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Sunday, July 24, 2016

JUST IN Black Lives Matter block Interstate 95 in Richmond

RICHMOND, Va. (WAVY/WRIC) — Black Livers Matter protesters took to Interstate 95 in downtown Richmond Monday afternoon, creating major backups during rush hour.

The protesters briefly occupied all southbound travel lanes near the Belvidere exit, bringing traffic to a standstill.



  1. Bunch of young white kids protesting black lives matter WTF???

  2. They need to be run over and maybe that will stop them from blocking roads. I would be in fear of my life if I was stopped by crazy protesters and you can only go south in a south bound lane. Its a wonder someone has not run over these crazy's in this country. Hold one of these lefties against their will and see how crazy they can get.

    1. A whole so called movement based on lies and you think they're going to be anything but crazy. Of course they're looney toons.

    2. Blanket statement hit wrong reply.

  3. They need jail time and they can pick up trash (themselves) on the side of the road and put the in trash dumpsters instead of standing in the middle of the road.

  4. Faddists always join lunatic fringe. It's in their DNA. They think they're being cool when in fact they're showing their willingness to be sheeple.

  5. Wow I not the only one calling them crazy, I wrote 7:39

  6. "..Bunch of young white kids protesting black lives matter WTF???"

    Soros is funding a lot of PAID protestors. Their plan is the 'summer of chaos', remember?

  7. Wow all I see is a bunch of white liberals. I guess the guilt they have is just overwhelming lol. I was not there do not blame me. I see all Americans have a chance these days to make it. Stop making excuses for those lazy bastards that choose not to excel. No one is held back only by their own demons. There is a right way and a wrong way to make your point. Stop blaming entire races on both sides of the fence. It is a rotten sub culture getting the exposure by MSM. The good people all over are watching this and anger and hatred will soon take the place of concern and understanding.

    Grow up you libtards.

  8. Just looking for attention and showing their stupidity.

  9. Misguided white guilt.

  10. These are paid agitators and Useful white idiots bussed in from outta town. BLM is not a grass roots organazation. Its a anti american racist leftist commie front organazation.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wow I not the only one calling them crazy, I wrote 7:39

    July 18, 2016 at 7:46 PM

    and you're proud of that?

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bunch of young white kids protesting black lives matter WTF???

    July 18, 2016 at 7:38 PM

    Why not?

    ALL lives matter, but what everyone leaves out is All lives matter the same. No life is of less value than another nor is any life worth more than any other.

    Racism is taught. No one is born a racist. And as such, it can be untaught, unlearned, etc.

    Each of us has, to be honest with ourselves and change from within. No one can do it for us.

    Love thy neighbor. Remember that golden oldie?

  13. Black lives matter??? Where? Every picture I see has white people in it. Why wasn't the title Protestors shut down I95? I think it bothers some white people out there when they see they're counterparts standing up to police misconduct.

  14. They're just posing for pics. Those people aren't out there for any real reason. Just being stupid loonies.

  15. Need some old Smokey and the Bandit convoy of trucks....that will unblock I95!!!!

  16. "Racism" (whatever that mean anymore) is NOT taught! People develop feelings based on their own experiences and what they see and hear on the news. People have their own minds and their own free will. When you read in the news or see on TV that young black males are killing each other like there is no tomorrow then obviously if you see a young black male you are going to be suspicious. Or if you see a young black male wearing a hoodie, with his hands shoved in his pockets enter a convenience store, you are going to leave or at the very minimum keep an eye on him.
    I am so sick of the liars from organizations like the NAACP who wouldn't themselves go and take a walk after midnight by themselves through the high rises (projects) in cities like Baltimore. Walk around the corridors and ride the elevators, walk the pavements. They wouldn't dare because of the threat of a young black male robbing them or worse. All talk but walk the same walk as everyone else!

    1. 9:27 Just so you know, There is no high rise projects in Baltimore!

  17. Phffft - looks like a bunch of white trash to me.

  18. "Racism" (whatever that mean anymore) is NOT taught! People develop feelings based on their own experiences and what they see and hear on the news.

    You are wrong and you prove it in your first two sentences.

    You were indeed taught to be the racist you are and display. Trying to justify it with those lame excuses or whatever they are, doesn't change anything. And neither will you until you take an honest look at your heart.

    It's not easy but it can be done.

    1. It's taught, alright.

      By the people who then screech "racism".

  19. I will believe they are sincere when they block entrances to football and basketball games. Until then, they are just bored idiots.

  20. Look at all those dumb white people in that picture and others we have seen on here.

    WTH is wrong with all these white people that they are turning on their own race? Have they not been victims of black on white crime? Do they have white guilt for some reason? Why are they traitors and that goes for any of our readers?

  21. Anonymous said...
    These are paid agitators and Useful white idiots bussed in from outta town. BLM is not a grass roots organazation. Its a anti american racist leftist commie front organazation.

    July 18, 2016 at 7:59 PM

    I have to disagree with you. I think most of these dumb white punks are misguided, misinformed and indoctrinated young punks that don't know how to think for themselves. Obvious Obama voters.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wow I not the only one calling them crazy, I wrote 7:39

    July 18, 2016 at 7:46 PM

    and you're proud of that?

    July 18, 2016 at 8:01 PM

    So what if he is LibTARD!!

  23. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bunch of young white kids protesting black lives matter WTF???

    July 18, 2016 at 7:38 PM

    Why not?

