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Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Police Cleaning Up After Pigs

Are you serious?? There are prisons around here FULL of able bodied people and the police are doing this? Granted it needs to be done......but not by the police.....go out and mingle with the people NOT clean up the mess of the pigs. This would be great project for community service!

GO HERE to view the video.


  1. I agree with the article, put prisoners to work. they just lounge around in air conditioning bored to death. PLEASE

  2. Tells me I need an app for my IOS or Android , I have a phone in my house but no smart or I phone. Won't be viewing the video but thats ok because I would probably just get angry that our policemen are expected to clean up Hog slop.

  3. 2:16
    You should not need an app for this. Just click on the play button at the top of the screen. I view it fine on my home computer.

    1. Thanks staff - that did work for watching video.

      Now why can't those guys I see on the highways picking up road trash be doing this?

  4. Why not the residents clean it up? They are real good at making messes but just like the lazy slobs they are can't be bothered to clean it up. I wonder how many of the useless eaters from the projects over there showed up to help.

  5. serve and protect? isnt this serving?

  6. I think the police are trying to do a good thing and thank them. I am not knocking the police, but it peeves me to see police around the country kissing the back side of others to give the appearance of being good people. You are good people and do service forty plus hours a week. Wonder how many lazy people peeked out the curtain because you were in the hood.

  7. To make convicts do such work is "cruel & Inhumane" according to ACLU and Liberal Law Makers / Politians.

  8. It will be in the same condition a weeks from now , the residents in that area are trash.

  9. You are right 3:00. What a lazy useless specie they are. The PD shouldn't even have to worry about this because it should always be clean and tidy. There are enough parents running that mouth saying the kids don't have anything to do and this is why then end up thugs.
    They need "mentors" and "it takes a village." Stupid parents know how to make that baby but then want someone else to be a mentor and wants the village meaning everyone else to watch the kids and clean up their messes. Why are the residents along with their young people keeping the pond clean. The answer is it's because they are nasty disgusting people who have never evolved into civilized human beings and their actions and their words prove this day in and day out.

  10. If it's what it takes for public safety then absolutely yes they need to be side by side with the firefighters cleaning it up! I'm not sure of the circumstances here. But I can say if a truck full of pigs and poo overturned I'd expect them do be helping clean up! Get it done as fast as possible so the public can safely resume travel! Like a good paid public servant of safety should!

  11. Duncan needs to go Jake you are bleeding officers. Five left this last month Joe. When the hell will Jake and company wake up. Salisbury Police Department was a model agency years ago. Officers have left taking much lower wages. Wake up people something is wrong. SPD is not a social experiment it is a police force. We get paid to protect your ass not kiss it!!!!!!!!!!!! 3:53

  12. The people of that neighborhood throw all the tires and trash in the pond and then expect someone else to clean it up? I don't think that is right at all. Enough people live around there and they should be out there clearing and cleaning their own neighborhood. Are their arms and legs broken? I don't think so, they are plain lazy.

  13. So much for cops having to be in shape huh? Geez, now that's a belly!! Disgusting!!

  14. I'm on the side of having prisoners do this job or people who need to do their public service do the job. Police have their own job to do.

  15. 6:14
    I am not a cop and I don't know the one you condemn. But, I have known a lot of men twice the size of their opponent, beat them in a foot race or anything else. Size doesn't equal fitness, believe it or not. I do appreciate the one you speak of, I would not want to do his job. Thank you officers!

  16. We get paid to protect your ass not kiss it!!!!!!!!!!!! 3:53

    July 21, 2016 at 4:35 PM

    oh look, there's that assinine statement again. EMT's used to wear a tee shirt with that crap on it too. people who say and believe nonsense should not be in the profession they are in. you sound like you want to be exalted like a god for doing your job.

    perception matters.

  17. Why couldn't the local residents do this? In my neighborhood we take care of each other.

  18. For all those who dont agree with what they did, fine, disagree. But they were out there trying to help and extend the olive branch. Its bad enough that the news displays the police as heavy-handed. Why is it that you feel like you have to beat them down when they try to give back. You dont like that the neighborhood didn't pitch in, okay, I understand. But at least they were trying. Say thank you or leave them alone. How many of you woke up this morning and said I'll serve something bigger than myself?

    1. Exactly! !! That is the Salisbury way. Never help just complain and whine about EVERYTHING! !! Yet they continue to vote idiots to office. If they vote at all!!

  19. I do appreciate what they do and are doing, but I also think we need to use all the local inmates around here, like in other cities and states, let them work so the SPD can do the jobs they were hired to do.


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