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Monday, July 11, 2016

Was use of Dallas bomb robot legal? Ex Md. attorney general weighs in

WASHINGTON — The tactic by Dallas police to use a bomb robot to kill a sniper may be controversial, but former Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler says it is not “inherently unconstitutional.”

“When there’s an evidentiary issue in court down the road, the difference will be merely that they’re going to have to bring in experts to explain that technology and the use of that technology, not whether or not it’s constitutional in that particular context,” Gansler said.

An ethical debate on the use of technology by police kicked off after law enforcement in Dallas rigged a bomb-disposal robot to killed an armed suspect they believe killed five police officers in what appears to be the first time that police have deployed a robot with lethal intent. The police shootings was the deadliest attack on law enforcement since the 2001 terrorist attack.



  1. This is war, shouldn't even be a discussion of legality. Do what it takes to quell the situation. If subject needs coaching a little grab the waterboard.

  2. Who cares?!! It took out a terrorist, so I say, good job, boys!!

  3. Dumbest thing I've ever heard. He admitted shooting people during negotiations. He threatened to keep doing so. He claimed he had bombs planted all over Dallas that he would detonate. Why lose any more lives just to take him down? He gave up his rights when he picked up that gun with the INTENT to kill another human being and killed people. I'd have shoved an RPG down his throat and apologized to the property owner later.

  4. Right on 9:42 - Leave it to some fat mouth fame seeking slob from MD to cause more problems.

  5. Does it matter if it is legal ?
    It did not matter in Clinton Case.

  6. Remember "tractor man" who drove into the pond at the mall in Washington, locking down all of D.C. for two days? Nobody's got time for that. Do what you have to do.

  7. Good grief, questioning whether the use of a robot bomb was legal. Seems every move made by anyone (good and bad) now has to pass the legality test first! Not to mention seeing Giuliani getting on Sunday morning TV saying black people need to be educated better to know right from wrong.

    Some many cans of worms being opened lately, what are we gonna do when there aint any worms left to go FISHING??

    Focus has been on who will be PREZ come election time...don't forget, there are members of CON-gress too who must be elected as well as some local elections too.

    We really need something positive to start building on...before we do indeed implode!

  8. Moral of the fake story:

    Now they can use bombs against us.

  9. Hope they read him his rights before his expiration.

  10. What is the difference between using a pound of C4 on a "land-locked drone" versus running an MWRAP through the concrete wall that the perp was hiding behind? Both would be indiscriminate when it comes to exterminating what was on the other side of that wall. I think that the DPD made a great call. Better to lose a machine than an officer.

    Just my two cents.

  11. He had killed 5 people. He got his justice.

  12. I simply can not believe that someone would even question their actions in any way. Look at what this person did for Gods sake. They saved Dallas a lot of money by killing this bag of ****.

  13. It is NOT a war. It is a crime, murder.

    We are not sure of anything. Think about the lack of evidence we have in this one case. We know only what the propaganda machine (MSM) tells us. We have no access to real information about the case so we can't have an opinion. That's why we don't believe in murdering suspects. We believe in fair trials by a jury of our peers.

    The government is evil and is using fake events to influence our opinions and beliefs.


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