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Monday, July 11, 2016

Jesse Jackson Blames TRUMP For 'Black Lives Matter' Attack On Cops

'It's a kind of anti-black mood'.

Human rights activist Jessie Jackson has pointed the finger at US presidential hopeful Donald Trump and his followers for helping to creating a rising climate of fear in America which has contributed to the shocking deaths of five police officers in downtown Dallas.

Rev Jackson said there was an ‘anti-black mood’ in America which also saw discrimination against immigrants, Muslims and women.

Speaking in the aftermath of the coordinated attack on 11 police in Dallas, Rev Jackson called on President Barack Obama to hold a conference on violence and racial disparities.’

In an interview with BBC Radio 4 in London, Rev Jackson commented on the shooting of unarmed black men by police and the revenge attack in Dallas: ‘It’s a kind of anti-black mood, anti-semitism, anti-Muslim bashing, immigrant bashing, female bashing, a kind of mean spirited division in the country.’

Rev Jackson considered what was causing the divisive mood in America.

He said: ‘Threats to deport 15 million immigrants…threats to build a wall between Mexico who we share 2,000 miles of a border, there’s a permissiveness towards black people [which] is readily apparent and we have been used as scape goats for deeper and deeper economic and cultural fears.’

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  1. If it werent for race cards, Jesse Jackscoon wouldnt have anything to play

  2. Jackson panders to the ignoramuses in society. BLM was around longer than Donald Trump's candidacy.

  3. Does the Reverend have a fence around his house?

  4. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton both are nothing but big wind bags spreading racism, they need to find honest jobs, pay some taxes and stop feeding the black race into a frenzy, nothing but trouble makers!

  5. The irrelevant Rev. Jackson trying to make some cash and raise his profile (again) in the midst of a disaster.
    So typical.
    Hopefully most people of all colors can see right through him at this point. He's disgraced himself enough times already.

  6. Black Lives Matter didn't attack the police in Dalas. A lone gunman did and he was in disagreement with BLM peaceful demonstrations as well.


  7. JJ is just a tool leaching off the companies he puts the squeeze on. His rhetoric reaches his pocket but not those he claims to advocate for. Each illegal holding down a job of any sort is taking bread directly from the mouths of JJ's people. Simple as that!

  8. Jackson is senile and living in the 60's.

  9. I wish " The good reverend " would click his heels together three times and go back to Africa !

  10. That turd wasn't relevant even in the '60s. Just a waste and thinks he is important.The middle class black don't give him a thought. Go away old man.

  11. We should not give this bozo the time of day. The end!!

  12. Always has been and will continue to be a total waste of a man.

  13. Hey Jessica! ! Who do you blame for ALL the homies killing each other? ?? YOU?? OBAMA? ?? STUPIDITY? ???

  14. Oh, he's so F O S it's disgusting.


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