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Sunday, July 10, 2016

MSP Press Release 7-5-16 (Fatal Collison)


  1. We need to widen that roadway! Put up lights and a J turn! So dangerous there! The driver is not to blame!

  2. Ok whose fault was it?

  3. Would love to see the texting history on said juveniles cell.
    Dollars to donuts she was texting at the time.
    When will people wake up and stop texting behind the wheel.
    My guess ........ never. Until it affects your life in ways unimaginable.
    Sad for all involved.

  4. If you are old enough to drive and have a license, then you should not have name withheld due to juvenile status. The state is not releasing the name.

  5. when I was growing up you walked / rode a bike on the shoulder not in the travel portion of the roadway. Vehicles had the right of way. Another thing of the past. People walk in the lane just like riding a bike hindering the flow of traffic. Then you want to blame the driver. People need to use "CS" common sense.

  6. We need to hear the facts before assigning blame.

  7. There is no shoulder on that stretch of roadway.

  8. By law, bikes are considered "vehicles" in Maryland and have the same rights and responsibilities are cars. That being said, I believe she was distracted and hit him. My guess is texting.

  9. @6:04, this happened at the Mt Hermon Rd, intersection, not Rt. 50. Terribly sad accident. :-(

  10. Never walk or ride a bike with traffic, then you can see them coming...and get out of the way. Drivers are crazy. Not paying attention or doing a million things while driving at the same time. Sad.

  11. 10:27! I know where it happened! That was the point of my comment! Someone dies and it's not the drivers fault must be the intersection! It's never a person's fault who is driving!

  12. 7:15 and that is why they get run over as well as their disregard for obeying stop signs and red lights.

  13. 11:03 - I agree with you. Face traffic so that you can see them coming. You have a much better chance if you see a vehicle coming toward you. But didn't law change that said that you had to ride with the traffic? I would love to go out on a bike but not as long as I have to have vehicles coming up behind me.

  14. 11:21, there is no way they could put a J turn there.


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