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Sunday, July 10, 2016

CREDIBILITY ZERO: Girlfriend Who Filmed Castile Shooting on Facebook Live

Philandro Castile’s girlfriend claims he was reaching for his license when a police officer shot and killed him in MN last week. But according to a new video (seen below), the credibility of the girlfriend must be questioned.

The Castile shooting took place after a routine traffic stop.The aftermath of the shooting was captured by Reynolds on Facebook LIVE.

According to the video, which was captured after the shooting took place, the cop shot Castile as he sat in the passenger seat of a car driven by Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds. In the back seat of the car is Reynold’s young daughter.

In the video, Castile is seen shot in the front seat as Reynolds talks into her camera. She claims Castile did nothing wrong.



  1. She has no credibility. She's just like the rest of them. You know Brown was shot in the back while running away from the officer with his hands in the air. Trayvon was a saint. The 6 Baltimore officers killed Freddie Gray. The list of lies in endless with her type of people.

  2. He was a suspected in an armed robbery that happened a couple days prior. July 2nd. He was pulled over and due to being a suspect for armed robbery was perceived by the officer as potentially armed and dangerous. Any questions here?

  3. Most gangsta gals are complicit and participatory in their homey's crimes. No doubt she's a winner. He wasn't even in the morgue and she opened a GoFundMe account?! Yeah you gotta have love like that one! You those who buy into that chippy are just as gullible as she is! ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

  4. LOL 1:44. Actually they have a couple of gofundme's set up. The parents are too cashing in on his death. Funny how these people suddenly become concerned about their sons when they die. If they would have cared about them when they were alive they would have never died but the payoff is more lucrative with death. The girl friend suddenly went from being the girl friend to his fiancee after he died too, like we are supposed to believe these ghetto dwelling hood rats ever get married.

  5. I don't think she's gullible 1:44. She's just like the rest of them-trashy and no sense of decency or what is right. That's why she can lie like she does. They aren't taught as children to be truthful. Truth and honesty is a foreign concept in most black communities.

    1. 1:57 are you speaking from the experience of living in most black communities in Sailsbury? The state of Maryland? Or have you lived in most black communities in the country? Your comment is prejudice and you my friend are part of the problem. There is a sub section, a minority of the black community that you read about in the paper and see on this site. There are evil, disrespectful people of every color. It is the content of an INDIVIDUALS character, not a collective brainwashed statement such as yours.

      Most black people are regular humans just like you trying to raise a family and prove the stereotypes wrong.
      Let's be real, there are trashy, evil people of every race and creed.
      United we stand as Americans, or divided we will fall to a globalist takeover. The UN will police our streets under martial law if we can't come together!

  6. It was an Asian cop also....although Obama stated it was white cops shooting black "angels"

  7. Class act, hope her 5 min. of fame is over. Now the authorities need to remove her child from her care.

  8. Man, how could anyone even act like that with her friend beside her dead. They couldn't do that great in Hollyweird. Video a selfie without a script...she can easily get away from the government trough and get big bucks. Then she does a tour talking about her sleep, appetite, etc. Boys and girls you can't make this stuff up.
    And the good governor must be on crack.

  9. 2:18 He's a Native American.

  10. "The girl friend suddenly went from being the girl friend to his fiancee after he died too, like we are supposed to believe these ghetto dwelling hood rats ever get married."

    70% of black children are born illegitimately. Disgusting! This is their real problem and not some made up cops are out to get them nonsense.

    1. It's sad because our government incentivized single parent homes in the 50's and 60's. It was less than 20% prior to 1960. Factor in the government flooding major black communities with heroin and cocaine in the 70's and 80's, and most importantly, the lack of God and a societal morality decline have watched this disgusting trend take hold.

  11. Sounds like a set up.

  12. I seen this also but thought i was nuts,this is staged.

  13. 3:57 PREACH! I don't have to live in a black community to KNOW what is going on in them. It's not like it's a big mystery or anything. 70% of black babies born out of wedlock says it all
    The high black drop out rate. The high black chronic absenteeism rate. The high black murder rate. Black people's still overwhelming support of Obama a pathological liar shows their true colors and it's not pretty. If you still support Obama it means you do not value honesty and telling the truth. There is no gilding that lily. If you support Obama you are a dishonest person.
    You are the problem. You can't find it in your heart to accept the truth. The comment wasn't prejudiced at all. It was 100 percent the truth. You are confused and must think the definition of the truth is prejudiced or racial. That's common now a days.

