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Monday, July 11, 2016

A Viewer Writes: “Wicomico County to End Speed Camera Contract”


Something fishy is going on. There is a speed camera car in Wicomico County that popped up this Saturday on route 54 at the Mardela Springs High School. According to a previous post on your blog… Sunday, October 04, 2015, “Wicomico County to End Speed Camera Contract”

http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2015/10/wicomico-county-to-end-speed-camera.html, I’m wondering, WHY IS THIS SPEED CAMERA CAR HERE?


  1. Government EmployeeJuly 11, 2016 at 10:30 AM

    You guys elected Culver to straighten Wicomico Co.away. He like ALL other politicians start good until about a year after election (look at Hogan) and then they go nuts and start doing things without rhyme or reason, lying among others. The speed camera deal is a LIE and along with the Civic Center, free College,and His new information officer (Bassett) proves it.
    Remember him on his bid for re-election. Government employee here.

  2. It's for the safety of the kids. Oh wait schools closed for the summer, my bad.

  3. They put in camera's and lowered the speed limit to 25 everywhere...It's all about revenue.

  4. Maybe a play on words. They ended one contract but signed w/another vendor. This is how politicians work. They can fool a lot of people with the word games but I'm in tune to how they operate lie really.

  5. It is very hard to give up "easy money".

  6. They give you 11 miles an hour, what do you want eggs in your beer? Sheesh.

  7. It's only there for looks doesn't work ... Plus I live in the town do like me and cover your tag with something and drive by past it I do it just to piss them off ;) I choose not to put bad words but things like ... GOTCHA ! Or REPUBLICAN or OBAMAS WIP then I pull it off at Sharptown rd or barren creek rd lol

  8. July 11, 2016 at 3:23 PM

    you are asking for another type of ticket

  9. 3:23
    Now that is a protest I can get behind!
    Thank you, I love it.

  10. Mike needs another 10 k raise. Prettyman is trying to push it thru from fla as we speak.

  11. There was a lawyer on YouTube saying that they are not legal tickets just don't pay


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