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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Feds Open Civil Rights Investigation In Louisiana Shooting

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) -- In a swift move by authorities to keep tensions from boiling over, the U.S. Justice Department launched a civil rights investigation Wednesday into the video-recorded killing of a black man who was shot as he scuffled with two white police officers on the pavement outside a convenience store.

A law enforcement official said a gun was taken from 37-year-old Alton Sterling after he was killed early Tuesday in the parking lot where he regularly sold homemade music CDs from a folding table. The official was not authorized to discuss the investigation and spoke on condition of anonymity.

It was not clear from the murky cellphone footage whether Sterling had the gun in his hand or was reaching for it when he was shot. A witness said he saw police pull a gun from Sterling's pocket after the shooting.

The shooting in the Louisiana capital - and shocking videos that found their way all over the internet - set off angry protests in the city's black community and brought calls for an outside investigation. It came at a time when law enforcement officers across the country are under close scrutiny over what some see as indiscriminate use of deadly force against blacks.



  1. Only black people are entitled to "civil rights", apparently. Not a peep out of the DOJ when another innocent white person is viciously attacked by a mob of cowardly black savages.

  2. If anyone watched the 6:30 CBS Evening News last night they had very clear video that was from a different angle, facing the front of the car. The officers had the man on the ground facing up his arms were out to his sides. Could not make out what they were saying but then the officer took out his gun in a few seconds I heard shots and blood splatter on the front bumper of the car. What the hell were they thinking? The man was clearly pined down with his arms and hands up, no gun in his hand and I don't think he could of reached for it at that time.

    1. Quote " I don't think he could of reached for it (illegal gun) at the time". But he could have!!! I know you probably are a registered Sex offender of a career criminal family but I see a hint of honesty in your opionin. Good job. Thanks.

    2. He was pinned on the ground so how could he reach for a gun that was in his pocket? Just another cover up...#559

    3. Look at the man shot last night legal carry, told the cop and was still shot. It doesn't matter, they will kill you anyway.

  3. 9:27 This isn't about a white person being viciously attacked. Your comment shows your true colors. If you can truly say that all races are treated equally in this country you are a fool and delusional.

    1. You completely missed the point.

      All races are not treated equally, it's quite obvious. A white person can be shot dead or brutally beaten by police, or blacks, or even a black cop, and the DOJ isn't interested.

  4. 9:35 EXACTLY! And after the man had been shot and was clearly in shock, the officer even had a moment of difficulty removing the gun from his pocket. Tell me how he was reaching for it with 2, 200+ lb men on him

  5. The feds are going to investigate, just like hildabeast investigation?

  6. The only people upset by this are other blacks, most law abiding white people don't give a crap. Break the law, suffer the consequences.

    1. White people don't give a crap about other people except their own anyway. Your white sons are not gunned down senselessly; your white sons are not shot in the back; your white sons are not followed around in the store...I hope you get the picture, but you probably won't, because you don't give a crap. But, when and if it happens to your kind, maybe then you will, "give a crap."

  7. Some people still don't get it, will probably never get it or understand. When a person is thrown to the ground, and have a knee on their back or face,they are no longer a threat. They should have handcuffed him when he was on the ground. It was another senseless killing. The officers will get off,the family will bury their dead and life goes on; just another day in the neighborhood. The sad thing about it is, it will happen again and again and again...

  8. This story, just like many others will be shortly overtaken in the mainstream by another story. There are so many stories the last month, its hard to keep up anymore!

    Infotainment overload!!

  9. 10:59 Maybe you should review the footage for yourself, there was no way he could of gotten to his gun. What the hell does insultingly calling me a criminal or sex offender have to do with this issue??? Did you take your pills today? I am a proud gun owner and support the police but not in this case. I can not get the image of the splattered blood out of my head.

  10. White cops are being discriminated against and it's putting all our safety at risk.

  11. Ignores the white cop saving the black guy from committing suicide in NYC yesterday

  12. 11:03 has Hillary and old Obama stickers all over his "Cash for Clunkers" car!

    1. Very ignorant comment has nothing to do with the topic.

  13. If he was selling CD's I will bet my dinner that they were those pirated ones.Every town,big or small,has one or two of these guys who sell bootleg music and movies-and it is a Federal crime to boot but the cops do not notice that.


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