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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Message From Governor Larry Hogan

This morning's shooting in Baton Rouge, which has already cost 3 police officers their lives and has resulted in serious injuries to at least 4 others, is an outrage and a tragedy. I cannot help but fear that this may have been a targeted attack against the very people who, out of a sense of duty and honor, have pledged to serve their communities and protect us all from harm.

Cold blooded and cowardly attacks on members of the law enforcement family make every single one of us less safe, and only serve to deepen the wounds that have opened up in communities across the country. Murder and violence are not substitutes for justice and the rule of law.

I will not rush to judgment and I urge others not to do so either. We are all awaiting details on the incident. The First Lady and I are praying for the victims and their loved ones. May God be with them, and with us all, as our country watches yet another tragedy unfold.


  1. I have no interest in hearing what Hogan has to say about this issue. His words mean nothing to me. I only have faith and hope and find comfort in what Mr Donald Trump has to say anymore.

    1. Having faith and hope in Donald Trump is not the way. Having hope and faith in God is the only way.

  2. Couldnt resist getting in the lime light? Or a little birdy tell you our area's next? Baltimore going to get a false flag shooter too? Know something we dont know? Maybe now's a good time to look at all the bs policies in place to protect all those over the line troopers under your watch. I in no way support attaching our Leo's, but anyone can tell you covering up bad cops {not to mention politicians!!}is one of the straws thats brought this Country to this boiling point. You tell us not to rush to judgement but your first to do it? ""this may have been""

  3. POS. Bad mouths Trump. Maybe he should attend the DNC convention. Hey Hogan - grow a pair and stand up for what is right.

  4. The time for talk is over ,It's time for action.

  5. We need to be patient and wait to see what DOJ Lynch and Clinton decide at their next (secret) meeting on the airport tarmac. I am sure that the FBI will conclude that the shooter in this case didn't really shoot anyone ON PURPOSE.

  6. 5:24 So Governor Hogan is written off just because he has his own opinion? No wonder the Republican Party is in shambles.

  7. Don't be ridiculous 6:50. You sound like a dummy totally ignorant about the founders intent for elected officials. His opinion has nothing to with this and if you think so then you and those like you have major problems. The voters in MD voted for Donald Trump. It's not about Hogan having an opinion it's about he himself being an elected official who was elected to do the will of the people, not act on which way his opinion is swinging. The republican party is in shambles because of politicians like Hogan who are superficial and so disgusting that the will of the people means nothing to them-and again if you don't think so then you are a major part of the problem-a major part. And yes I'm done with him. He's nothing but a politician and politicians make me gag.

  8. 6:50 PM, his opinion does not count with a lot of people anymore. Don't care to hear it either.

  9. It's time our Leaders do something to protect
    this Country. Being sorry just doesn't cut it.
    We are at War !!!!

  10. 8:39 We can have both. It's a given to have hope and faith in God our Father. We should have hope and faith in people and not lose that. If we lose hope and faith in people then there is no point in even praying for others, or expecting any improvements in people or giving people a second chance. If we lose hope and faith in others then we are doomed I think.

  11. Sorry Larry I don't pay you any mind. One and done HOGAN!!

  12. 6:50 Of course he can have an opinion but you can have an opinion and still go along with the will of the people. So yes I am writing him off. He wasn't elected for his opinion to guide him. He was elected to do the will of the people. The party is in shambles because of people like you who either have forgotten or never knew the role of elected officials.

  13. The "will of the people" in Maryland is for Hillary. She got many more votes from her Maryland supporters than Donald got from his Maryland supporters. Hogan won the election with support from Republicans, but he also needed the support of many Democrats, who are the overwhelming majority in Maryland. Being a RINO is in his best interests for a second term.


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