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Sunday, July 10, 2016

JUST IN: Band Perry Concert Cancelled At Freeman Stage

Due to heightened security concerns and the safety of our patrons and artists we are rescheduling tonight's performance of The Band Perry until Aug. 17. The Freeman Stage at Bayside will honor exchanges for the Aug. 17 concert or refunds from July 5 through July 15. More information will be posted soon on freemanstage.org. We apologize for any inconvenience and are thankful for your patience.


  1. heightened security concerns ? what does that mean? ISIS coming to Selbyville? ridiculous.

  2. Is it because of the rain?

  3. WMDT is running a story about "crisis evacuation safety". Is that what this country is coming to? Stories and articles telling us how to run like cowards when (not if, but when) the bad guys attack us? They are telling us to just tuck our tails between out legs and suck it up because that's the new normal. How many innocents were killed by ISIS in Bangladesh two days ago? And now at least another 150 killed by ISIS in Baghdad today. But don't worry, they are just the JV team and we have them on the run.

  4. Where is the foresight and vision these days? Are people born without it? I knew this would not take place and I'm not even a fan.I have NEVER bought tickets for any concert that was eventually cancelled.Going all the way back to Smoky,who did not show up at the Delaware St Fair as planned many years ago,and continuing throughout them all.They telegraph their intentions to anyone who cares to listen.And never ever trust Bret Michaels to show up.

  5. Thunder storms arse holes

  6. "...crisis evacuation safety."
    That's not unlike the term used ad-nauseum today: "shelter in place"
    Shelter in place is just another way of saying "hide".

  7. 10:53--
    You are severely uninformed about the situation there tonight. It's pretty much exactly what was announced, not some off-the-wall theory that you have about artists.

    8:58, 10:54-- No.

  8. 12:57 then say what it is instead of these ridiculous cryptic messages.

  9. What's the deal with all the upset. Thunderstorms. So what? Concerts get cancelled. No reason to have a bitchfest about it. Get a grip people.

  10. 7:10--
    When somethng is under investigation, this is the best you're going to get. I personally thought the statement was well-worded.

  11. 8:45 being the know it all, you would, but based on the % of other comments they don't agree anything was well worded. Unless you have valid info to offer you are just trolling..

    If it were weather related it would have said that and didn't, so that guess is nothing but BS and per WBOC they said the band revealed a statement that said was due to "their" safety.

    Cryptic BS is all it is. Drama drama drama.

  12. Well, whatever the message means, there's not concert tonight. That's all folks!

  13. Maybe if you had more than one source for news you would know :
    “The Delaware State Police are currently investigating an incident in which two male subjects made alarming statements to an employee at the welcome center at The Freeman Stage at Bayside where The Band Perry was scheduled to perform,” said DSP spokesperson Jeffrey Hale."

  14. The sooner they get obama the hell out of here and put Donald Trump in the White House the better off this country will be! You can blame ALL these inconveniences directly on obama. The evil man would much rather see 100's Americans killed then one muslim offended. The only thing worst then obama are his supporters and democrats in general. Democrats aren't true Americans. They are the worst of the worst. They are filthy nasty degenerates who have no business in this country. They have ruined it!

  15. No worries; Obama will protect us.

  16. I heard it was the terror group Black lives matter.

  17. 9:06--
    Nope, not a know-it-all, just in the know. Since you chose to launch a personal attack, I'm thinkin' you're the troll in this conversation. I indicated it was not due to the (light) rain, then you attacked on that statement like I'd said the opposite. Reading comprehension much? No one else posting indicated they were even there. I WAS. Most venues don't close down a show for a light rain, perhaps a delay. Any show at this venue over the past years has gone on if there wasn't lightning involved, or a deluge showing on radar. If you read today's DSP release, you will see that I was telling the truth. It's raining again, you might want to go crawl back under yiour rock.


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