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Sunday, July 24, 2016

65 Arrested During Afromation Protest After Blocking Traffic

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — At least 65 protesters were taken into police custody on Saturday after blocking traffic of the I-83 near Charles Street, according to the Baltimore Police Department.

The protesters are part of a movement called Afromation. The group aims to rebuild relationships between police and the community. They set out to march with a list of demands.

Baltimore’s celebration of arts and culture came to a halt Saturday as a group of protesters descended on Penn Station, some ending up in handcuffs. Click here to watch a video of the protest; the video does contain language.



  1. Marching with a list of requests might have been a better idea.

  2. I have a list of demands.
    1- Stop having kids if your on welfare
    2- If you do have kids make sure the father will be there to help raise the child or use birth control.
    3- Stop breaking the law at a disproportionate rate compared to others.
    4- Stop teaching your kids to hate white people.
    5- Get a job and provide for yourself.

  3. "The group aims to rebuild relationships between Police & the community" Blocking the highway is probably not the best way to start rebuilding relationships.

  4. Bus these people to another neighborhood where there is racial unrest and let them find their way back home. They will just reduce their numbers.

  5. It gets attention, and that's the message.

  6. The Dallas police chief had a great idea. Instead of doing something like rioting like this how about doing something productive joining the PD's. I agree but we have to realize we are dealing with a people who want lawlessness. For generations now we have been trying every way possible to get them to act civilized and it's failed. They squander every opportunity them get and revert back to their savage ways. It's time they are treated for what they are and that is garbage. They have proven time and time again that they aren't equals. The Muslims and the Koran say they are dirty unclean degenerates and that is becoming obvious.

  7. I'm not 9:50 but of course the bullet points can be said about all people-Einstein, but not to the extent that they can be said about blacks. And DUH!!! No one is targeting blacks-this is about blacks and their grievances so we need to stick w/them and not bring other races into this. Stop making everything into a racial thing. I totally agree with 9:50.

  8. The points were general because if we have ever been to Walmart we know that to be true. Being on the public dole for an extended period of time a person develops a mindset that crosses all racial bounds. The point about not hating white people is valid and the only point directed at non whites ,This mindset IS being taught in non white area's it's not healthy that's why it was mentioned.

  9. Why not just keep driving? I don't get it if your dumb enough to stand in the middle of the road you should expect to get run over. Idiots on both sides , those standing in the street and the drivers who stop and let them get away with it

  10. 1:05 because they would pull you out of the car and beat you to death or to within inches of your life. That's what the dirt bike riders do in Baltimore.

  11. No one in that in that traffic delay was impressed. Only through the MSM was this noted.

  12. People of all color are mad because they now realize (after many decades waiting for good results) that the government cannot fix the race problem. Or the poor problem. Or the sick problem. Or the hungry problem.

    Government cannot fix any of these social ills because that is not the government's purpose.

    Government is designed to maintain the status quo. Keep the rich people happy and comfortable. Keep the poor people away from the rich people. So on.

    Be Ye Reconciled to God!

  13. Thank you for posting that. I get so disgusted when one group of people are so hated and targeted.

  14. Why not block the roads and waterways leading to Martha's Vineyard and the Hampton's ? Leave the middle class to go about their business and mess with the politicians, Wall Street and movie/TV/News people as they "summer" in their exclusive playgrounds!

  15. I didn't see anything in 9:50 that said blacks. It's for any lowlife of any race.

  16. @9:50 you said it best !!

  17. I've seen a few comments referencing blacks but a lot say "they" my own included. By "they" I mean whoever is behind and participates in and subscribes to the BLM nonsense. "They" are of all races and quite frankly I can't stand any of them who are a part of that.

  18. Thay are PROTESTING in order to REBUILD RELATIONSHIPS between the police and the public. And they have a list of DEMANDS? Did I miss something? SMH!

  19. Where do they get off making demands? I demand they stop these actions, quit blocking traffic, and GO HOME!


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