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Monday, July 11, 2016

Bo Dietl Says Obama Has ‘Divided’ the U.S.: ‘I’ve Never Seen Race Relations So Bad’

Former NYPD detective Bo Dietl told Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannn that there is no leadership with President Barack Obama: “You have no leadership. This guy should be back on his plane. Get your butt back here to the United States. Your country. You’ll lose it–because he divided this country. I’ve never seen race relations so bad.”

Dietl continued:

I go back to the sixties; that’s how it was. And he brought these race relations back so bad when he started up with his mouth with Ferguson before they knew what happened there. He had to open his mouth with the guy in Florida. All these shootings; he doesn’t even know what he’s talking about.

“This brings back memories,” said Dietl, “And I was a cop.” He added:

In the early seventies, we had the Black Liberation Army that killed one year, 13 cops and another year, 11 cops. This brings me to the frightfulness of those years when they were assassinating cops in New York. People forget we just had two hero New York City cops that were assassinated a year-and-a-half ago because of this Mayor Big Bird here in New York allowing people to shut the streets down. “What do we want? Dead Cops. When Do we want them? Now!” And they assassinated those cops.


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