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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Ocean City BLM Part 3


  1. The vacation capital of Md. filled with hate from our African American friends. I think I know why they do this , the don't like themselves.

    1. Sad to say OC is done as a family vacation location. I certainly will never take mine there ever again.

  2. Replies
    1. OCEAN City has turned Ghetto!

  3. And some think the working police officer should be sensitive and handle this trash with a I love you approach. Calm down we will be over to your hood in the morning to clean up the debris that someone threw on your grounds. The only reason the dummies are videoing is to "catch" the cop doing their job. Pop their f'n' eye balls out or choke the fight out of the scum. Better yet, just place a call to Bikers for Trump to be on standby the remainder of the summer. These punks would be afraid to set foot into Ocean City, Maryland. Such a shame to ruin things for the employed folks vacationing.

  4. The problem is that some in that lower age group,white and black have 0 respect for law and order. It comes from that wanna be gangster music about treating women wrong and disrespecting Authority. i know some will say the rap culture or music in general has no effect. Well think about the 70's with stopping the Vietnam war ,they sang about peace and started opening the doors to nice race relations starting to open up.Also it is about mainly no father in the home to many babies having babies
    , never taking responsibility and accountability for their actions. they expect someone else to fix their problems.

    1. Rap and tv are huge influences in the youth who have no male role model at home to mirror how to handle yourself as a human, but also a man. This is sad and purely because of the breakdown of the family and lack of God

    2. Breakdown of family...yes! They don't need another made up, invisible entity, like their fathers and mothers, God! They need efucation, love and support!

    3. Agree 8:12. Where's the outrage and memories of the white local boys who beat a man to death last year. But they were white rich kids. That's ok?

    4. It's none ok! It's all wrong 😟

  5. I think the employed folks vacationing will think twice about going to Ocean City ever again.

  6. *****ALL LIVES MATTER*****What they are doing makes things worse. Not all cops are bad. There is no way this is a family friendly place anymore!! Thank you to all for your ignorance. There are other ways to get your point across. Showing your violence to all the families that were there with there kids was not the way. So stupid!!!!

  7. Does anyone remember how nice it used to be? Very sad

    1. Up mean before integration

      In the 60s 2000 whites rioted in oc

    2. It's not the 60's!

    3. 9:27 said how it used to be. Another person mentioned segregation. Too bad u got feelings hurt. There have been huge white riots. Now it's blacks so it's b a d

    4. Never seen a white riot....

    5. Look up 1960 oc riot

    I wonder how many times this will happen before someone pulls a gun and opens fire. Hopefully there will be a good guy with a gun in the crowd, but not likely in this communist state.

    1. We already had two murders in oc where white males beat men to death. They used fists

  9. Gotta love mounted cavalry.

  10. Well at least they don't have those offensive America First signs flying overhead. God, Meehan you're such a putz. ✈️✈️✈️✈️

  11. OC is the worst place to take a family !

  12. Why do people let this happen? Shouldn't the community stand up against these types of protests? Why are people afraid to stand against protesters that are acting this way. There is no reason for this movement to be on the boardwalk

    1. Whose gonna stop them...do you think the city sent them an invitation for this??

  13. You are watching the fruits of Liberalism. A generation of thugs raised by a system of entitlement.God bless the OCPD.

  14. Straight young ignorance at its finest...good job OCPD. OC is far from a family resort anymore. I live here and refuse to come into town Memorial Day to Labor Day. BLM = Ignorance!

  15. The more you all exhibit your racism the worse it gets. Treat the white drinks that are all over oc every night the same way. Walking in front of cars. Throwing trash in streets. Pulling signs down. Why do all the establishments have to have so much security guards. The white drunken fools that inhabit oc every weekend. You only get upset when they're black. How about the 2 murders committed by white drunks the last 2 years. "They are thugs too" excuse me murderers.

    1. Too many to list; I tell you it's in-born.

  16. None of you understand.The lack of disposable income is at the core of this whole issue.Look at the hundreds of thousands of white people who stroll down the BW and around OC buying anything they want.They stay at nice motels and go to expensive restaurants.Laugh all you want,but the war between the haves and the have nots is heating up.Forget all of the bust ass work that gave the haves' their status.That no longer seems to matter.

  17. To the person who posted on 7/28 at 8:24, the people who caused this were from the other side of the pond, not here. So, you may want to clean up your neck of the woods before you start spouting on ours!


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