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Monday, July 11, 2016

My Husband Is A Police Officer, And I Owe You An Apology

There’s a reason my husband is an officer and I am not. I’m a relatively good person, but he’s better than me.

He became an officer for all the right reasons. He was that little boy who never knew his daddy. He watched his mother struggle to make ends meet. He easily could have chosen a path less honorable, but instead he chose to do something with the goal of making a difference.

You see, my husband took an oath to be committed to you and your safety, regardless of whether or not that takes him from me. I never took that oath, and I’m beginning to wonder if you’re worth it. As I said, he’s better than me.

He’s better than me because he’s never cared if you see him for his worth or not. He doesn’t care if you have any respect for him or if you loathe him. He will still be there for you. He will help you. He will save you. He will stand in front of your bullet to save an innocent behind him. I don’t think you’re worth it, and I apologize for not being as good of a person to you as he is.

You see, I don’t want to help you if you hate me.



  1. Amen. Well-stated.
    Thank you for that.

  2. Well, ask your husband, if he has shot someone unarmed and in the back, who was no threat to you or anyone else... Then ask him if he left them there to bleed out before calling for an ambulance... White, black, yellow or purple, it is of no consequence when any color or race is being shot in the back and left to bleed out, The oath you speak of lady, is where a cop is to uphold the laws, not protect and serve and more than enough higher ups in the police field along with the supreme court has ruled just so...

    Let me ask you this, do you think it is honorable that police shoot un-armed people in the back and let them bleed out? Is that honorable? becasue if it is, then what do you call when a US Soldier dies defending your rights??? I don't see soldiers out here in the streets abusing people and ruining their lives and get paid to do it and after they do it, make a song and dance where they fist bump...

    1. I think it is honorable. Just my opinion thou.

  3. 1:13 you are lumping all police in one basket. That is like putting all blacks or whites in one basket. One size does not fit all here. Your narrow minded view of these shows lack of reasoning and is why America is in the shape it is in. I support all Americans yes especially the police and all emergency personnel. Live strong America.

  4. @1:13 Re-read your own post. You are a racist and you are what is wrong with America. You may want to look in the mirror and do a little soul searching my friend. Are all blacks "thugs"? Are all white's racist? No, but as long as people think like you we will always have a problems! You know nothing about the author or her husband. Stop judging..that is God's job!

  5. Thank your husband for me. I appreciate everything police officers do to keep the peace. Our country is falling apart and is in a sad state affairs. If law enforcement walked off the jobs even for one day, we could kiss America goodbye. In the simplest form, obey the laws, listen to commands, do what they ask and the police will not mess with you.

  6. What a nice story.
    I'm also sure that her husband has read the US Constitution since he is a "good cop".

    The problem with the bad cops is that they really don't understand the job.

  7. "1:13 you are lumping all police in one basket. That is like putting all blacks or whites in one basket."

    They each should have a separate but equal basket.



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