to benefit equally in her bounty based on ability.

    No matter who is elected our next president (and we all have one we hope will not be elected) our children, and grandchildren will be celebrating our 300th birthday on Fourth of July 2076.

    1. Just read this and response from Thornton disappeared. Does this person even understand what the article was about? Long winded comments like this makes for a frustrating read. Agree with TC when he told you to go get a history eduction 823. Your comment seems to wander like a vine with no real point. You're the kind of people in the article that talk smack about the country and its history. I can tell you this as a person whose traveled quite a lot In my years there is no better country than America for many reason. Seems to me you're not much liking us so why stay? No ones stopping you from moving away. If you got all the answers why aren't you talking about them under your name instead of anonymous? Why not identify yourself?

    2. More anger than religious fervor? Seriously? Actually the entire Islam faith is about hate for infidels. It preaches anyone who isn't of Islam should be executed. Maybe you should read the Koran. If you did then you'd find out why terrorism exists in places where Muslims migrate. It's not by accident or unplanned.

    3. Your rambling comments don't make much sense. Sounds like you have some weird takes on history. Not sure where you're going with this or your point.

  14. Great article!

    A simple gesture to show your support for the USA is to fly a US flag on your property tomorrow, if not already up. Even if it's a small one in a flower pot on your front steps or in a vase in a window. It's an important gesture to show your patriotism at this time.

    1. Yes 937 is right we should stop being afraid to be Americans. Our current government may not like us very much but they're replaceable and we'll show our reciprocal disdain come November.

  15. Didn't old Ronnie think that the Boss's Born in the USA was a patriotic song? Did he even listen to the lyrics? His trade policy sure helped the US steel industry. Globalization...the end of American prosperity.

  16. 10:30PM. While Reagan did open up steel industry to global markets he also imposed on places like Japan manufacturing cars a tariff as well as mandate to use said steel in car production. So your point is..... what?

    1. Instead of bashing Reagan 1030 might want to read up on live candidates like Hillary. She allowed Russia to solely own one of our uranium companies here in the states while Secretary of State while Bill collected $145M for speaking fees and donations from the same people who bought the company? In fact, the two transactions were within days of one another. Wonder why no one seems to connect those dots.

    2. Sounds like 7:06AM is reading Clinton Cash. Good read. I'd suggest it to anyone wanting to understand how two career politicians amassed a fortune as so-called public servants. Clintons are definitely capitalizing off Americans' economic suffering and woes. No doubt.

      Joe posted a great article a few months back about how the Clinton Foundation is a huge money laundering outfit. Should look it up!

  17. As for Reagan thinking whether or not Born in the USA was patriotic, I don't recall any scholarship on him that dictates whether or not he even thought about Bruce Springsteen. Given his age, he seems to be more an old school, Rat Pack kind of guy.

  18. 553 just curious why you believe Trump is an idiot. Can understand Clinton because she's a criminal but why are you so upset about Trump? Given his life don't you think he will hire some of the best to help him make sound decisions? At least you know he's not a criminal like Hillary Clinton. We already know she's corrupt and inept to run the country. We'll be another Middle East should she win.

  19. Great video that people should watch more often. Glad you posted it.

  20. Trump isn't an idiot. He's well educated. Smart man. At least smart enough not to commit crime like Killery.

  21. And remember this as you go to the polls to vote: Hillary Clinton has said she “loves” the idea of appointing Barack Obama to the Supreme Court if she’s elected president. Enough reason right there to vote for Trump whether you like him or not.

    1. Exactly Having Obama on the SCOTUS would be disastrous! He would further throw out our rights through legalities and BS. Trump may not be someone you want to be buddies with do if you're looking for a friend, get a dog. If you're looking for a person who gets things done, vote for Trump!

  22. Nothing about Trump's platform makes him an idiot. He has a lot of common sense ideas that would put Anericans back to work and protect our Constitution not damn it like Killery. People like you need to wake up and actually go on Trump's site. He's got a huge list of initiatives designed to make us prosperous again. His second amendment stance is truly just common sense legislature and I hope he will get mentally challenged people the help they need that went to the wayside when the Clintons closed a lot of the hospitals back in the 90s. Gun violence has certainly increased since then. He's right when he says a carry permit should be like a driver license and recognized in all states! Bet ya didn't even know that was one of his platforms!

