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Sunday, July 24, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Chief Sewell & LT Green Indicted

The MD. State Prosecutors Office just indicted former Chief Sewell and former Lt. Green on Misconduct in Office corruption charges.

Posted at 2:07 PM.


  1. Will they use the Hillary Defense? After all, if they didn't know they were engaging in corrupt activities, then surely no crime was actually committed. The New normal now. Lawlessness.

  2. Dave T: Good! What comes around goes around.

  3. need that attorney general to check the clintons

  4. I hope they send him to jail. Started all the race BS and he was a crook the entire time. HOW MANY QUALIFIED WHITES WERE PASSED OVER FOR THIS RACIST? ?

  5. word on the street is $300,000. is missing

  6. Sewell was recently hired as an investigator with the Baltimore City States Attorney's office. He must have reminded Mosby of her own corrupt "family of police."

  7. well said Thornton...nadalstiger

  8. Those SOB's knew what was up and they turned it into a race thing.
    What big men they are. Liars. To hell with them and I hope both find themselves behind bars for a long while.

  9. How about George Nelson and his time sheets? Bobby Jones?

  10. I would like to offer a correction.
    The MD Attorney General's office didn't indict; it was the Office of the MD State Prosecutor. They are 2 separate entities, tasked with different duties.
    The OSP investigates 1) State election law violations; 2) State public ethics law violations; 3) State bribery law violations involving public officials or employees; 4) misconduct in office by public officials or employees; and 5) extortion, perjury, or obstruction of justice related to any of the above.

  11. He had a chance to go quietly. Wonder if his racist, crying supporters wish they had kept their mouths shut now.

    Do you think the NAACP will pay for his defense attorney?

  12. Annnndddd the real story comes out. Of course we had people protesting in Pocomoke about them being fired for being black. Like no black police officer has ever worked there...not to mention some other blogger who posted story after story calling the town leaders racist. This went national and gave the town a "black eye" so to speak. Now it comes out that these two possibly embezzled money, but that won't make headlines.

  13. 3:24 they embezzled money? Is that it? I heard a few stories none of which have ever been confirmed by someone in the know. One I heard was parents in other parts of the county and OC were upset because kids were buying drugs in Pocomoke and the parents calls to that PD were falling on deaf ears so they went to the state police or maybe sheriff. I also heard Sewell was taking money from drug dealers and that he was also involved with the drug using ladies if you know what I mean. Again none of this is confirmed.

  14. Embezzlement would be a crime in and of itself I think. So far he is only charged with 2 counts of misconduct. I remember the woman council member on video saying his firing has something to do with a phone call. She dismissed the phone call and was the only member of the PC council who was against his termination.

  15. No crime here, move along. Can't prove intent was criminal, he was just "careless".

  16. I don't think embezzlement as that would be a separate offense.
    MD's Public Ethics Law defines criminal misconduct in office as:
    "corrupt behavior by an officer in the exercise of the duties of his or her office or while acting under color of office."
    Also there are no statutory penalties prescribed in MD for this offense. Punishment for the offense is entirely within the discretion of a judge.

  17. There have been many rumblings about money not being allocated the way it should have. I believe they Pocomoke Police Department was audited by the DOJ in regards to grant money received in 2011. It was not too long after Sewell was let go. They passed this off as a "routine audit" of grant money that they conduct on 10% of the agencies who receive it. I find that to be pretty suspicious. It could be a coincidence, but I tend to not believe in coincidences. It may not be embezzlement, but maybe the funds were used in a manor that they were not intended for? Either way this just goes to show you that Sewell was not as clean as he made himself out to be.

  18. Have also heard rumors that he may have been involved with local dealers, which is why he was left out of the operation that involved multiple agencies. Of course this is all speculation but we will soon find out the truth as to why he was terminated. I am sure they are just charging him because he is African American though.

    1. Pocomoke was regularly left out of any narcotics investigations and search warrants for good reason.

  19. Follow Doug Matthews and you will get the real story.

  20. someone needs to check the finances of all 3 of the directors at the wicomico county detention center. they are all eci rejects with a long trail of corruption behind them.

  21. 4;47 It was Sewell who went to the DOJ about claiming the funds were misused. Yes it was right around that time he was fired. I believe the city was cleared of misuse so maybe it was Sewell who misused them but wouldn't that be a fed offense then.

  22. hahahahaha....JT's a moron!

  23. Well....how bout THAT JT!😂

  24. "Anonymous said...

    Follow Doug Matthews and you will get the real story.

    July 19, 2016 at 5:33 PM"

    Who's Doug Matthews?

    1. Doug Matthews is part of the Masonic Lodge that Sewell and Green were part of in pocomoke. Hmmm

  25. I was really sad when I heard he was fired but my better judgement told me it was not without good cause. Then as soon as he started in with the race card I knew he had broken bad. The race card is always used in an attempt to save face when an African American goes bad.

  26. LOL they kept on saying ad nauseum how crime was down under Sewell's watch. Of course it's going to be down when you let the criminals operate with impunity under your watch.

  27. What about the other corrupt officer Savage?

  28. Many stories of the little towns police taking bribes from dealers..pocomoke old princess anne crisfield..not tabor... and snow hill...heard these stories for years...people watching dealers backs...and prostitution and others crimes covered up or being committed by officers...No one is watching these guys...

  29. Live in crisfield..went to cops about a dealer a couple years ago..guy was one of the townsfolk..every time I went in and spoke to reception or a particular cop this guy shut it down for a few days...was so angry...finally called msp instead and not too long he was arrested and he left town...I called recently about another guy..and different cops handled that and have been doing well with the town...this stuff happens.

  30. So glad things are coming to the surface.

  31. This is going no where.

  32. This nothing but retaliation, We know hoe you people operate. You are upset because he has a good case against now now you doing what you do best trying to criminalize him . This is how the DEVIL works we know you very well. We know this little red neck town, next you will to make evil fare seeming by using the excuse that We hired a Black Man to take his place. I hope Mr Harden is wise and realize he is dealing with SATAN.

    I remember the big drug bust down there with J MILLER TAWES grandson. The only ones that were prosecuted were BLACKS HE (the Grandson of J.M.T) was set free and set on his merry White Way. This is the kind of crap we have seen over the years. The only JUSTICE in America is for JUST US White People.


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