    1. Your comment is to a black Trump supporter by the way. Obama is a CIA baby just like Bush. This is all planned. And no I didn't vote for Obama.

  14. 4:03 Why are you blaming the government. It's not like people had to jump on the bandwagon of incentivizing single parent homes. People are of free will. If the government flooded major black communities with piles of crap all over the streets would they walk in that. No one forced them to get into the drug trade. Free will. It is a lack of God and God in a REAL way which includes calling people out and holding them accountable in the families and communities for their bad deeds. That's non existence in black communities. Anything goes.

  15. You know he didn't have a gun permit. That's just what he was telling his parents so they wouldn't question why he had it. You know he robbed that store. The photos don't lie.

  16. I doubt this girl was the dead thug’s girlfriend in the sense that we think of a girlfriend. Their relationships are connected with drug use and crime and sex and are a part of their seedy lifestyle. Not a romance type of thing.

  17. No blacks shouldn't 5:53 and that's because stats don't back up the need to look at white young men as deranged lunatics. You have a better chance at winning the Lotto then bumping into a deranged lunatic white young man.

    1. No just facts, msn, Fox news... Timothy mcveigh, Jeffery Dahmer, Ted Bundy. George (They got weapons of mass destruction...) Bush, white man who killed 2 white boys in salisbury in 70s, sister turned him it. Public lynching on court house property of a innocent man, Charles Manson... matter of fact Google American serial killers & see who pops up. Statistically speaking, Caucasian men. Maybe blacks should. When u assume u make a... of ur self. I work in mental health. U have a alarming rate of deranged lunatics growing up around here & yes whites are neck and neck for the title. No statistics facts for u. Matter of fact that one who appears to be threatening people for money in the Clairmont Shopping center gonna strike soon. Now he s scary. When people acknowledge that things are a everyone problem we will b better off & some work will begin to get done.

    2. What ignorant, uninformed garbage.

      There have been plenty of black mass murderers, and a disproportionate number of black serial killers. Not to mention black mens' shockingly high rate of murder and other violence compared to every other race.

      Since you didn't know, here's a clue: statistics are merely aggregated comparative facts.

      Across the board, black males are far more likely to commit serious crimes, especially violent crimes, than any other race or ethnicity.

  18. She has no credibility because she was high on weed. When cop stops you keep hands on steering wheel where he can see them. You don't go reaching down to your right side as you could be going for a gun to kill the cop. Especially if the cop knows you have a gun. That is just stupid. You reach for gun and wonder why cop shoots you. Duh wake up stupid.

  19. Right 6:29 but on the other hand if you bump into a black male aged 16-34 there's about an 80 percent chance they are very familiar with the criminal justice system. But we know so save the excuses. It's whiteys fault. It's the gov't fault who flooded their streets w/drugs, it's because of racism, it's because they are falsely accused, it's because they are targeted.....the list of their excuses are endless.

  20. Every cop has used a bs excuse to pull over a car! Especially when there is no reason to pull them but they want info on passengers! Or want to search etc! We all know it! Just another excuse and way for police to skirt the laws and rights of citizens!

    1. Right and that has been in every race

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Every cop has used a bs excuse to pull over a car! Especially when there is no reason to pull them but they want info on passengers! Or want to search etc! We all know it! Just another excuse and way for police to skirt the laws and rights of citizens!

    July 9, 2016 at 7:05 PM

    If a police officer has a suspicion, that gives them 'probably cause' to stop someone. I think what you're trying to say is they are profiling. In this case, the perp matched the pictures they probably saw at roll call that morning so the police officer decided to stop the car. If they didn't do this, then most criminals wouldn't be caught. It's why they have roll call and show images of perps in criminal situations. It's like, kinda their job?

