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Monday, July 11, 2016

Is This Crazy, Or What!

A Viewer just can't believe local stores are already shoving "back to school" down our throats. Can we please just get a decent break for once.


  1. First World Problems. SMH.

  2. Starts in less than 6 weeks, not everyone waits until the last minute to do something you know? And some will buy a little every week to be ready in time.

    There are seasons for everything you know? Independence day is over, next event is back-to-school, then labor day, then halloween. It's how retail works.

  3. Back to school I can understand. It's the Halloween and Christmas stuff out already that goes too far.

  4. Only 167 days until XMAS!!!!


  5. Trudged in there in flip flops, cut-offs and muscle shirt to get good look at parka, muffler and mittens before they're all sold out!

    OK, not really, but not too far away. After Labor Day gonna lock up some deals on Valentine's candy.

  6. That's not shoving it down your throat, it's being prepared. School starts the end of August, which isn't that far away.

  7. I bought easter candy today

  8. With the amount of supplies that most kids need now days parents need a few weeks to be able to afford it all.

  9. I like that Hobby Lobby has Valentine stuff out.

  10. dont they sell school supplies everyday of the year?


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