    ALL lives matter, but what everyone leaves out is All lives matter the same. No life is of less value than another nor is any life worth more than any other.

    Racism is taught. No one is born a racist. And as such, it can be untaught, unlearned, etc.

    Each of us has, to be honest with ourselves and change from within. No one can do it for us.

    Love thy neighbor. Remember that golden oldie?

    July 18, 2016 at 8:07 PM

    Another Dumb Obama Voter!

  24. Anonymous said...
    I will believe they are sincere when they block entrances to football and basketball games. Until then, they are just bored idiots.

    July 18, 2016 at 11:11 PM


  25. Being bored is an excuse. No reason for any one of them to be bored. There are way too many things that need to be done at home around the house. By the time I got done with them they may be very tired but they would be anything but bored.

  26. If we are talking honesty racism barely if at all exists. The same ones who some like to call racists would love to have for a neighbor and break bread with blacks such as Dr Ben Carson, Col Allen West, Sheriff David Clarke and many other blacks. So that throws the racism theory right out the window. A racist hates all across the board.

  27. 7:52, I wish what you said was true, but it's not.

    Running this blog for more then a decade, you have no idea how many angry and hateful racist comments come to us, all of which we reject. Yes, sometimes a few get past us but when you moderate some 800 comments a day, it can happen. Racism is more then just alive, it's a cancer here on the Shore, seriously.

  28. It not racism it's a reaction to recent events. There is a difference. There is no degree to racism. You are either a racist or you are not.
    A racist would rather die or would allow their child, spouse to die before they would let a black doctor treat them in a life or death situation. It's an across the board hate for nothing other then a person's difference. That is racism. If you are suspicious of a young black in a hoodie that is stereotyping and not racism.

  29. Yep they have a lot in common with black lives matter, probably flunking college students, no ambitions, no summer jobs, Mom and Dad still paying all the bills, Oh what to do with another summer day.

  30. I have to agree Joe racism is alive and well not just here on the eastern shore but the whole country. I myself as a professional white male absolutely detest the whole gangster thug hip hop mentality and their lack of respect for anyone especially both white and black elderly. I have no use and no patience for them whether their white or black acting so ignorant and make it known to them my disapproval

  31. Yes there are 10:00. As a matter of fact there are a lot of them. During the riots they even burned one that was still under construction. To name a few Bel Park Towers, Lanvale Towers, Marlborough. A lot such as Lexington Terrace, Lafayette Court, Murphy Homes had to be imploded due to the residents not taking care of them but they do still exist in Baltimore.

  32. "Anonymous said...

    9:27 Just so you know, There is no high rise projects in Baltimore!

    July 19, 2016 at 10:00"

    This is not true. There are high rises projects in Baltimore. As a matter of fact it's been in the Baltimore news recently that the city want to or is negotiating to sell them to private entities. I can't remember the exact number of how many there are but it wasn't just a handful. It was quite a lot.

  33. 10:00 What do you call the J Van Story Branch Apartments on W 20th St in Baltimore City then? FYI-----There are many high rise projects in Baltimore. Keep Up!

  34. Honey, almost all of the high rises in Baltimore are projects which simply means they are subsidized. Now they like to disguise The Projects with nice phrases like affordable housing.

  35. Yes there are still a LOT of high rise projects in that city. It's become customary to disguise them as apartments for "the disabled." All they do is suck on a lead fishing weight and then get tested and say "I got lead" which means they tested with high levels of lead. If you "have lead" you are then disabled.

  36. Government cannot solve the race problem.
    It can however make it much much worse.

  37. The problem is if you criticize the president you are a racist. If you say the high black illegitimacy birth rate is a problem, you are a racist. If you say the N-word you are a racist. This is not racism. Racism is when you want a whole race annihilated, exterminated gone from the face of the earth regardless of the each individual person's accomplishments. To say that racism is wide spread in this country is a myth. The same person who has no problem calling a black thug out is the same person who would help an elderly black lady who has fallen back up or is the same person who donates their money to an organization that helps all regardless of race.

  38. The only racism that is "taught" is to blacks themselves. They are taught that any time a white says something they perceive as controversial about them, the the person saying it is a racist.

    For instance, if you say to a white person "something has to be done about these white boys who are going into the schools and killing innocent children" the white person replies "yes we do."
    Conversely if you say to a black person "something has to be done about these black boys going around killing each other" the black person is likely to reply "what about the white boys shooting up the schools, you racist?!!!"

    You see example after example of this on social media.

    Another one is drugs. Someone says "we need to do something about the heroin epidemic ravaging white middle class kids" and whites say "yes we do." If you say to a black "the drugs in the black communities are epidemic" You are going to hear "you must be a racist because white kids are dying from heroin all over the country."

    This is a major problem. No problem gets solved until it's admitted.

  39. I did not read all of the comments,but has anyone seen the videos of the BLM movement members getting run down & run over in the streets?MSM is not showing those incidents,but cars driven by fed up people, black and white are mowing down multitudes of BLM protesters.

  40. The payment these people get for doing this is not enough for me, I wouldn't do it for less than $10,000 per day. ESPECIALLY if I was put in jail. These fools don't realize that they are actually getting less than $15.00 per hour.

  41. to :July 18, 2016 at 8:01 PM . YES I am proud of that. You are crazy if you stand in the middle of I 95 trying to block traffic. Is that what you do?.


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