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Sunday, July 24, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: 3 Police Officers Dead, 7 Injured After Shooting In Baton Rouge

BATON ROUGE - Police have closed streets between Baton Rouge Police Headquarters and I-12 where law enforcement officers have been shot.

Sources say two Baton Rouge Police officers and one East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office deputy are dead following the shooting. Another officer was critically injured.


A witness told WBRZ News 2, a man was dressed in black with his face covered shooting indiscriminately when he walked out between a convenience store and car wash across from Hammond Air Plaza. Shots were fired around 9 a.m. Sunday. The exact location of the business where the shooting took place has yet to be released.

A very large manhunt began immediately with officers hurrying to contain the scene.



  1. Time for police to teach these savages a lesson and stop policing their neighborhoods. Let them kill each other. Let them loot and pillage. A officer's life is more important then any of these ghetto dweller's.

  2. This is why we have the second amendment! Thank GOD for this brave patriot...

  3. our king has really improved race relations, he should be arrested, oh that's right you're not allowed to arrest blacks now because they're just law abiding citizens being harassed by the man

  4. Thanks to the Obama Administration for not condemning the violence from these hate groups. Talking and negotiation will not solve this problem. Obama and his Justice Department is / has always been anti Police.
    This goes with his theory of "Martial Law" to prevent an election and allow him to serve a 3rd term and totally destroy America. This is a back door for an Islamic take over of America. Obama is allowing this an states he is a Christian. Not judging on his convictions if this is true but his actions allow non - Christian actions to occur.
    Appears the "2nd American Revolution" has begun. Time to lock and Load to protect our Families.

  5. King Hussein is the reason why there are so many police assassinations. He is encouraging it. Even at the memorial service for the Dallas 5 he used almost an hour to promote his agenda of killing police officers.

    Those Dallas Police officers should have turned their backs on him.

    1. Don't know what memorial service you watched but nowhere in his speech did President Obama promote killing of officers. You are one of so many still trying to blame the President for the actions of others. He certainly does not condone violence and he is very supportive of law enforcement.

    2. Name calling will not solve anything; God bless you. By the way, the proper grammar is, you're an idiot, not your...

  6. Until We the People take up arms ourselves this will only get worse ,complacency is no longer an option.

  7. If Islam takes over American then the black race is in real trouble. The Islamists want to and are annihilating the black race. If Islam takes over the black race is all but gone from America. The prophet and the koran aren't tolerate at all toward the black race. We aren't talking the prison convert fake islam of farakahan but the islam of the Middle East and the Arab countries in N Africa. If no one believes this look how the Islamist are exterminating blacks in Africa every single day. Slaughter really but they think of it as cleansing/extermination. They are rounding them up like cattle and slaughtering them. It is not against the law to them because of the Koran.

  8. Local law enforcement needs to form citizen reservists before things get out of hand here.

  9. This is the result of that long meeting that Obama held with the BLM Group leaders last week in Our White House. Treason I tell you, Wake the "F" Up

  10. We did not have these problems as often / hardly ever when there was "Capitol Punishment". Better known as the "Death Penalty". They would do the crime if they knew they were going to die if caught. Thank You Obama / Liberal Left / ACLU. Get rid of the ACLU ASAP. They say the "Death Penalty is inhumane. Tell me this Killing of Police is humane. Forget appeals they are convicted of a killing they "DIE" and save tax dollars.

  11. The idiots of the world better get a grip. Once martial law occurs, the fact is the dissidence - people who do these kinds of events - are the first imprisoned and/or executed. They're being played. BLM better get smart real quick.

  12. Dosent anyone else think its odd they setup 3 mobile commands just 1 block from police headquarters? Surely not to get free soda from the B-Quick store. They must of known ahead of time they'd be there all day, like its planned. Whats with the over the top police presence at the hospital? The wounded officers{if there were} had already arrived before all those police/guards, are they expecting more? Are they trying to make it look bigger than it really is?

  13. The police just need to stop responding to certain areas all together and take precautions in all the other areas that they aren't being set up. If they take too long in responding so be it. It's the way it's going to have to be. The BLM wants lawlessness let them have it but don't put officers lives on the line.