  23. This PC Overdive environment has only marginalized words like racism. They don't mean anything anymore because they've been missed and abused for the last seven years. Racist now is just saying you don't like someone else's views. It has nothing to do with how the other feels about ethnic groups. The Left has grossly abused this terminology that we're desensitized to them. Couldn't care less if someone calls me a racist. If I feel my neighbor is plotting something, I'm turning them in.

  24. Watching the news you'd think if all these political pundits knew so much, they'd run for office themselves instead of 'advising' candidates on who they should pick for VP. They thought Romney and Ryan would win. See the connection?

  25. From 8:28 to Thornton

    Thornton, thank you for finally stepping up and engaging in conversation on what appear now to be varied subjects, even new subjects, that I was not aware were in play, based on your response (or is it retort) to my thoughts.

    Common Core is hardly the issue here. To blame every honest disagreement on Common Core is senseless. I am guessing you are no spring chicken and neither am I. We were both done with our school house history long before the Common Core Bogeyman became the easy way out for some people as to why others do not agree with their point of view.

    I suggest that everybody looks at period history through a contemporary lens that can distort past historical truths. It is something we all need to guard against the best we can, including both of us, Thornton.

    I understand perfectly well, Thornton that there were black slave traders along with white slave traders. I also understand there were a small number of black slave owners. Remember America’s primary white English population didn’t just have a problem with black people, but also a problem with Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Irish, Eastern Europeans and others. Many of these problems have persisted to this day.

    So you are talking about those we have heard and read are paid demonstrators who show up at Trump events. Fair enough. If you had paid more attention to the minutiae that would have been much clearer. When you write, “We are a country that folds to its minority because they throw elaborate temper tantrums,” this reader is inclined to think Black Lives Matter and similar demonstrations. Most successful Americans believe the idiom, "the devil is in the details." Very little gets accomplished well without adhering to minutiae.

    I brought up Iraq because you brought it up, Thornton. In your wisdom you decided again not to go into minutiae. You said, “Yet 15 years later, we are cowering not standing up to the very ideology that portrayed one of the most violent events in our country's history - 9/11.” Nobody cowered. Thornton, hundreds of thousands of wounded and dead prove that.

    The mistake of Iraq has been huge in this 15year span. Not just Obama and Clinton decided to play Battleship using real armies but so did Bush and Rumsfeld. In fact, it started with Bush and Rumsfeld.

    Anything you don’t like, Thornton is apparently a progressive idea. Many, many, Christian social conservatives supported prohibition and continue to oppose the use of ethanol drugs. I am not going to discuss the details but You know Christian social conservatives form an important vertebra in our Republican backbone.

    You wanting to put the blame for the Civil War on Lincoln, our Republican president makes you sound like a Southern Democrat instead of a proud Republican. However, that does not change the point of my comment. The most horrible time in our history when we suffered the greatest losses was then not now.

    Your next paragraph is just nonsense. Anybody who wants to commit some Civil War type actions had better have half of our official military behind them otherwise they are going to be another Robert "LaVoy" Finicum.

    Thornton, you, like all of us, are not always right. You ask, “What say you? When I answer, you say, I am goading you. There is plenty of balderdash to go around. In the end we are probably going to have to agree to disagree on a lot of things. Are you up to it?

  26. Part I

    To 826:

    "Common Core is hardly the issue here. To blame every honest disagreement on Common Core is senseless. I am guessing you are no spring chicken and neither am I. We were both done with our school house history long before the Common Core Bogeyman became the easy way out for some people as to why others do not agree with their point of view."

    RETORT: I use the words Common Core as a "catchall" for the irrelevancy of things taught to all people now days not just kids. We had misinformation back in the 60s/70s/80s education system as well. Look to the Lincoln Cult to find multiple discrepancies between reality (his writings and diligent scholarship) verses what is written by people -- even Bill O'Reilly. For examples see: Forced To Glory and Lincoln Unmasked - you can get them from the library or Amazon. Good reads and enlightening from two scholars who actually bothered to read Lincoln's writings.

