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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Report: Bill Clinton Delayed Takeoff for Loretta Lynch Encounter

A source inside the federal security force protecting both President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch told The New York Observer that Clinton manipulated his own takeoff from the private executive cordon of Phoenix’s Sky Harbor International Airport Monday to ensure he could meet Lynch:

Nobody knew this was coming. We just knew to be aware there were other events going on. There was no planned meeting. It was just chance contact. The fact is, he just started walking over. I don’t think it was pre-arranged. He just started walking over and [even her security] can’t tell him, ‘you can’t do that.’ He walked in her plane for at least 20 to 25 minutes and the FBI is standing face to face with the Secret Service and just chatting on the hot tarmac like, ‘what the hell.’



  1. So how did slick willie know lynch was there?

    1. This question is so assinine it's not even worth answering. Use your brain for something more than a hat rack for a change and you'll figure it out on your own. 😱🙄

  2. What's scarier here is this person who asked it actually votes!

  3. Thought they hooked up to praise their grand children. I find it hard to believe Slick Stud would have any wrong thought's in his mind. Maybe asking the corrupt top cop to send his bride to the lockup.
    Say it ain't so.......what a show!

  4. i call bull..He had to know that she was gonna be there, and in her position somebody had to give him the go ahead to enter that plane. They could have stopped him but choose not to. so again the Clinton's prove that they can do what the heck ever they want and nobody is gonna stop them? They want us to believe that he had no idea that she was there but he waited for her to arrive. again i call bull....He waited for her to arrive and entered that plane regardless of the secret service stopping him? Just to talk about grandkids? And not to mention that she has no grandkids. No sorry...this doesn't sit right with me. They are selling. But sorry I'm not buying. They are trying to sell this like they tried to sell the Benghazi video. People just aint buying it.

  5. Of course he knew she would be there. Probably prearranged the meeting for that local so it could be easily explained as chance or happenstance. People believing this was impromptu are strikingly naive and easily led by the Clintons' outward corruption, presented as altruism. This was a planned event meant to thwart the FBI who is getting close to their recommendations. Chances are he gave her info to blackmail her staff to not go forward. Corruption that puts KGB to shame. She's luckier than that chap at the UN. Days before he was to testify about Clinton's nefarious donation scam ran out of breath. He had a heart attack while crushing his own throat.

    1. Crushing his own throat. My my how sloppy the Clintons have gotten in their old age. That one's gonna be hard to explain away than Vince Foster shooting himself twice in the head while leaving no blood splatters at his 'suicide' scene.

  6. 9:41 Secret service is his security force not hers. She is protected by the the FBI. Go back to sleep.

    1. See liberals buy anything without so much as one thought about it. If Clinton wants to find someone-anyone then the Secret Service can locate them. Go back to your coma, 950!

  7. Liberals are so gullible they probably believe this shit on a chef salad.

  8. Replies
    1. It certainly passes the wag the dog fabricated optics. Wonder what was really going on that day. Smoke n' mirrors to divert the lemmings.

  9. 9:53
    The comment from 9:41 refers to this comment above "He waited for her to arrive and entered that plane regardless of the secret service stopping him?" but since you lack reading comprehension, you missed it. This blog should be called delmarva's premier source for entertainment.

    1. 1005 there's nothing wrong with my reading retention skills but there is a problem with your ideological skills. Go back to your liberal coma. It's so much better in that warm fuzzy place of 🍭🍭🍭🍭 & 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

  10. Doesn't matter what my ideology is 10:17 but we all know you are as sweet as Larry Craig or Ted Haggard.

    1. How adorable you are as you troll. 👹👹👹

  11. Bill was the one who appointed her to her first job. That alone should be enough for her to recuse herself. Since she didn't, she must resign. And if hillary doesn't get indicted every american should riot. This country needs a new citizen uprising and a new govt. Iceland did it. So can we. Lock all these politicians who support everyone but americans for their own gain. Id say what I'd really like to do to them all but don't need a visit from secret service. Sad they will come arrest citizens for saying something, but stand by when the politicians they protect break the law constantly.

  12. Liar, all liars. period.


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