  14. We are pawns, those easily most sacrificed. Look to the larger picture.

  15. Martial Law is the end game.
    The violence is being encouraged by the government and its propaganda arm, MSM.
    May of you have noted that the POTUS seems to encourage this violence.
    He fails to "condemn it" thereby encouraging more of it.

    Open your eyes and see what there is to see.
    The government is far beyond corrupt. It is evil.

  16. 3:47 if you are in Law Enforcement you are the only one that believes what you stated. Obama no way supports Law Enforcement. He wants summits not punishment for the "criminals" just Law Enforcement. If he supports Law Enforcement then why does he want to take away / limit their weaponry / armored vehicles? As for as the memorial service speech, His wording was critical of Law Enforcement and Political in nature. Which one did you watch or did you not understand his double meaning of his political speech?

  17. " Anonymous said...

    This is the result of that long meeting that Obama held with the BLM Group leaders last week in Our White House. Treason I tell you, Wake the "F" Up

    July 17, 2016 at 1:51 PM"

    Can you believe it. Obama meets with them but never once met with a former chief of intelligence in his admin. Obama has the intellect of a 12 year old. It's all he can do to string together a coherent sentence and we all know he can't do that even with the help of a Teleprompter.

  18. Yes he did 3:47! Climb the hell out of the cess pool of lies and denials you've allowed yourself to wallow in! It's gross and it's shameful how low you've allowed yourself to sink. Obama promoted the very group that promotes violence against the police at the memorial service. There is nothing peaceful about BLM and if you think so you are either a liar or are so ill informed that you have no business offering up your uninformed opinion on this subject.

  19. Obama's ramblings at the memorial service were disgraceful. But what is to be expected out of the spawn of a run around vulgar mother who dumped him off with equally as vulgar white trash grandparents.

  20. You may certainly try to defend him 3:47, but you're wasting your time trying to convince me. He was rude, showed little compassion (except for the words at the beginning, which I highly doubt were even his), and disrespectful. If you can't see that, then you're as disrespectful as he is. I'd suggest that YOU watch it again.

    1. Don't think 3:47 is trying to convince anyone. I didn't see or hear any rudeness either.

  21. 3:47, You go on defending the indefensible. Obama speaks, he talks; he knows the right words to say like a, and to a sociopath. But what does he say? It comes through loud and clear if you listen and think, which you've conditioned yourself not to do.

  22. @3:47 If he is so supportive of law enforcement why didn't light the white house up in blue after he was asked to by the Dallas police?? He managed to light it for gay marriage but can't do it for law enforcement ?? I just hope the comment you made was sarcasm...cause if not America is in serious trouble with people like you!

  23. Yeah 3:47 your lies won't fly around here. You will be called out and put in your place. Obviously you surround yourself with people who don't tell the truth but on this blog you will hear the truth something you are not used to.
    You are either a liar or you are delusional if you think Obama supports LE. He without fail every time one of these shootings happens he never waits for facts but automatically blames LE. That's okay he and putrid liars like yourself are only setting out the red carpet for Law and Order President Donald Trump. You are only setting the stage up for more black on black murders because police won't come to black crime infested neighborhoods. Little children will get their brains blown out in the crossfire but blacks better had keep their mouths shut about that. They will be getting exactly what they deserve.

    1. Wait, little children deserve to get their brains blown out?! Is that what you are saying? You are nuts.

  24. No one said little children deserve anything you completely dumbed down product of the US "education" system! Now go back and reread the comment slowly so then maybe you can grasp what was said! If you are even capable! Those who support BLM are getting what they deserve. I personally have to believe that the children are getting killed because God all merciful that He is, is getting them out of the hellholes that are the predominately black areas in the cities. And away from "parents" (if they even know who their fathers are) who only use them as meal tickets. I have to believe this to keep from throwing up every time I hear of one being gunned down. Someone has to care about them because it's obvious their own blood and the residents and the black community as a whole doesn't because if they did the protests would be of such proportion like the world has never seen.

  25. I'm telling you right now it's just a matter of time before you are targeted because you are white if you don't form your groups now you will be on your own.

  26. Pull the police out and send the national guard in. Impose a curfew, shoot to kill after hours.

    1. Thugs aka Sharpton wont allow it.

  27. How quickly we forget .


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