    "I suggest that everybody looks at period history through a contemporary lens that can distort past historical truths. It is something we all need to guard against the best we can, including both of us, Thornton."

    RETORT: When you train as a historian, you learn to factor in the Worldview of the period you research. What is unthinkable NOW is not necessarily unthinkable THEN. Example: Williamsburg has gallows outside where debtors were placed for days as penance for not paying their bills. This was perfectly humane and logical to Colonial Williamsburg but not so much to the current population, drowning in credit card debt. Now, no one goes to 'jail or prison' for debt.

    More to come...

  27. PART II

    To 8:26PM

    "Remember America’s primary white English population didn’t just have a problem with black people, but also a problem with Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Irish, Eastern Europeans and others. Many of these problems have persisted to this day."

    RETORT: In all my scholarship, I have never seen anything referring to Chinese or Japanese peoples as slaves during Colonial Chesapeake. There were Irish and Eastern Europeans; however, they were indentured servants NOT slaves. Indentures came either because they wanted to come to America and didn't have the financial means or they were criminals in their homeland and were sent to American colonies as a form of penance. Their contracts were for about 2-7 years and they were paid by landowners. Usually worked inside the home, not in the fields. Most had some form of trade skills like ironworks or carpentry; therefore, they were paid more. On few occasions were slaves taught skills; however, bear in mind, many slaves couldn't communicate with their owners because they didn't speak, write or understand English and it was forbidden to educate slaves in that era - even though Jefferson did educate his slaves in simple math and rudimentary reading, writing and language skills.

    Your assessment adding Asian laborers is what I mean by common core learning. These workers came more en masse with the erection of the Railroad system and many were concentrated in the West due to proximity to Southeast Asia. In the Colonial era, there was not much, if any, colonization in the West.

    Furthermore, don't see where you think these problems persist today. There is no more indentured servitude to my knowledge in America and hasn't been since we entered the Industrial Era - even though as seen through Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, many businesses have exploited cheap labor in the immigrant populations. But to say that these peoples are minorities is hardly correct because America by virtue is made up of minorities. There has been discrimination at many points in our history against immigrants: Examples: Italians were lazy whoops. Irish were demonized though can't recall their slang names and of course, Jews and Germans have had their fair share of discrimination. This does not equate to paid organized, synchronized events of agitators brought to cause upheaval and shut down free speech of someone they don't agree with politically or ideologically. Paid agitation is a method used predominantly by the Left to ensure upset and intimidate those who they do not agree. Plain and simple.

    More to come...

  28. PART III

    To 8:26PM

    "So you are talking about those we have heard and read are paid demonstrators who show up at Trump events. Fair enough. If you had paid more attention to the minutiae that would have been much clearer. When you write, “We are a country that folds to its minority because they throw elaborate temper tantrums,” this reader is inclined to think Black Lives Matter and similar demonstrations. Most successful Americans believe the idiom, "the devil is in the details." Very little gets accomplished well without adhering to minutiae."

    My article is based on my opine not someone else's. In my opinion, the demonstrations are merely rebel raise and coerce compliance to a liberal thinking that I do not prescribe to at all. These agitators perpetuate false narratives the Left bent MSM has been permeating the airwaves since Trump announced his run. He is not a racist nor a womanizer nor an oager. He is a person who stands up for himself. If you investigate every instance where he's "attacked" they were were provoked by the other party. Examples: Rosie O'Donnell said some pretty bad things about Trump on her program, The View. She and Whoopie whooped it up with the anti-Trump BS to the point where they're treading dangerously close to what we call "slander." She started the name-calling and Trump, not being one to back down, threw it right back at her. Then at the first debate, Kelly twisted the situation - know the optic if not explained in full would be damning, purposefully swayed the question as such that it was a damning answer regardless. Like: "So Mr. Trump do you still beat your wife? Yes or No." Any lawyer (Kelly is a lawyer) knows how to frame a question so there's no innocent answer.

