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Sunday, July 10, 2016

New York School Isolates 6 Year-Old White Kids from Rest of Class - Tells Them They're Racist and Privileged

The New York Post reported:

An elite Manhattan school is teaching white students as young as 6 that they’re born racist and should feel guilty benefiting from “white privilege,” while heaping praise and cupcakes on their black peers.

Administrators at the Bank Street School for Children on the Upper West Side claim it’s a novel approach to fighting discrimination, and that several other private New York schools are doing it, but even liberal parents aren’t buying it.

They complain the K-8 school of 430 kids is separating whites in classes where they’re made to feel awful about their “whiteness,” and all the “kids of color” in other rooms where they’re taught to feel proud about their race and are rewarded with treats and other privileges.

“Ever since Ferguson, the school has been increasing anti-white propaganda in its curriculum,” said a parent who requested anonymity because he has children currently enrolled in the school.

Bank Street has created a “dedicated space” in the school for “kids of color,” where they’re “embraced” by minority instructors and encouraged to “voice their feelings” and “share experiences about being a kid of color,” according to school presentation slides obtained by The Post.



  1. The parents should sue.

  2. That sounds like more racist BS

  3. No they should remove there children from these shameless schools.

  4. What a load of BS!

  5. So, teaching discrimination against a group because of the color of their skin is okay? I don't think that's how I've been brought up in my 62 years...

    1. Any discrimination is wrong but teachers abuse their power over children to indoctrinate them into holding their same beliefs. Now days if you don't join the pact mentality you're a racists, unfit. I sat with a group of educators a few weeks back who made the sweeping statement that ALL Trump supporters are racists and violent - nothing could be further from the truth but liberals aren't interested in truth. They're only interested in bullying and forcing their views on others.

  6. Why would any white parent leave their kid in a school as racist as this?

  7. This is business as usual for liberals and unfortunately too many teachers are big old liberals. They name call and shame whites people because they know whites aren't a 'protected group' which is BS.

    Teachers should be held accountable for their actions. If I were the parents of this child, I'd sue the teacher for going beyond their job scope with my child. Mind rape is still rape and it's time the thought police started to realize real consequences for their actions!

  8. So if white kids are born racist then are black kids born stupid?

  9. People this has to stop.
    Give Trump a chance..... keep the trash out of our house!

  10. Just let the blacks and Hispanics run the country.
    We could be as prosperous and powerful as Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Argentina, Somalia, Columbia, Sudan, Panama, etc..
    It's a hard shot of reality when you tell the smart kids that they have to be guilty for it, and then tell the stupid kids how wonderfully gifted and special they are....
    You don't think they know already?
    I'm sure it makes ALL the kids feel nonjudgmental and loving.
    Keep cheering.

    1. "We could be as prosperous and powerful as Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Argentina, Somalia, Columbia, Sudan, Panama, etc.." Your laundry list of prosperity is stunning, Imclain. πŸ˜‰ Yes those countries are a liberal's version of paradise. It might be good for them to visit a real socialistic country before cheering the fruits of socialism. They think because they read Marx that somehow they have the inside track.

      For all the challenged here, this is a bit of perspective. Saw an article yesterday where a dozen eggs in Brazil now costs $150.00. And yes, it was from a very reliable and credible news source. Think about it. Is socialism really such a hot thought. As Imclain says always: Keep cheering! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»


  11. The sad irony is that there is cutthroat competition to get kids into 'desirable' private schools in NYC (and other areas, too) and that just pulling the kids out doesn't mean they can get enrolled in another private school any time soon without a great deal of effort and $$.

    The kids getting the cupcakes and praise may be kids of other well-to-do parents with a different shade of skin, or they may be on 'scholarship'.

    But racism is racism whether practiced privately, part of a school's curriculum, or fostered by a government.

  12. that is about the most racist thing i have seen in our education system MARTIN LUTHER KING tried to bring the races together and now we are separating them????????? what bullshit

    1. Don, couldn't agree with you more! It is. Teachers should NOT let their personal politics filter through and possibly corrupt their students. It's a shame that often teachers abuse their power positions to coerce compliance from the kids, which may directly counter what the parents have taught them. Example: one teacher told a student that the government would take care of him after graduation. When his father demanded he get a part time summer job, the boy challenged his dad not the teacher. But oh how he cited his teacher's pearl of wisdom in his retort.

  13. They want to make sure the Yoos know who they are and how important they are compared to the goy.

  14. What progressive education idiot thought this up in the first place?

  15. So sad Sally:
    Mexico, Brazil, Panama and Colombia (Columbia is a community in Md) are democratic republics, not socialist governments but don't let facts get in your way.

  16. It's NOT just racist B.S. This is happening all over the country due to Common Core. Wake UP! Indoctrination on steroids. Sal Alinsky's plan playing out right before our eyes. YOUR children being changed for life and YOU won't recognize them when they're finished with them. You have choices and a major decision to make, but Most of you won't take this seriously or you simply don't care. Shame on you...

  17. We can complain all we want but to combat this racism will take either suing the individuals responsible or violence.

  18. Something like "The People's Republic of China"? Are "we, the people" running anything in those "republics"? Get real. And I love it when the intellectually pious point out the "Columbia" reference. This ain't history class. What do you think the people in that country call themselves and the place they reside? In a list of countries, you actually think someone would include the name of a tiny town in the U.S.? Don't let reality get in your way....

    Call them whatever they want to be called. If they REALLY operate as dictatorships, gangster entities, or failing socialist regimes, then thats what they ARE...
    WE are, without question or any doubt, headed rather quickly into a government controlled economy within a socialist framework, incrementally but firmly locked in place by top to bottom 24-7 surveillance and monitoring backed up by a militarized police force.
    That is, if we move peacefully and politically towards that result. It's possible that we WON'T take that route, too. The breakdown of law and order, stoked by the obvious disregard of that very thing by the powerful and welathy, continues to spread. The government's response becomes increasingly more violent. The cyle progresses until the government's response crosses the line and the people erupt and take the country back. The story has been written in blood dozens of times throughout history. If you believe that because we are the USA it won't (or can't) happen again here, you're wrong.
    And you are probably unprepared.
    Keep cheering. It's your only hope...

  19. This is why private schools are packed full and trying to raise money to expand...some of us are sick and damn tired of our kids being brainwashed by liberals.My kid was assaulted by a black kid,twice.Nothing was done because of the "race-discipline" quotas.Yet if my kid beat his ass,he would be suspended.That was when I decided we were done with public school.You get what you pay for people! Stop buying new cars and going to Disney twice a year and then you can afford to do whats right for your children!Invest in them!Sorry Joe but it burns me up to see all these middle class people with two incomes whine about how they cannot afford private school,yet they each have brand new vehicles,swimming pools,boats,ATV's ,etc.What good is any of that shit going to do for their kids later in life? Stop whining about the schools and just pull your kids out and stop making excuses.


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