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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Am I Making Any Sense To You Now?


  1. In retrospect, Nixon should have never resigned from his position! He wasn't even a crook back then! He was a paranoid person for sure, but he wouldn't have sold out America the way Clinton did and still does! She's still a criminal regardless of the FBI's sham!

  2. 5:43 - Amen, so very true.

  3. She certainly has his paranoia.

  4. It is fine not to like Hillery but her problems are not the same that is why Nixon got in real trouble and she just got lectured.

    With Hillery it has been mud slinging at her for decades. Its never been good mud. That is why none of it stuck.

  5. Yep that's Hilary see no evil done no evil, and you would vote for her to run our country, remember she was an attorney, can't plead the 5th.

  6. His arms would have wings compared to Hilldabeast.

    She and Bill have so much blood on both there hands it looks like red rum.

  7. Imagine being so stupid you record yourself on reel-to-reel tapes committing felonies.
    I'm with you guys. Nixon was set up. He should have never let those intelligence agents into his WH knowing they were involved in "that bay of pigs thing" . . .

  8. E. Howard Hunt was responsible for Nixon's downfall.
    He and G.H. Bush.

  9. 658 you really should read more about Hillary Clinton's so-called character. She did a lot more than Nixon, plus she's much more corrupt. Taking bribes to do things in the State Department for so-called "donors." Get a clue.

  10. The best president in my lifetime!

  11. You're loving me now baby!

  12. By resigning , it did show he had some ethics.

  13. Nixon believed people around him were plotting to take his presidency and make him look bad! One of those people were Hillary. He wasn't paranoid just ahead of his times.

  14. 543 how was he paranoid? I think he was pretty much accurate.

  15. 8:57pm No, you really should read more about Nixon. Under him, we got out of Vietnam. He had super intelligent people surrounding him in the White House. Read on.

  16. Hillary destroyed evidence that would stick and convict her. And eliminated those who would've testified against her. She's a crooked lawyer and has known all along what she's done. She will do anything for money and power.


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