    As for his take on the Mexican border, I defend his Wall whole-heartedly because frankly, illegal aliens get much better treatment than citizens in America, thanks to the do-gooder progressivism I spoke of last night. At the expense of American workers, illegals are encouraged to enter because they will work undocumented and cheaper than Americans. While many would say they're only gardeners and labor hands, I beg to differ. See Walt Disney's retraining for new HB-2 workers of last year which bounced several citizens out of their jobs in order to employ foreigners.

    I won't go into all the others but up until this election, Al Sharpton has thought nothing of going to Trump to ask for funds for various causes. There are several images of him with Sharpton, Jackson and others within the prominent black community - yet now, Sharpton claims he'll move out of the US if Trump is elected because he's a racist. Hogwash and I'll not stop crying fowl on this one.

    More to come....

  29. PART IV

    To 8:26PM

    "this reader is inclined to think Black Lives Matter and similar demonstrations. Most successful Americans believe the idiom, "the devil is in the details." Very little gets accomplished well without adhering to minutiae."

    BLM was started based on a lie. A complete jump to judgment before anyone had the whole facts in place. Much like Rodney King -- while the video of his beating by LAPD in 1992 was horrific, the truth is, King was a long time criminal and drug addict, known to the police and before that video camera started running, there was a whole scene already happening where King was resisting arrest. Before and after optics are extremely important here, 8:26PM. And many exploit the fact that in many cases, those optics are demonstratively missing.

    Also when the President comes out on National News and issues statements before the evidence has even been tagged, this presents a problem. Didn't like it when Nixon declared Charles Manson guilty anymore than Obama speaking out before he should with Fergusson. Both were wrong. Presidents need to understand their actions and words have consequences - but something tells me Obama is well aware of this.

    BLM has also set a history since its forming of violence and destruction. They have burned other people's property, reeked havoc on cities (Baltimore for one) and also have called for death to ALL white people. This is not the way to win friends and influence people -- as Martin Luther King, Jr. understood all too well. More people were upset by the Greensboro 4 who were spat upon and burned for sitting peacefully at a Woolsworth Lunch counter than anyone ever feels for the BLM's rant of hate. As a Civil Rights person, I thoroughly understand how the former inspires people to civil rights while the latter turns people off in general while making them crave law and order to be restored again!

    "I brought up Iraq because you brought it up, Thornton. In your wisdom you decided again not to go into minutiae. You said, “Yet 15 years later, we are cowering not standing up to the very ideology that portrayed one of the most violent events in our country's history - 9/11.” Nobody cowered. Thornton, hundreds of thousands of wounded and dead prove that.

    The mistake of Iraq has been huge in this 15year span. Not just Obama and Clinton decided to play Battleship using real armies but so did Bush and Rumsfeld. In fact, it started with Bush and Rumsfeld."

    Who said I didn't blame Bush for Iraq. I don't like either Bush for their meddling into other country's affairs. I don't blame the soldiers, they were doing their jobs, but I do blame the politico that makes these decisions without thought as to an end game. Bush was no more responsible for his actions as Obama. They both neglected the results and went for what would score them points in the political arenas rather than putting their thoughts into the human casualties that resulted. Like Vietnam - JFK, Johnson and Nixon - no one bothered to understand what 'pulling out' meant to a forward region where the leadership was terminated. That, too, resulted into many young men losing their lives for a cause where everything was murky and/or completely contrived.

    They all play Battleship for political reasons. Obama campaigned using his opponent (McCain) platform as a sounding board to pull people out of a region that was highly unstable due to Bush. Just like with Gitmo, he didn't think through the what-happens-next-? scenario. And as we've seen its' been bad bad bad for America AND the Middle East ever since.

    More to come...

  30. PART V

    To 8:26PM

    "Anything you don’t like, Thornton is apparently a progressive idea. Many, many, Christian social conservatives supported prohibition and continue to oppose the use of ethanol drugs. I am not going to discuss the details but You know Christian social conservatives form an important vertebra in our Republican backbone."

