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Sunday, July 10, 2016

So You Want Free College, Eh?


  1. Get squared away before you go to college, because if you're not already, it probably won't happen in college.

  2. ALL millinials should serve.

  3. Military service should be mandatory precursor for free college. MANDATORY!

    1. Everyone should do two years of mandatory government service, no matter who your daddy is, and not assigned according to who your daddy is. Use SATs or some other measurement tools.

  4. My son served after High School. He's now attending welding school in Texas. Can't say it's been without issues. He has been through a lot. He served in Afghanistan for a year. There are things he will never forget some good a lot bad. Right now he's trying to better himself. That's all I can ask as a mother that he do his best.

    1. And to think we grew up in the same street playing basketball ball lol

  5. If everything is going to be free Military service should be mandatory.

  6. Some of us grew up, some of stayed the same, just pretending to have grown up.

  7. Who are these commenters?

    You actually believe this illegal and immoral government deserves the lives of our young adults?

    You believe these young people should fight corporate wars for profit?

    You believe these filthy wars have made our Nation more safe?

    You believe these filthy wars have made those middle east nations more safe?

    Most Iraqi's believe (know) they were far better off with Sadam Housein as their President - even though he worked for American interests.

    How many of you have viewed any of the several You Tube videos which show the nation of Lybia prior to the illegal war? It was clean, beautiful, and one of the more advanced nations in the middle east / Africa. It had a sophisticated water system. It had developed the Gold Dinar as a valuable currency.

    How many of your are aware of the influx of heroin in our Country now that Afghanistan is under US Military / Intelligence control? The Talmud Government was eradicating the poppies because they don't believe in drug usage. Now the poppy fields are "guarded" by US Military personnel.

    Mandatory military service is in fact slavery.
    Wake up people and smell the facism. This country is in deep trouble because so many of its citizens (YOU) are ignorant of history.
    Educate yourselves.
    Stop worshipping the US Government.
    It is not what you thought it was.
    It is evil incarnate.
    It is lying to all of us every single day.

  8. I still say some of you do not understand the circumstances in which some of the young people of this country grow up. Their hard working families don't always have a chance of paying for college, I know mine didn't. If I had gotten free college my life would be much better. Don't judge until you have walked a mile in someone else's shoes. Military is great for some but not cut out for others saying it should be mandatory is asinine.

  9. Taliban Government was destroying the poppies.

    Talmud is the Rabbinical writings of the 2nd century.

  10. Look at that D.I. Prime P.I. material .

    Thats a small package of dynamite there my friend........

    SEMP FI.


  11. Yea that small package of dynamite can't do squat in today's political military agenda. They won't let them fight some of these poor marines sent into situations not even allowed to load their weapon unless given a direct order!! WTF is that

  12. Bring the draft back and make men and women out of these whining babies.

  13. Some can do military service, others civilian service, but everybody does two years after high school. Service to country, a growth experience, a maturing experience.

  14. Some can do military service, others civilian service, but everybody does two years after high school. Service to country, a growth experience, a maturing experience.


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