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Sunday, July 10, 2016


Welcome To The New America


  1. Wait until November! It's going to get much worse!

  2. While I can't say that I am at all surprised about this, the only way to effectively mitigate this is to vote for Mr. Trump in the fall



    1. True, he will hold them accountable and many many government officials will be charged!

  3. LAWYER: Your Honor while we'll agree my client shoplifted due to him being unable to find a job. His INTENT of hunger lacks malice. Therefore, I move to dismiss all charges against my client!

  4. LAWYER: Yes, your Honor, while we agree Mr. Jones sold drugs, we don't know his INTENT for selling said drugs. Hence, I motion to dismiss!

  5. Lawyer: Your Honor, please find my motion for the Clinton Defense. LE has only proven he killed his wife but not his INTENT of said action!

  6. Lawyer: Your Honor, you must dismiss all charges against my client. Law Enforcement cannot assess my client's INTENT to kill his wife!

  7. James Comey is without honor. A perfect democrat.

  8. Not funny because so true.

  9. I'm sure they made some backroom deals with Loretta Lynch. She put pressure on the FBI to back off, and the President, who is being blackmailed by the Clinton's is now going to campaign on their behalf. Looks like they are calling in favors!!!
    The Republican establishment is pretending to be outraged!!! This country is toast!!!!

  10. " The Day The Music Died "
    February 3, 1959

    " The Day -- --- " fill in the blanks
    July 5, 2016

  11. What do you think would have happened to any of "we, the people" who were caught with top secret (!) and other classified information on an unsecured server that had dozens of e-mail chains??
    Right. And REAL fast. The process would leave you broke, unemployed and eventually in prison. Lawyers would be living in your house, not you.
    She gets to run for President with NO shame....none.
    Her audacity and chutzpah are breathtaking. It should scare the daylights out of you. On a scale of 1-10 for integrity, the FBI just went to a two.
    I can't believe that 40% of people think we need HER to lead this coountry. That's the best they got?

  12. Funny Comey is listed as a Republican. So not only is he a bad lawyers, corrupt but also a bad Republican.

  13. This is the best we can do - Trump and Hillary. What an embarrassment. Neither one should have gotten this far.


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