  22. Anonymous said...

    Right 6:29 but on the other hand if you bump into a black male aged 16-34 there's about an 80 percent chance they are very familiar with the criminal justice system. But we know so save the excuses. It's whiteys fault. It's the gov't fault who flooded their streets w/drugs, it's because of racism, it's because they are falsely accused, it's because they are targeted.....the list of their excuses are endless.

    July 9, 2016 at 6:45 PM

    This is true because the black counterculture is permeated with criminal behavior. It is statistically shown that black families are often dysfunctional due to being one-parent homes. Therefore, the kids seek out gang experiences in order to have some feeling of cohesiveness, stability and a sense of belonging in their lives due to the lack of a two-parent home. Especially in urban centers, gangs replace the family because they cover and care for one another more than the parent(s) do. Also, latchkey childhoods doesn't help either because idle minds usually can lead to crime.

  23. 716 you blame welfare and Johnson's Great Society for that one. It became difficult if not impossible for two-parent homes to get welfare, but jobs were not paying them enough to survive without it. It's been a real mess due to the destruction of the immediate family unit.

  24. "Anonymous said...

    Every cop has used a bs excuse to pull over a car! Especially when there is no reason to pull them but they want info on passengers! Or want to search etc! We all know it! Just another excuse and way for police to skirt the laws and rights of citizens!

    July 9, 2016 at 7:05 PM"

    What the tail light excuse? That's not why he pulled them over though it's possible that's what he told them the reason was.
    Dispatch recordings show he pulled them over because Castile was an armed robbery suspect. Boy do you need to catch up on the facts of this case or are you one of the dopes who still believes Michael Brown was shot in the back after he was running from the cops with his hands up?

  25. 7:16 No it's the black culture now. Tides have turned and the black counter culture is now a 2 parent married family, self sufficient and a father not a criminal and with a good work ethic.

  26. 755 you're living in a dream world. That's not even close to the truth.

    1. He believes the tv and the small segment he encounters at Walmart is an entire race, lol

    2. Same way yall living in a dream world thinking Caucasians are perfect

  27. What the tail light excuse? That's not why he pulled them over though it's possible that's what he told them the reason was.
    Dispatch recordings show he pulled them over because Castile was an armed robbery suspect. Boy do you need to catch up on the facts of this case or are you one of the dopes who still believes Michael Brown was shot in the back after he was running from the cops with his hands up?

    July 9, 2016 at 7:30 PM

    you really need to get your info from an unbiased site other than blue lives matter and the Treehouse. Their narrative has been proven false, big surprise there since cops never lie. I knew you were spreading rumors and falsehoods and now I have seen the proof. You sir are the dope.

  28. 8:17 Name one instance where the treehouse has been wrong. I'll be waiting. I bet you can't because you freak are a LIAR. Anyway for your information the info didn't come from there first. They linked it from a Dallas news station-DOPE.

  29. 8:17 the info did not come from where you say. It came from KARE11.com a Minneapolis/St Paul news site and many other local and national news sites. It's not new either. I read about 20 different news sites a day and I read it several places before this story became national. His family had even commented on it saying it proves police racial profile. It's old news and even his own family aren't denying he was pulled over because he was a robbery suspect.

    Copy and pasted directly from the KARE11 site who has the recording-

    "“I’m going to stop a car,” the officer says on the recording. “I’m going to check IDs. I have reason to pull it over.”

    “The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery,” the officer says. “The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose,” the officer continues."

  30. In the meantime in Minneapolis a BLACK 2 yr old is DEAD and a BLACK 15 month old wounded in a gang related shooting last night! Where in the HELL are the BLM and all the other big mouths! The damm black race has sunk so low it's no words to describe it. The cops are the least of the black communities worries but they are to damm dumb to see it! More black children have died and have been shot then cops have shot blacks! What screwed up priorities. Sick sick sick people they are!

  31. kare11 TV a Minneapolis news station is the one who has recording of the dispatch 8:17. They don't have the recording up but quote and he was being pulled over because he matched the description of one of 2 who a few days before had robbed a store a few blocks away.
    Also at her press conference Diamond/Lavish Reynolds the girlfriend says he was trying to get his wallet out of his pocket but was having a hard time because the gun was in the pocket too. This press conference can be found online.

