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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Breaking News: Investigation Into Hillary Clinton's private email will be CLOSED.

Breaking News: Attorney General Loretta Lynch announces that the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server will be closed with no criminal charges. More: http://fxn.ws/29zAH5P


  1. It may be closed for now, but Clinton shouldn't sit back thinking she's all clear. That won't happen for a very long time. As long as it's not adjudicated and dismissed with prejudice or an acquittal, she could have this crop up on her at a later date. This is hyperbole on Lynch's part to make it look like she has made her final decision.

    Personally, I'm looking forward to see what Trump's administration will do with this situation. That's when due process will mean something again rather than this banana republic we're in right now.

  2. 634 nothing will happen. It's over.

  3. 639 Its not over. Perhaps you're not reading the articles coming out now. Just keep thinking it and one day, boom! It will be live again.

  4. Of course she did!! Did anyone expect anything different? They will all burn in hell!!

  5. I've noticed that no one has addressed the Clinton Foundation investigation. That's another big one that's looming and Clinton wants you to forget. Don't. You're not going to believe all the garbage in that investigation. It's just a huge complex web!

  6. 6:34
    You are spot on.

    Here is the actual situation: The elites (Clinton's bosses who fund her campaign and foundation) will use the threat of prosecution as leverage. She will now do exactly as she is told.

    It is always good (for the elites) to have a person who is compromised.

  7. After Hillary is elected I see four years of investigations. Been down this road before.

  8. 823 you are correct. Handlers like having dirt on their front person. It makes things so much easier to get done. Hillary Clinton is now an owned person who will have keepers, telling her what she can or cannot do from this point forward. She's actually screwed either way you look at it. If she loses, Trump's AG will surely resuscitate whatever information Comey has against her. If she wins, she will have her handlers telling her what for in while holding over her head the criminal charge possibility. Many knew about Bill's indiscretions when he was president and it dictated his movement and legislative focuses.

    Hence, this is one of the things I like about Trump because he lacks the history in the political circles to get much dirt slung at him. Oh, believe me, they're trying to fabricate issues like the whole racist meme which if frankly, tired, worn out, unoriginal scripting, but people see through this garbage fairly quickly. Even with all his faults, he still is much more truthful about his stances and personal opinions. He doesn't appear to placate anyone else which is a good thing.

  9. All is NOT complete...Clinton Foundation and many more will come forward as they always do. No, this isn't over at all.

  10. Anyone who thinks she will be charged with anything, is sadly mistaken. The system is broken and there's nothing we can do. She's been chosen to be president, and, come November, she will be. Voting is worthless. It's already been decided.

  11. 838 It never started. It's been over the day bill won the election.

  12. To both 917s. It's very disturbing that you both seem to have lost any hope or faith in the people in this country. She's not going to prevail because not all corruption goes unscathed. Perhaps if you put a more positive attitude forth and concentrated on bringing people to justice rather than enabling through complicity, you would find things will change. I know, you both think that voting is 'worthless' but if that were true, the Republicans would have RINO Ted or Jeb. But instead, all those millions of extra Republican and Independent voters got Trump well beyond the number required to win his nomination. Even Opie Ryan had to fess up last night that Trump won solidly.

    So please quit all the doom and gloom and start being proactive rather than dejected. I know it sucks when criminals seem to get away with stuff we know people who've done far less have paid prices for; however, if we lay down and take it, we get what we've allowed.

    Buck up, buttercups. Tomorrow's a new day and there is always hope she'll screw up again and again and again. Hell, every time the woman opens her mouth she lies and we know a big mouth like Hillary Clinton just can't contain herself. So sit back and watch the fervor then think to yourself, November's a comin'!


  13. 9:26 I guess the first week of november will be a rude awaken for you! Don't fall too hard, dill hole!

    1. I seriously doubt it, 710. It's more like it'll be one for you. Why? Even people in my family who are Democrats absolutely refuse to vote for her. I also follow the numbers. Clinton's voting percentage is down by 27% from 2008. So is democrat voting for her.

      Now with Trump bringing in an additional 32% of new voters plus 70% of independents along with 80% of republicans with an escalation of Bernie's 22% voting for Trump, you're going to tell me he can't win?!

      Seriously. Are you smoking crack this early in the morning?

    2. name calling is so juvenile. That shows me even you don't believe your criminal candidate is winning.

  14. Lynch needs to be removed.
    In her mind, she gets to live


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