    RETORT: You mistake me for a Republican. I am a Constitutionalist. There is a very vast difference. I believe in the founding principles of this country; not in forced altruism. At this juncture, I don't see any difference between the two parties other than one is an ass and the other an elephant. They are pretty much a uni-party to me. Which by the way, is NOT a founding principle of this country. This is a Republic not a banana boat republic. Or at least, it wasn't designed to be as such.

    I believe people can self-govern if raised with morality and codes of conduct. Back in the day, there were more "baby boomer" parents who were raised on ethics like if you work hard, you get more. While mass consumption for the sheer want to consume is not my cup of tea, it's not my place to dictate to someone else their way is right or wrong. Many of these do-gooders don't honor their own code but want to mandate their code on others. Screaming, shouting and personal insults are hurled because there's no other way to Euphoria! There is never just one way to do anything and it should be up to the individual to find their own way to doing and believing without being forced to fit their round peg into a square hole.

    Anytime in our history when we've relied on the moral compass of state, we've been kicked in the ass. Every time. England. France. China. Vietnam. Germany. Russia. Et. Al. All have bore crosses when the state mandated one behavior or belief system. Look at how our country was founded -- for one, people coming here to escape religious persecution as they were not down with the church of England. Hence why freedom of religion (and speech) made the Top ONE on the Amendment List.

    "Your next paragraph is just nonsense. Anybody who wants to commit some Civil War type actions had better have half of our official military behind them otherwise they are going to be another Robert "LaVoy" Finicum."

    RETORT: You said people now are not as upset as they were in the Civil War Era and I beg to differ. If you're not on Twitter, I suggest you sign up. You'll see a whole lotta upset going on right now...even in a 140 character medium, people's upset comes blaring through like the 1812 Overture on a quiet Vietnam Sunday morning.

    "Thornton, you, like all of us, are not always right. You ask, “What say you? When I answer, you say, I am goading you. There is plenty of balderdash to go around. In the end we are probably going to have to agree to disagree on a lot of things. Are you up to it?"

    RETORT: Your commentaries to me seem to exude that I'm trying to change people's opinions. I'm not. People need to know history, whether or not they accept it is their prerogative. I think where you miss the point of my articles is to point out how we keep repeating the same mistakes yet expect different results. I believe that's also referred to as insanity. America keeps making the same mistakes because many don't study history other than a few cursory factoids to win at Jeopardy. Then they spend the rest of their lives relying on MSM to give them TRUTH when if one studied German history, they know what propaganda looks like.

    Example: New Deal/Great Society. New Deal perpetuated the Great Depression an additional decade. Great Society has been a precursor to bankrupting Social Security.

    See that's just it, I don't care if people agree with me or not. In fact, the worst dates make for excellent comedy -- however, if you're going to spar with me, be prepared with your wikipedia and Jstors open on another browser because I'll throw-down with scholarship and expect the same from YOU!

  31. PART VI

    To 8:26PM

    As for not fighting back against terrorism, only the President truly knows why he's done what he's done. I guess we'll have to wait another 25 years to ascertain what that's all about. Perhaps we'll never know why or why not...but I can say this, we are at war - it's a religious war, far more lethal than wars waged over territory or money. It's ideological. No amount of LOVE is going to cure it or win it for us. As Jefferson learned during his presidency, only rough and tumble wins at that kind of conflict. He did and we experienced 200 years of peace - off their radar. With Carter, one of our perceived weaker presidents, we were back in business being targets for them.

    And Clinton did have a chance to stop 9/11 but he decided not to kill bin Laden. That was a choice he made with a result we lived with on 9/11/2001 and every moment since. Was he right? Was he wrong? I guess it's up to individuals to draw their own conclusions.

    And with that... there's no more to retort.

  32. From 8:28 Thanks, Thornton, for your opine. I appreciate your open honest back and forth. I have to remember you are a Constitutionalist. I think you told me that one time before. I am going to have to put in some time with the serious work of earning a living but I will check in with you again later today. Enjoy your 4th.


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