  32. "you really need to get your info from an unbiased site other than blue lives matter and the Treehouse. Their narrative has been proven false, big surprise there since cops never lie. I knew you were spreading rumors and falsehoods and now I have seen the proof. You sir are the dope.

    July 9, 2016 at 8:17 PM"

    What in the heck are you talking about? You are really a special kind of mental case. FYI psycho, the info came from a local MN media outlet. The only one who is spreading false rumors is you. That info about the stop is 100 percent accurate so eat your words. And what proof have you seen about anyone spreading rumors and falsehoods. Are you lying again? You are always all talk but can never ever walk the walk and back up what you say. Not ever. Not once. You need mental help. You are delusional.

  33. "Anonymous said...

    Same way yall living in a dream world thinking Caucasians are perfect"

    Not true. Not true at all. The differences between blacks and whites are whites will hold one of their own responsible and not make excuses. Whites know the difference between right and wrong and have no problem when another white strays. Blacks don't. They will make excuses and play the blame game. Whites will call a white thug a thug. Blacks won't. They will make excuses and play the blame game. With blacks it's always the fault of someone else. White make other whites own their mistakes. Whites believe in personal responsibility. Blacks don't. All their social ills aren't their fault. When a white commits a horrific crime. There is outrage in the community. When a black commits a horrific crime an excuse is made for what they did or it's denied.

  34. It's a recording from scanners. It's all over the internet. Cop says he's going to pull the car over because the driver looks like the robbery suspect.

  35. These type of people live and work among us. Bet you did not know that some local gang member(s) work at PRMC. I discovered this while trolling (yes I was ) facebook when one of them got murdered recently, then hit up their "friends" pages and notice where some of these gang bangers worked.
    I mean, its nice that they have a job, but they still are criminals, gang members and drug/users/dealers. So how does this happen, because most of them have some type of criminal background.

    This guy worked at a school. How does a school hire a thug that smokes pot?

  36. What in the heck are you talking about? You are really a special kind of mental case. FYI psycho, the info came from a local MN media outlet. The only one who is spreading false rumors is you. That info about the stop is 100 percent accurate so eat your words. And what proof have you seen about anyone spreading rumors and falsehoods. Are you lying again? You are always all talk but can never ever walk the walk and back up what you say. Not ever. Not once. You need mental help. You are delusional.

    July 9, 2016 at 10:08 PM

    Yeah, let me guess, KARE correct? Same same. If you have any faith in snopes give them a try.


  37. Both the LA and MN situations are continuing to evolve.

    On another forum someone had posted a screenshot of the MN man's rap sheet. It was extensive and went back many years. Mostly auto related: no muffler, no insurance, suspended license, driving while suspended but also marijuana. Lot of repeat violations. Most charitable comment would be persistent scofflaw. Don't know if those busts would have precluded a carry permit.

    But he was no novice at being stopped and should have been very familiar with the drill. More is sure to be revealed.

  38. They were wanted for armed robbery. Cash and Newport cigarettes were taken. He used a gun in the robbery. Plain as day picture of him doing it... Gun was on his lap. He did not have or has ever applied for a ccp not that it has any factual bearing on the case. She said it for Facebook and to cover up having a firearm.... Not that it matters but your heard it here first.

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They were wanted for armed robbery. Cash and Newport cigarettes were taken. He used a gun in the robbery. Plain as day picture of him doing it... Gun was on his lap. He did not have or has ever applied for a ccp not that it has any factual bearing on the case. She said it for Facebook and to cover up having a firearm.... Not that it matters but your heard it here first.

    July 10, 2016 at 12:43 PM

    they were not wanted or a suspect for any crime. I can't say it enough. A few clicks of your mouse and you will find that out, or you can keep believing that erroneous report that began with a tv stations scanner audio. You will find out soon enough, I am down with it. I can only lead you to the door, you have to walk thru it yourself.

  40. Don't rob stores and don't carry a gun and don't go for the gun. Stupid is what stupid does.

  41. 3:30 They don't like getting married because it interferes with eligibility for government handouts.Why marry the father of your kid or kids if you can get housing,medical and food? If the man has a job,that's all free money they can spend and Social Services never knows about it.

  42. Send your kids to public school and you will see firsthand the effect of growing up in chaotic one-parent households with no father.


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